Just wait untill the isotropic quakes start.Super Nova wrote:[urlhttp://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/sign ... 126yq.html][/url]The more I look the scarier it gets.''I have long been something of a climate-change sceptic,'' wrote Michael Hanlon. (One commentator describes him as Britain's most influential sceptic.) ''But my views in recent years have shifted. For me, the most convincing evidence that something worrying is going on lies right here in the Arctic . . .
''I still believe climate change has probably been exaggerated, but after coming here it is impossible to maintain that nothing is going on.'' It's doubt, but not as we know it.
That should be pretty scary
As veteran British climate writer Fred Pearce observes, sceptics have a valid point when they say that climate predictions are far less certain than is often claimed. But ''those sceptics are dreadfully wrong to take comfort in this . . . There is chaos out there, and we should be afraid.''
What ... like move essential infrastructure higher than my predicted 97 metre ocean rise?Super Nova wrote:It is time to face our fears and do something.
I may be 203 metres/666 feet above current sea level but aquifers are going to be salinated so being 100 km inland still might not be good enough.
There's plenty of factors nobody seems to consider relevant.
For example melting glaciers and ice shelves will raise ocean levels, but everybody seems to forget water expands as it heats, so that raises the level again.