The road out of the pandemic

All things Health (including Viruses like Covid)
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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: The road out of the pandemic

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon May 11, 2020 3:28 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Thu May 07, 2020 6:08 pm
I predict it is a long way from being finished.
Agreed. 2/3rds of new infections are of a mutant strain, and there's at least 8 mutant strains I've been made aware of.
Those working on a CV19 specific vaccine are really just wasting time, because it probably won't work on Covid 12, 17, 48 and the other numbers I forget.
The pharmaceutical Cos consider a cure a poor investment, so the Gates Foundation has stumped up money to find a Pan-viral vaccine, which is what's required.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: The road out of the pandemic

Post by Juliar » Mon May 11, 2020 5:18 pm

The flu is not finished either but it hardly even gets a mention these days.

And the herd immunity doesn't work with the flu but it does with the much milder COVID-19 which is no more than a mild cold in a healthy person with a strong immune system due to taking plenty of vitamin C and D.

And the herd immunity is steadily painting the virus into a corner where it has nowhere to go except up the wall.

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Re: The road out of the pandemic

Post by Juliar » Mon May 11, 2020 6:45 pm

New Zealand to reopen for business as COVID-19 dies out.

Flights to resume between Oz and New Z.

It is enough to make a Lefty or Greeny or GetUp! Evangelist Virus DOOM Warrior feel unwell.

New Zealand's strict coronavirus restrictions to ease this week
By Melissa Clarke Posted 2hhours ago, updated 2hhours ago

Bars are among the last businesses to reopen in New Zealand

New Zealand will further ease its strict COVID-19 restrictions this week, allowing domestic travel to resume and the hospitality industry to re-open.

Key points:
Restaurants, shops, gyms and playgrounds will re-open from Thursday
People will be able to meet up with family and friends in groups of up to ten people
There are just 19 cases of coronavirus in new Zealand

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced that on Thursday, the country will drop to "Alert Level 2".​

That will mean restaurants, shops, gyms and playgrounds will re-open.​

People will be able to meet up with family and friends in groups of up to 10 people.​

Businesses will be required to keep staff at a distance from one another and schools will gradually re-open from May 18.

Having been completely shut down during the height of New Zealand's restrictions, restaurants and cafes will now be able to serve seated customers again, with a maximum of 10 people at a table.​

However, bars will remain closed for another week.​

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says there are only 19 active cases of COVID-19 in the country, with just two people in hospital.​

"We went hard and we went early," she said.​

"We got control of the virus and we are now in a position where we can ease those controls and open up our economy."​

However, Ms Ardern has warned that social measures to reduce the risk of transmission remain important.​

"That means continuing our strong border controls, hand hygiene and physical distancing, which have and will continue to be our primary wall of defence against [COIVD-19]."

Read the end of the Virus here​ ... 9/12234940

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Black Orchid
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Re: The road out of the pandemic

Post by Black Orchid » Mon May 11, 2020 7:18 pm

Opening up flights between Aus and NZ is a mistake. There will be a second wave.

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Re: The road out of the pandemic

Post by Juliar » Mon May 11, 2020 7:53 pm

Why ? As both Oz and NZ are virtually free of the virus due to herd immunity then what can happen ?

International flights would bring in every disease known and unknown on the planet.

Thank the Lord Above that Labor did not get in and RESTART the BOATS !!!!

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Black Orchid
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Re: The road out of the pandemic

Post by Black Orchid » Mon May 11, 2020 8:13 pm

We are still seeing new cases daily, albeit they are reducing, and we won't even know the extent of herd immunity until the majority of the population is tested for antibodies.

They say at least 70% of the population needs to have protective immunity either from natural infection or vaccination in order to claim herd immunity. We don't know how many in the population have been infected and asymptomatic. Optimistic guessing is just that. Guessing.

NSW relaxed its social distancing laws over the weekend and people crammed into shops and shopping centres like sardines! Jam packed cramming! If people weren't so stupid we may have been ok but because too many are inherently stupid I think we will be struck down by a second wave.

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Re: The road out of the pandemic

Post by Juliar » Mon May 11, 2020 8:38 pm

But BO the COVID-19 virus is just a mild cold for healthy people with a strong immune system and so the herd immunity grows quickly and that is what the Health People are advising ScoMo.

How many people have you seen with the virus ? ie coughing and overheated ?

Elderly and sick people are very vulnerable and the virus will kill them.

So it is all go again as ScoMo pilots Australia to recovery much to the disappointment of the Union and Greeny puppet anAl.

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Re: The road out of the pandemic

Post by Black Orchid » Mon May 11, 2020 9:10 pm

The health advisors aren't infallible. Look at how badly their handling of the Ruby Princess debacle was in NSW and how many people died from their incompetence?

It all depends on how sensible people are as we are opening up and many people proved this weekend that they have absolutely no sense or respect for others.

I guess we will just have to wait and see but if we are struck by a second wave the restrictions that will ensue will be a lot worse than what we have now.

I know one person who has had it and, yes, it was very mild but that doesn't mean that people with mild symptoms or who are asymptomatic can't pass it on to others who are vulnerable.

We need to start testing ALL of us for antibodies.


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Re: The road out of the pandemic

Post by Juliar » Tue May 12, 2020 10:53 am

And I told y'all so. Now it is official.

Coronavirus: Low levels of vitamin D linked to mortality
John Elder 10:00pm, May 11, 2020 Updated: 8:33pm, May 11

Vitamin D may have a role in suppressing the deadly over-reaction of the immune system that has killed many people. Photo: Getty

Global data from the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed a strong correlation between severe vitamin D deficiency and mortality.

The deficiency appears to trigger the cytokine storm (an over-reaction of the immune system) that has killed many COVID-19 patients.

Turning that around, the researchers from Northwestern University say that vitamin D strengthens innate immunity and prevents overactive immune responses.

The researchers suggest their findings “could explain several mysteries, including why children are unlikely to die from COVID-19.”

How did they reach this conclusion?
According to a statement from the university, the researchers were “inspired” to examine vitamin D levels after noticing unexplained differences in COVID-19 mortality rates from country to country.

Some people hypothesised that differences in healthcare quality, age distributions in population, testing rates or different strains of the coronavirus might be responsible.

Read here to see how low Vitamin D is making you sick ... -d-health/

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Re: The road out of the pandemic

Post by sprintcyclist » Tue May 12, 2020 12:05 pm

Juliar wrote:
Tue May 12, 2020 10:53 am
And I told y'all so. Now it is official.

Coronavirus: Low levels of vitamin D linked to mortality
John Elder 10:00pm, May 11, 2020 Updated: 8:33pm, May 11

Vitamin D may have a role in suppressing the deadly over-reaction of the immune system that has killed many people. Photo: Getty

Global data from the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed a strong correlation between severe vitamin D deficiency and mortality.

The deficiency appears to trigger the cytokine storm (an over-reaction of the immune system) that has killed many COVID-19 patients.

Turning that around, the researchers from Northwestern University say that vitamin D strengthens innate immunity and prevents overactive immune responses.

The researchers suggest their findings “could explain several mysteries, including why children are unlikely to die from COVID-19.”

How did they reach this conclusion?
According to a statement from the university, the researchers were “inspired” to examine vitamin D levels after noticing unexplained differences in COVID-19 mortality rates from country to country.

Some people hypothesised that differences in healthcare quality, age distributions in population, testing rates or different strains of the coronavirus might be responsible.

Read here to see how low Vitamin D is making you sick ... -d-health/
Thanks Juliar - so my nude gardening is beneficial.

Felt quite good at the time
Right Wing is the Natural Progression.

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