Why the world is rooted.

America, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world
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The Reboot
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by The Reboot » Wed Feb 05, 2020 12:41 am

brian ross wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2020 9:23 pm
The Reboot wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2020 3:41 pm
billy the kid wrote:
Tue Feb 04, 2020 1:36 pm
Apparently WHO is just another arm of...you guessed it... the UN
Yep. That's why it came as no surprise to me that they sat on their butts and twiddled their thumbs.. or were they sitting back and watching the destruction from afar? :lol:
The WHO got it's fingers burnt quite badly when declared the Swine Flu outbreak as a global emergency. I'm actually glad they are being more cautious. I could just imagine what you'd be saying if they decided to declare this early as a pandemic... :roll :roll
You can "imagine" all you like. In fact, that just about sums up your life anyway. It's no surprise you jumped in to white-knight one of UN's agencies, though, and that you commend them on doing nothing while a life-threatening virus spreads across the globe. I'm surprised you haven't found a way to blame Trump or America for it.

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:03 am

https://www.zerohedge.com/health/gordon ... oronavirus

Yep, the WHO is doing a great job...or so we the peasants, are led to believe....
Over 400 deaths, over 20,000 reported cases and still rising....
The Wuhan mayor said that about 5 million people left the city before the quarantine was imposed...
Not an pandemic...no...everythings going to be just fine.....stop worrying says the WHO.
China has been lying about this from day one, and will continue to lie...
"Local Chinese authorities have just lost the ability to pick up corpses due to a breakdown in
Breakdown in Government...that rings a bell...governments are incompetent worldwide...
Maybe its time for a new system......
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Wed Feb 05, 2020 1:24 pm

https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/healt ... 44b8cba231

It just gets worse doesn't it....I wonder if any government has pondered the thought of travellers leaving China, going
to say Bali, staying a few days, then boarding a plane to say Australia...they land in Australia within the incubation
period and unknowingly spread the virus..(if they have it...)
This would be happening world wide...travellers leave China, go to a destination...stay there..then continue their
travel...as they are not embarking from China they travel into their homeland unhindered....
The mind boggles...….
The hit song by The Who (WHO) comes to mind..."We Wont get fooled again..".....of course we will...if China is doing the fooling...
Words to the song are typically appropriate...I wont post them..... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by The Reboot » Wed Feb 05, 2020 3:54 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Wed Feb 05, 2020 11:03 am
Yep, the WHO is doing a great job...or so we the peasants, are led to believe....
Over 400 deaths, over 20,000 reported cases and still rising....
It's doing a great job on doing fuck all. That's about it. :lol:

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Wed Feb 05, 2020 4:13 pm

https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ ... tail-virus

Nothing to see here folks...move along....just a few people being gaoled inside their own homes....
Wont be able to go to the shops for a while....might have to eat stewed rat...or snake soup....
maybe fry a dog or two.....I read somewhere it tastes great with a slice of lemon or three....
...maybe a side of fries...... :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Feb 06, 2020 11:15 am

https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ ... oronavirus

Lengthy article about how the peasants are being lied to by the elites...nothing changes...
..same shit...different depth...
Goebbels (although attributed to him but never proven) once said "tell a lie often enough
and they will believe it.."...or words to that effect.
Perhaps irrelevant if he said it or not...the significance is that the statement itself is probably
China will continue to lie about the corona virus...politicians will continue to tell us
everything is ok...that's what they do....lie....
Can anyone in Australia honestly tell me that if scumo came out and said "everything
is going to be ok...we have this under control.....etc etc...…" ..would you believe him...
Can anyone honestly say that they have the utmost of confidence and faith, trust and belief
in Marise Payne when she stands up in parliament with assurances to the peasants of the
governments actions.....
...would you believe her..... :rofl
I noticed at the mall yesterday a few people wearing face masks....
There have been cases of people being admitted to the Gold Coast hospital with the virus....
I think I'll stay at home today.... :giggle
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by The Reboot » Thu Feb 06, 2020 12:48 pm

Lies are a powerful form of magic; they can mislead large groups of people into making terrible errors, as well as cause them to be blind to the obvious. Lies make people hurt themselves while thinking they are helping themselves. It is a truly dark and horrific act of sorcery.
That was the opening paragraph of that article.. brilliant. It applies to the scourge that is politics and the scumbags in politics. The problem is, those of us who don't believe, and don't align ourselves with "sides" or "parties" are few and far between. Politicians capitalize on the sheeple's stupidity to get in power.. and guess what? People still believe their BS! I've heard, throughout my entire life, "How do you tell if a politician is lying? They open their mouths." And, "Oh, we elect them into power yet they do nothing." Every time there is an election, be it federal or state. People don't learn, the whole system needs a shake up but would the stupid majority support that? Nope. They'll act like children because they align themselves with parties and "wings" the way people do when it comes to football teams.

