Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by mellie » Sat Dec 20, 2014 11:51 am

No problems Skip, I'll just make sure I edit early in future.

I'm looking forward to February when my health fund will permit me to get a new pair of glasses.

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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by mellie » Sat Dec 20, 2014 2:35 pm

The “moderate” Sydney hostage-taker Hojat al-Islam Muhammad Hassan Manteqi [‘Sheikh’ Man Haron Monis] changed his name to conceal that he is a cousin of Iran’s hardcore Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani, according to Tehran sources.

That may explain why he was playing “Sheikh”. ... n-sources/

Furthermore, according to his murdered second wifes godfather, Noleen Pal met Monis at university in Australia.

If so, what were they both studying?

Given Moni's familial connections, could it be that he was being utilised/assisted by our own intelligence here in Australia until they figured out he was a loose cannon?

It seems, our authorities and our media dont wish to delve into Moni's true identity, who he really was back in Iran.

His eldest two children came to Australia in 2012 for their fathers 2nd marriage to Noleen Pal, who's academic past and career isn't clear either.

What we know is that Noleen Pal's parents built a house for Noleen and Monis behind their own property for them to live in, and when the relationship between Noleen and Monis soured, they threw him out and told him never to return due to him getting physical with Noleen. ... to-7275571

First wife back in Iran is an academic and has familial links to Iranian high officials and intelligence personnel. -----
Manteqi was married to Zahra Mobasheri, a professor at Alzahra University, whose father, Habibollah Mobasheri, is a deputy head of Imam Sadeq University, the key academic institution for Iranian officials whose alumni includes much of the regime’s top cadre.
Just some disturbed refugee with a grudge?

Somehow, I think theres much more to it than this.

Our own officials had better start talking, things just aren't adding up.
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by mellie » Sat Dec 20, 2014 3:07 pm

We know Monis met his ex-wife Noleen Pal (who was murdered) at university where she was studying forensic science.

What was Monis doing on campus I wonder?

So far, he's had 5 names.
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5.56 NATO
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by 5.56 NATO » Sat Dec 20, 2014 7:52 pm

Doesn't matter a rats arse ,he was a muslim piece of shit terrorist and he was only the first because thanks to our law enforcement and security agencies have been on the ball and stopped dozens like him (who you would undoubtedly have excuses for) from acting.
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by Rorschach » Sat Dec 20, 2014 8:21 pm

Yes we already have would be terrorist Muslims in gaol.
We have wannabe's in Syria.
We have this arsehole who had 14000 supporters on the Net wasn't it.
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by mellie » Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:12 pm

5.56 NATO wrote:Doesn't matter a rats arse ,he was a muslim piece of shit terrorist and he was only the first because thanks to our law enforcement and security agencies have been on the ball and stopped dozens like him (who you would undoubtedly have excuses for) from acting.
Wouldnt it be interesting if he were a patsy.

A government propagandist gone wrong!

Naaa, you are probably right, much easier to see him as a terrorist than some covert ASIO patsy gone wrong.


Lets run with that................................ :bike
Last edited by mellie on Sun Dec 21, 2014 3:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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5.56 NATO
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by 5.56 NATO » Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:12 pm

Lee Harvey Mohammad, nah, now just a dead arsed muslim terrorist fluffy bunny ..only 1.5 billion to go :thumb
Muslims..fucking the world up one country at a time for 1500 years

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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by mellie » Sun Dec 21, 2014 4:47 pm

Now to conclude ....


Read the youtube comments...

Your thoughts?
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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:42 pm

As long as Muslims remain in this country they will continue with such antics.

Meanwhile we have a hoarde of would be Jihadis wanting to join Satanic Snake or Jabba the Nursie, but rather than letting them go so they don't target us, our govt cancels their passports, and then needs to spend a $#!+load for ASIO and Police to do surveilance on them. Not real smart our pollies.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Islamist extremists seize hostages in central Sydney

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Dec 22, 2014 4:42 pm

As long as Muslims remain in this country they will continue with such antics.

Meanwhile we have a hoarde of would be Jihadis wanting to join Satanic Snake or Jabba the Nursie, but rather than letting them go so they don't target us, our govt cancels their passports, and then needs to spend a $#!+load for ASIO and Police to do surveilance on them. Not real smart our pollies.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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