Aboriginal Australia

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brian ross
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Re: Aboriginal Australia

Post by brian ross » Fri Apr 26, 2019 1:47 pm

The Reboot wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2019 12:52 am
brian ross wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 11:23 pm
The Reboot wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 7:52 pm
"We owe them."

Like fuck :rofl

The only people I owe is my parents for raising me. I refuse to be forced to accept the blame for shit that happened years ago that had fuck all to do with me.
Yet you and all other Australians benefit from what was done to the Indigenous Australians, Reboot. You refuse to acknowledge what occurred and you refuse to pay them back for what was done to them. Oh, dearie, dearie, me, another person who refuses to accept the reality of what White settlement did in Australia. Genocide, theft of land, destruction of tribes, destruction of families, destruction of culture and religion. All crimes which the Australian Government has accepted and decided to do something in restitution for. Yet, you refuse to accept that it happened? Oh, dearie, dearie, me. :roll:
As it is, in this day and age, we have specialist services tailored specifically to Aboriginals. Hell there's an "Aboriginal mental health first aid" course that I had to complete, that detailed the differences between psychosis and "culture" (hallucinations vs "talking to spirits").

I work in human services and had a fella who spent eight years in jail, whiter than a ghost, explain to me that whilst in jail he had the luxury of gaining qualifications for free due to having Aboriginal blood -- a privilege that white men in prison have to pay for, he added.

The government needs to stop bending over and start treating people equally. We are constantly inundated with preaching and bitching about "equality" when in reality our situation is Nazism in reverse.

Quoting a bible verse now: "The meek shall inherit the earth".
How about you try: "It is better to be humble in spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud." Proverbs 16:19. It might do you some good, Reboot... :roll:
Pffft. I never said I didnt accept that it happened. Oh dearie dearie me, provide evidence where I said that, you twat. :roll:
You implied it by your refusal to accept responsibility, Reboot. I apologise if I misunderstood your position. Your refusal to accept responsibility is however interesting. Are you prepared to hand over all the wealth that you, personally have benefited from through the dispossession of the Indigenous Australians? If you aren't how does that make you any different from those who were personally responsibility for what occurred?
I am well aware, thanks to goody goody two shoes like yourself, in addition to general education, that it happened. I don't deny that.
Yet you appear unashamed at what occurred. :roll:
However - and this is what you retards don't seem to comprehend - *I* wasn't personally responsible for their demise. Should I and countless others take the blame and responsibility for shit that happened years ago simply because we have white skin? For somebody who claims to be so holier than thou in intellectualism, you're not very bright are you? I have walked down the main drag of Kalgoorlie and been abused for not giving these wretches money or cigarettes. I had also witnessed one jerking off in public, and another pissing on somebody's car in the Woolworths carpark.
What individuals do is not germane to this debate, Reboot. You appear happy to live on ill-gotten gains. Consider who gave those gains and their circumstance. Was it fair? I don't believe so. We cannot undo what occurred but we can make amends. We can help them to overcome the problems that we, as a society and as a nation have caused them. We can make reparations.
I agree with the notion cods and BO put forward - the past is the past. Nothing is ever gonna change positively if you cling to the past.
No one is "clinging to the past." What is required is for people to acknowledge the past and then to move on and help repair the effects of past decisions, nothing more. We don't need people saying, "Oh, that was in the past! I wasn't responsible for what occurred." Problem is, you continue to profit from the decisions made in the past, Reboot... :roll:
Interestingly I spoke to an Aboriginal lady once who claimed to despise Aboriginal corporations. The reason being, "they aren't interested in helping the poor and impoverished. They're just in it for the money."

A common complaint which could be levelled at any organisation be they white or black, Reboot. Be it the politicians, the Big End of town, the Unions or anybody else. The point is, you need to accept responsibility for what occurred and help to seek to put it right, today.
Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. - Eric Blair

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The Reboot
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Re: Aboriginal Australia

