Grendel wrote:Intervention should begin as soon as these children start school.
Fuck that. Put them in a funny farm with their equally fucked up mothers and the other fucked up shitheads. Why do we have to wait for them (cue Bryant) to murder many before we act. The mothers of these fuckers know all too well what criminal acts they are capable of, shit, they are even victim of it. They bleat about it after their little turds kill, and seek sympathy. Fuck you mother. Have your lunatic kid put away before he kills others because you have kept him hidden. In the real world, we put arseholes away, and mothers, your arsehole kids should not be exempt.
You hide and protect them, and when they bust loose you want sympathy.
Fuck yaz!
If we put every kid or adult too for that matter away that demonstrated some degree of mental illness, that or had a neurobiological disorder (Austism) golly, one in four people would be in an institution.
The trouble is, where do you draw the line?
And where would we find the space?
In this case, the mother was unwell too, so probably wasn't capable of taking steps to prevent this tragedy from occurring, was too busy being a "survivalist."
Mentally ill people generally lack both reason and insight, this and become consumed with other things, such as the mother becoming all too consumed with her guns and dooms-day garbage.
Where would have she found the time to take care of her troubled autistic son?
She was too busy polishing her guns preparing for the end of the world after all.
And the father of this boy didn't find this concerning?
The family and their local community all knew something wasn't quite right with this kid and his mother, but like China re- the pedestrians wearing blinkers walking past an injured child who had been hit on the road, they turned the other way.
If you want to blame someone/something, blame a sick society and it's social disintegration.
If you feel you need to take this one step further again, blame those who are responsible for social policy and who pass legislation enabling these unstable people to gain access to firearms to begin with.
I mean, who else can you blame?