DrMattus wrote:skippy wrote:So this guy is demanding an ISIS flag and talk with Abbott.
These are not the demands of organised terrorism. These are not the demands of a politically motivated man. This is just some crazy folk to has no idea what to do when the spotlight landed on him.
I mean this was a terrifying siege, no doubt. But let's be clear, this guy was no lashka e taiba. I'm glad he's dead and all, but let's not over react now.
Agreed, and as soon as he began making these odd demands, I knew he wasn't an organised terrorist, just an insane criminal.
Just some nutter acting out of desperation.
Theres a telling clue within his ABC national radio transcript where he accuses the Iranian government of taking his family hostage.
What I think he wanted in exchange for his pro-war anti Iranian propaganda on the ABC was for his family to be brought out to Australia.
Then on his website, and in court when he was facing sexual assault and murder charges, he accused our government and the Iranian government of conspiring together against him.
He was quite paranoid, and becoming increasingly radical and psychotic by the day, how he dropped off ASIOS watch list back in 2008 is a real mystery.
And how someone like this can be granted bail just leaves me gob-smacked.
Nerf, of course bart is circumcised, but thats not the issue...the issue is about how IQ's came be be.
And as for dick cheese IQ's...
You've gotta have Jatz with your cheese.

~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~https://g.co/kgs/6F5wtU