The Real Threat is not ISIS - Ebola

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Re: The Real Threat is not ISIS - Ebola

Post by Super Nova » Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:34 pm

Neferti~ wrote:People (including children) are in a panic. Why would children even know about Ebola unless they hear about it at school? You have more chance of dying from Salmonella poisoning ...... ... s_canberra
At the moment only. If this start to spread all over the world and the medical facilities and tracing processes start to be overwhelmed then I think that chance changes greatly.

Australia should be prepared and I think is at a very low risk. We could all move out to live with yogi until it is controlled.
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Re: The Real Threat is not ISIS - Ebola

Post by Neferti » Thu Oct 16, 2014 4:58 pm

Super Nova wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:People (including children) are in a panic. Why would children even know about Ebola unless they hear about it at school? You have more chance of dying from Salmonella poisoning ...... ... s_canberra
At the moment only. If this start to spread all over the world and the medical facilities and tracing processes start to be overwhelmed then I think that chance changes greatly.

Australia should be prepared and I think is at a very low risk. We could all move out to live with yogi until it is controlled.
I remember the AIDS panic in the 1980s. :roll

I did "research" Ebola and, apparently, it has been around since 1976! Why the panic now? who knows? Bird
Flu anyone? Lotsa BS by the media I think.

We need WW3 to get rid of the journalists. :bgrin

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Re: The Real Threat is not ISIS - Ebola

Post by Super Nova » Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:26 am

Solonoid wrote:5 Myths about Ebola. including the one about it going airborne: ... _post.html" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;"
Good and recent article Solonoid. Thanks.
Yes, the virus is mutating -- a recent paper in Science shows that more than 300 mutations have occurred. But what is now a virus that latches onto receptors outside endothelial cells lining the circulatory system won't change into one that can attach to the alveolar cells of the lungs. That's a genetic leap in the realm of science fiction.
I get that. What I am referring to is if I am in a closed area, have open skin (e.g mossie bits, an ulcer in the mouth or whatever) a coughing sufferer could spray water/mucus particle in the air, land on this open area and I get infected. It could land on a surface, live for 2 days and enter the cut on my hand. They are only talking about it being a true airborne pathogen. I accept it is not. however I am not convinced I could not catch it via an airborne transmission... not via the lungs like the others.

This is not discussed anywhere I have seen.
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Re: The Real Threat is not ISIS - Ebola

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Oct 17, 2014 1:12 am

Projectile vomiting = airborne pathogen

Wipe the sweat off your brow with the back of your arm or rub your eye= welcome to Ebola
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Re: The Real Threat is not ISIS - Ebola

Post by Neferti » Fri Oct 17, 2014 5:28 pm

Solonoid wrote:I think it is as simple as that :stay , airborne means being in the vicinity of a cough etc of an infected person. I had some other much more complicated scenario in my head-- which means nothing ,as I don't have a medical background.

Airborne transmission occurs when bacteria or viruses travel on dust particles or on small respiratory droplets that may become aerosolized when people sneeze, cough, laugh, or exhale. They hang in the air much like invisible smoke.
Hospital masks will be the next big thing.
I saw an Asian guy wearing a surgical mask down at the shops the other day, maybe the pollution was high in Canberra on that day or something? :rofl

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Re: The Real Threat is not ISIS - Ebola

Post by Super Nova » Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:09 pm

So they are BS'n us. If there is little to no risk on flights why this concern. My concerns appear to be valid otherwise why worry about those she was on a flight with.

"is said to have called an official at the CDC on Monday to report a light fever and was told she could board the plane."

This person who approved her flights was completely irresponsible.

"Frontier Airlines has said that it is notifying passengers on seven flights that they either flew with the nurse or on the same plane a day after she had disembarked. "

Why if the risk is so low as they say. I say Bull. Time to buy those full body condoms.

