Now he just has to target the rest of the dole bludging left. ... c97b3b0127" onclick=";return false;
THE psychiatrist who once treated Sydney terrorist Khaled Sharrouf has had his office raided and files confiscated by Australian Federal Police investigating allegations of broader Disability Support Pension scam.
Psychiatrist Ishrat Ali treated Islamic State terrorist Sharrouf before he headed to Syria to join the terror cult.
Sharrouf was still drawing his fortnightly $766 disability pension cheque when he left Australia.
Yesterday, Dr Ali confirmed his office was raided by Federal Police officers in September 2013 after he filed an unrelated report a Sydney businessman was intellectually disabled to allow him to draw the DSP.
He claimed he signed off on reports that businessman Maan Charrouf was mentally disabled based on an assessment by psychologist Dr Joseph D’Silva, whose office was also raided.