So they are BS'n us. If there is little to no risk on flights why this concern. My concerns appear to be valid otherwise why worry about those she was on a flight with.
"is said to have called an official at the CDC on Monday to report a light fever and was told she could board the plane."
This person who approved her flights was completely irresponsible.
"Frontier Airlines has said that it is notifying passengers on seven flights that they either flew with the nurse or on the same plane a day after she had disembarked. "
Why if the risk is so low as they say. I say Bull. Time to buy those full body condoms.
Ebola scare spreads to seven US flights
Last updated at 9:00PM, October 16 2014
Ms Vinson was escorted on a plane to Atlanta yesterday by men in full biohazard suits and one wearing just a shirt and trousers
Efforts to stop the spread of ebola in America have had to be expanded to include the passengers of up to seven domestic flights and the customers of a bridal shop in Ohio after a stricken nurse admitted that she might have felt symptoms days before she was placed in isolation.
Amber Vinson, 29, is one of two nurses who contracted the virus while treating Thomas Duncan, a Liberian who came to America last month and was eventually admitted to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, where he died last week.
Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C DC) have suggested that Ms Vinson and her colleague Nina Pham, 26, may have been infected in the two days after Mr Duncan was admitted to the hospital.
Ms Pham reported a fever last Friday and drove herself to hospital. Her ebola was diagnosed over the weekend.
Ms Vinson, who had travelled to visit family in Ohio and to plan her forthcoming wedding, is said to have called an official at the CDC on Monday to report a light fever and was told she could board the plane. The following morning she was admitted to hospital. Tests came back positive and the CDC began seeking to contact all 132 passengers who were aboard the flight she took from Cleveland to Dallas.
Yesterday, however, Chris Braden, who is leading a team of investigators in Ohio, told reporters that she might in fact have had mild symptoms on Friday. They are now seeking to contact travellers on the first flight the nurse took to Cleveland on Friday and everybody she came into contact with over the weekend, including people she met in a bridal store on Saturday.
Frontier Airlines has said that it is notifying passengers on seven flights that they either flew with the nurse or on the same plane a day after she had disembarked.
Amid mounting recriminations Ms Vinson was transferred to an infectious diseases hospital in Atlanta. She was escorted on a plane yesterday by men in full biohazard suits and one wearing just a shirt and trousers and carrying a clipboard. The man, widely dubbed “clipboard guy”, was said to be the “protocol supervisor”. ... 238946.ece