1) If they are trying to overtly downplay the seriousness of the event while lying about the facts involved, it tells me that the event is a legitimate threat and it will probably get worse as time passes.

2) If they all push the same false narrative and talking points it tells me that this is an organized effort paid for by a larger party with extensive resources.
This is an interesting theory, and makes a lot of sense. "Oh, don't worry, it's okay. There's nothing to fear, the WHO said so." :roll:
The phrase “conspiracy theory” is usually exploited as a way to dismiss facts and evidence without consideration on the basis that the official story is the only story that has any validity. In other words, the official story requires no justification because the authorities are infallible and always have our best interests at heart.
Yep. It's the best way to discredit and defame somebody. That's not to say ALL conspiracy theory is conspiracy fact. I.e, the "flat earth" theory.
Now, social media companies are taking action to remove people who try to document the facts of the virus and its potential source in the name of "stopping fake news". Anyone who questions the official narrative is not only a "conspiracy theorist" but also a "danger" to the public. This narrative is supported by US government officials:

"These lies can cause immediate and tangible harm to people, and the platforms must act to stop them from spreading," House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone Jr. (D-N.J.) said in a statement to The Hill. "It’s critical that Americans receive verified, trustworthy information about the coronavirus and heed the advice of our country’s public health officials as we learn more about its potential impact here at home..."
Using the "everyone I don't like is Hitler" mentality, this reeks of tactics adopted by the Nazis.

Now tell me, why in the entire history of our world, the Nazis are looked at as the epitome of evil and control, when our beloved China is on the same level? It amuses me that the resident charlatan never comments on say, the way China treats its Muslims. It seems his only gripe is with white people who express an opinion that is "sinophobic" but China implementing a "Islam is banned" policy is a-okay. I guess it's because "culture". :giggle

I'm not sticking up for the Nazis. I'm only stating that they aren't the only ones in our history to practice brainwashing authoritarian tactics. Indeed, Germans are still paying for the sins of the past, as we do here in regard to our boongs. The death and destruction of communism, WW1 and WW2 respectively, gets overlooked. When referring to the evils of the world, it is drummed into our head that it is the holocaust. What of the commie gulags? How often do you hear criticism of that?

I believe the reason for this is because the Nazis revered "white power". This was a perfect stepping stone for the politically correct movement decades later, which we are now facing. The Nazis are also a scapegoat, so unthinking peasants don't see that our modern society adopts their tactics and we believe everything they say. They are good and infallible. :roll:
The facts are the facts, and if the facts suggest a conspiracy, then so be it. Only 20 miles away from the market in question stands the LARGEST Level 4 Biohazard Lab in Asia, which studies directly into the world's deadliest pathogens including SARS and coronavirus. In 2017, experts warned that a virus could escape the labs in Wuhan because of lax containment standards. To put this in perspective, it would be like an Ebola outbreak striking the city of Atlanta and then blamed on a food market only 20 miles from the CDC. It looks suspicious...

Last year, Chinese researchers were dismissed from a Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, Canada without public explanation, but the same lab was exposed last year for sharing deadly virus samples with China, including Ebola and henipavirus. One of the Chinese researchers work focus was the SARS virus. Media and government attention in Canada at the time of the scandal was on concerns that the lab in Winnipeg was supplying viral samples that would be used in China's biowarfare programs.

According to a paper published by virologists in India, the coronavirus genetic code also contains proteins that are exactly like those found in HIV. Interestingly, coronavirus patients have been shown to respond positively to drugs that are meant to treat HIV and AIDS carriers. Through official pressure the paper has now been retracted and the authors have said they will “revise it". But, the whole point of peer review is for the data to be examined by others in the field and then proven or disproven. If the data can be reproduced, then it needs to be taken seriously.

This is not what the CDC and other official institutions on disease study want. They seem intent on dismissing any information outright that suggests the coronavirus might have been made in a lab rather than in nature.