Ebola scare spreads to seven US flights

Last updated at 9:00PM, October 16 2014

Ms Vinson was escorted on a plane to Atlanta yesterday by men in full biohazard suits and one wearing just a shirt and trousers

Efforts to stop the spread of ebola in America have had to be expanded to include the passengers of up to seven domestic flights and the customers of a bridal shop in Ohio after a stricken nurse admitted that she might have felt symptoms days before she was placed in isolation.

Amber Vinson, 29, is one of two nurses who contracted the virus while treating Thomas Duncan, a Liberian who came to America last month and was eventually admitted to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, where he died last week.

Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C DC) have suggested that Ms Vinson and her colleague Nina Pham, 26, may have been infected in the two days after Mr Duncan was admitted to the hospital.

Ms Pham reported a fever last Friday and drove herself to hospital. Her ebola was diagnosed over the weekend.

Ms Vinson, who had travelled to visit family in Ohio and to plan her forthcoming wedding, is said to have called an official at the CDC on Monday to report a light fever and was told she could board the plane. The following morning she was admitted to hospital. Tests came back positive and the CDC began seeking to contact all 132 passengers who were aboard the flight she took from Cleveland to Dallas.

Yesterday, however, Chris Braden, who is leading a team of investigators in Ohio, told reporters that she might in fact have had mild symptoms on Friday. They are now seeking to contact travellers on the first flight the nurse took to Cleveland on Friday and everybody she came into contact with over the weekend, including people she met in a bridal store on Saturday.

Frontier Airlines has said that it is notifying passengers on seven flights that they either flew with the nurse or on the same plane a day after she had disembarked.

Amid mounting recriminations Ms Vinson was transferred to an infectious diseases hospital in Atlanta. She was escorted on a plane yesterday by men in full biohazard suits and one wearing just a shirt and trousers and carrying a clipboard. The man, widely dubbed “clipboard guy”, was said to be the “protocol supervisor”. ... 238946.ece
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Re: The Real Threat is not ISIS - Ebola

Post by Neferti » Fri Oct 17, 2014 6:33 pm

OK SN, I can see you have a real concern.

Sorry if I have appeared to be flippant .. but ....... don't let us get school children in Canberra in a PANIC about something that may never happen. These kids should just be being kids and not worry about Ebola. Teachers are bringing this to these kids' attention.

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Re: The Real Threat is not ISIS - Ebola

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Oct 17, 2014 7:23 pm

I'm not surprised that SN is worried.

He's a panic merchant over global warming when it hasnt happened for 18 years.
He would be shitting his pants over this.
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Re: The Real Threat is not ISIS - Ebola

Post by Super Nova » Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:21 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:I'm not surprised that SN is worried.

He's a panic merchant over global warming when it hasnt happened for 18 years.
He would be shitting his pants over this.
:rofl I was waiting for that connection.

I am not in a panic but would like to know the real risk.

They are trying to prevent panic by BS'n us all. That's my issue.

BYW, has anyone here ever travelled on a long distance flight with a plane full of Third Wold Nationals (TCN).

Did you ever check the state of the loo after being in flight only 2 hours. If you have... you will understand the risks I am on about. Dirty, dirty bas'ards.
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Re: The Real Threat is not ISIS - Ebola

Post by mantra » Sat Oct 18, 2014 2:52 pm

Super Nova wrote:[They are trying to prevent panic by BS'n us all. That's my issue.

BYW, has anyone here ever travelled on a long distance flight with a plane full of Third Wold Nationals (TCN).

Did you ever check the state of the loo after being in flight only 2 hours. If you have... you will understand the risks I am on about. Dirty, dirty bas'ards.
Toilets on planes would be buzzing with germs from spittle and other nasty discharges. Ebola mightn't be airborne, but if virulent mucas or something equally as nasty is on a tap or door handle and you inadvertently touch it - then touch your face for some reason or another, then it would easily be transmissible. Touching the wrong object at any international airport would be potentially dangerous.

Even the US with all their checks and balances are stuffing up. It looks like the Emory Hospital Georgia is going to the destination of those with Ebola now. Can they contain it there though? There are continuing errors in safety procedures.

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