I'm looking forward to February when my health fund will permit me to get a new pair of glasses.

The “moderate” Sydney hostage-taker Hojat al-Islam Muhammad Hassan Manteqi [‘Sheikh’ Man Haron Monis] changed his name to conceal that he is a cousin of Iran’s hardcore Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani, according to Tehran sources.
That may explain why he was playing “Sheikh”.
Just some disturbed refugee with a grudge?Manteqi was married to Zahra Mobasheri, a professor at Alzahra University, whose father, Habibollah Mobasheri, is a deputy head of Imam Sadeq University, the key academic institution for Iranian officials whose alumni includes much of the regime’s top cadre.
Wouldnt it be interesting if he were a patsy.5.56 NATO wrote:Doesn't matter a rats arse ,he was a muslim piece of shit terrorist and he was only the first because thanks to our law enforcement and security agencies have been on the ball and stopped dozens like him (who you would undoubtedly have excuses for) from acting.
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