If true, the chances of coronavirus containing protein combinations identical to HIV in nature are astronomical, meaning, the virus was engineered. If the virus is proven to be engineered, then this makes future narratives and propaganda harder to implement. For example, it will be much harder to blame the pandemic on "global warming" if the virus was created by a bunch of guys in lab coats rather than in nature.

To repeat the facts, Wuhan is a hub for China's largest biohazard labs and these labs are suspected by biological warfare experts of being involved in bioweapons testing. Until there is more independent examination of the virus (the original strain before mutation), no one knows for certain what the source is.

The mainstream media has been very aggressive in denying any links to bioweaponry, claiming that there “is no evidence” linking Wuhan's labs to the virus; yet, there is FAR MORE evidence of the involvement of the biohazard labs than there is evidence proving that the virus originated an animal market. They have simply decided that the animal market story is the tale they prefer, and so it has become the official story.
This is very good info to support the "conspiracy theory".
The disinformation campaign seems designed to hide the true source of the virus, but also to keep the masses lethargic and inactive. We are meant to sit and wait while the virus and the potential economic catastrophe runs us over. Do not fall for the con; prepare accordingly, and never accept what lying governments and mainstream media outlets tell you as the whole truth. It is better to take precautions you might not need than to be found very stupid and desperate down the road because the "experts" told you it was all hype.
Well, I'm not worried. I live in a sleepy beachside town in WA, with little "diversity". Read: no filthy chinks. There's a couple of filthy Indonesian Muslims, an Indian lass with kids (she's a lovely lady, it's the seedy men that are the problem with curry-munchers) but overall they are harmless.

I like living in the country. None of these foreign invaders want to live there. They wanna make it big (leech off the gov) in the big cities. :lol:

Those living in cities though, be careful. Particularly those in Sydney which houses a lot of "diversity".

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Feb 06, 2020 1:14 pm

Good post Reboot...
I was beginning to think that my concerns about the virus were becoming somewhat repetitive and tedious, but
with developments occurring on almost a daily basis, one has to think that this is far from over.
Qantas has announced that from February 9th all flights from China will be cancelled.
(Cant find a link on this..someone correct me if Im wrong...)
Too little too late...one might say the horse has already bolted....
Many of us were calling for this to occur weeks ago, but everyone sat on their hands...
A bit like Nero fiddling while Rome burnt...
The media will continue to downplay the seriousness of the worldwide problem which extends not
only to the dangers to all human beings, but the effect it is going to have on worldwide economies.
And they continue to disregard the possibility/plausibility that this is a bioweapon...
This is probably not going to have any effect on the US/China trade wars...they will continue..

And meanwhile, may I digress for a moment and mention that South Africa is in a mess worsened by
a recent announcement by their Police Minister of an amnesty, seeking all gun owners to hand in
their guns...
This is in preparation for their operation Uhuru...the long planned genocide part of their
National Democratic Revolution...
https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/south- ... r-weapons/

The world is indeed rooted....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Thu Feb 06, 2020 6:33 pm

https://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-u ... 35a3bae06a

Dexter Dutton says isolated mining camps and hotels will be considered to house thousands of evacuees....
Sounds like Dexter is clutching at straws a bit....
The scene in "A Few Good Men" comes to mind where Jack Nicholson suggests that Tom Cruise is pinning the hopes
of two marines on trial for murder on "footlockers and phone calls...." :rofl
Mining camps...hotels... :rofl
Meanwhile, back at the ranch a Qantas worker has been punted for not cleaning one of Joyces jets...
Apparently they thought all the workers needed was a face mask and everything was cool bananas...
He jacked up and was punted for his objections...apparently a face mask is all you need when working on a
jet which may or may not have the corona virus on board/which you may or may not be infected with if you
touch or don't touch..which may or may or infect your clothes...
And Qantas will suspend all flights from China starting Feb 9...…..why is that pray tell....
Needless to say the TWU boss is demanding the worker be reinstated....a strike may be forthcoming methinks...…
What a fkn mess......its like the blind leading the blind....a bloody circus...…
Im just waiting for the performing seals to come in.....or are they here already.....Scumo and Dexter and the big
red headed heap....she might be the bearded lady who may have had a shave..... :rofl :rofl :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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The Reboot
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by The Reboot » Fri Feb 07, 2020 5:41 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Thu Feb 06, 2020 6:33 pm
the big
red headed heap....she might be the bearded lady who may have had a shave.....
Manrise Payne was better off as defence minister. She would have made a much more effective "weapon of mass destruction" than any tech or weaponry the Australian army has on hand. :rofl

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