Post by The Reboot » Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:45 pm

You implied it by your refusal to accept responsibility, Reboot. I apologise if I misunderstood your position. Your refusal to accept responsibility is however interesting. Are you prepared to hand over all the wealth that you, personally have benefited from through the dispossession of the Indigenous Australians? If you aren't how does that make you any different from those who were personally responsibility for what occurred?
I'm not prepared to hand over my wealth to anybody regardless of any circumstances, Bwiny. I still stand by the fact that I wasn't responsible, as most people in this day and age aren't. *We* weren't the ones who committed those atrocities. Most of us just want to live our own private lives and be left to our devices. Besides, I and many other taxpayers are "paying it back" via our tax money being funnelled into the Aboriginal specific services, money that I could actually do something productive with rather than support some stinky fuck's petrol sniffing habit.
If anybody capitalizes off of shit that happens in the past, it's the modern day Abo in jail who gets free education while people of white descent have to pay with a shitty $2 a day they earn in prison. Go figure. How much more do they want? How much more do you expect they should get? Will you sell off your livelihood and assets and put it in their coffers just because you feel guilty about events that happened 500 years ago? :roll: Will you live on the street, give up your home, sacrifice your children for your brainwashed guilt?
What individuals do is not germane to this debate, Reboot. You appear happy to live on ill-gotten gains. Consider who gave those gains and their circumstance. Was it fair? I don't believe so. We cannot undo what occurred but we can make amends. We can help them to overcome the problems that we, as a society and as a nation have caused them. We can make reparations.
Lesson one: Life isn't fair, and that's an issue that goes far beyond race. The government has been making trying to make amends, via our taxpayer money but that only goes so far. At the end of the day its the personal responsibility of the Abos to help themselves. Give up the drink. Give up the petrol sniffing. Stop living as though you come from a third world African country when what you are given is for nothing. But no, many of them like to play the victim and will keep leeching for as long as naive little pansy boys advocate this behaviour. I don't see why my hard earnt money should support this out of some misplaced guilt complex that the government and individuals such as yourself try to force onto me.
Yet you appear unashamed at what occurred. :roll:
Damn straight. I wasn't there and I'm not taking responsibility for shit that I didn't do just to score some moral brownie points.
No one is "clinging to the past." What is required is for people to acknowledge the past and then to move on and help repair the effects of past decisions, nothing more. We don't need people saying, "Oh, that was in the past! I wasn't responsible for what occurred." Problem is, you continue to profit from the decisions made in the past, Reboot... :roll:
Hahaha, move on? Cause from where I'm sitting, the victim complex has only gotten worse. Now we have Aboriginals marching down waving "BLM" signs, as if they think they are African Americans.
I profit from my own decisions. I could very easily be a dole bludging victim screaming poverty and mistreatment from government services and society as a whole. I may not be black, but I am a gay woman. I could really go to town on that, sweetheart. But I don't -- despite my hatred for how society is run, and how people act as a whole, and the "system" I continue on with my daily life and help myself because hey... responsibility is to the responsible. Not this "Oh that happened billions of years ago, to people that don't even exist now but hey, race is involved so we have to pay for it for the rest of our lives because we have a different skin colour." :roll: You are a reverse racist and you practice reverse Nazism and you, like many others, have missed the point completely. It's quite hilarious, watching the world carry on like this.
A common complaint which could be levelled at any organisation be they white or black, Reboot. Be it the politicians, the Big End of town, the Unions or anybody else. The point is, you need to accept responsibility for what occurred and help to seek to put it right, today.
I don't have to do shit, and I certainly don't need a know-all-fuck-all like you telling me how to think. I have my views, as you have yours. Deal with it.

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Black Orchid
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Re: Aboriginal Australia

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:53 pm

You appear happy to live on ill-gotten gains
That one is a hoot :b

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brian ross
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Re: Aboriginal Australia

Post by brian ross » Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:06 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:53 pm
You appear happy to live on ill-gotten gains
That one is a hoot :b
Why Black Orchid. Remember, you live on land stolen from the Indigenous Australians. Pay the rent is what I'd suggest.

Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. - Eric Blair

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Black Orchid
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Re: Aboriginal Australia

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:12 pm

I pay plenty in tax. How much of your "ill gotten gains" do you pay to them for rent?

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Re: Aboriginal Australia

Post by Nicole » Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:15 pm

I see you’ve ducked Reboot Brian. Is that because she’s scrambled the neurons in your brain?

Woman = victim
Gay = victim
Abo = victim

What to do, what to do? Which victim trounces which in lefty land?

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brian ross
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Re: Aboriginal Australia

Post by brian ross » Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:23 pm

The Reboot wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:45 pm
You implied it by your refusal to accept responsibility, Reboot. I apologise if I misunderstood your position. Your refusal to accept responsibility is however interesting. Are you prepared to hand over all the wealth that you, personally have benefited from through the dispossession of the Indigenous Australians? If you aren't how does that make you any different from those who were personally responsibility for what occurred?
I'm not prepared to hand over my wealth to anybody regardless of any circumstances, Bwiny.
Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Look, run along back to your little kiddies' playground where you can roll in the mud all day long, Reboot. When you spell my name correctly, I might bother talking to you. :roll:
I don't have to do shit, and I certainly don't need a know-all-fuck-all like you telling me how to think. I have my views, as you have yours. Deal with it.
That is your choice. a very, very, selfish choice, IMO, Reboot. When the Government comes a'knockin', you might have to answer their call... :roll:
Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. - Eric Blair

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brian ross
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Re: Aboriginal Australia

Post by brian ross » Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:24 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:12 pm
I pay plenty in tax. How much of your "ill gotten gains" do you pay to them for rent?
As "Nicole" knows, I maximise my tax, Black Orchid. I earn more than sufficient for me and my family to live on. What about you, Black Orchid, how much are you hiding from the Revenuers? :roll:
Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. - Eric Blair

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brian ross
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Re: Aboriginal Australia

Post by brian ross » Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:26 pm

Mistress Nicole wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:15 pm
I see you’ve ducked Reboot Brian.
Have I, "Nicole"? I don't work to your schedule... :roll:
Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. - Eric Blair

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Re: Aboriginal Australia

Post by Nicole » Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:34 pm

brian ross wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:26 pm
Mistress Nicole wrote:
Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:15 pm
I see you’ve ducked Reboot Brian.
Have I, "Nicole"? I don't work to your schedule... :roll:
Now you’ve responded, ducking the bulk of her issues.

And I don’t know that you maximise your tax. But yes, I’ve read you state that before.

I can’t believe anyone would be so stupid to be honest.

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