Pastafarian wrote:mellie wrote:Just bear a little thought to what's being scaled at uni today, will be operating on our heads tomorrow.
Since you're supposedly a damn nurse, you are aware that the students do go out on practice before they get accredited?
..... Yes, and they make many many mistakes, especially those struggling with English, trying to learn the profession and our language at the same time.
Student services basically carry them through their course... they re-write their essays, hand them back to students, over and over again until it's polished, then they submit it as their own work.
I'm glad I'm out of the profession, quite a few of my friends who I studied with me went overseas, I went through with 2 kids under 5 when I did mine, so I stayed back. They went to Canada, the UK... where the pay and conditions are much much better.
Like our produce, the good stuff goes overseas, meanwhile, we get to suck eggs with imported antibiotic 2nd rate produce, you wouldn't feed to your pig if you saw what we send overseas for a fraction of the price.
My mums a nurse,(well was) though manages a community health care service now, and she's astonished with how half of them cant even do a simple dressing, or even maintain a sterile field.
Think i'm joking?
I'm not.