I grew up in a staunch Labor family, but never voted Labor. Nor Liberal or National.
Actually when I did voluntarilly go on the electoral roll, I joined the Greens, and became a delegate to Qld state council for 5 years consecutively. Then resigned because vegetarians had gained a critical mass enabling them to use party resources to promote their veg nazi agenda of destroying Australia's cattle industry.
Well the last 2 generations of my family bred cattle. Herefords and Pole Herefords. And I have spent the best part of the last 14 years working in agriculture/small crops industries as farm labour or fruit picking, so can pick the vegetarian arguments to pieces, because of my own personal experience.
Anyway, getting to the point, you Tony were recently quoted by the Australian newspaper at the Melbourne Institute in an article titled 'Vision of things to come' (The Weekend Australian 3-4 November 2012) as such:
One of my biggest gripes with modern day government is over regulation. While I was quite critical of many things John Howard did, I must give credit where it due. He raised the tax free threshold from $5,000 to $10,000. He made pre-nuptual agreements legally binding. And he sent Australian military personel to sort out the Indonesians in East Timor.My vision is for a people who are freer, prouder and more prosperous
My current biggest gripe with federal government is Compulsory Superannuation.
I've never had any faith in it from day one when Paul Keating imposed it on us, and I'm still convinced its a scam.
Just the fact the rules keep being changed is proof enough of that.
As of June 30 2011 the Federal govt's superannuation liability to federal public servants was $145 billion.
As of June 30 2012 the Federal govt's superannuation liability to federal public servants is $235 billion.
This superannuation is supposed to be paid from the 'Future fund'.
As of June 30 2012 the Future fund contained $1.5 billion.
Australians have so far accumulated $1.4 trillion in superannuation, but 1/3rd of it is in self managed funds (SMF) because Australians typically have no faith in the companies running the funds. So the Gillard govt intends to change rules on SMFs prohibiting trustees putting their money into their own houses, and wants to confiscate accounts of $2,000 or less that have not been contributed to for 12 months or more. This is nothing more than Government sanctioned theft.
The age of entitlement to claim has been raised from 55 (as originally promised) to 65. The Old age pension entilement age is reputedly to be raised another 5 years, so one would assume the intention is to do the same again with superannuation.
Alot of people have to do unecessary paperwork because they need an ABN to get a job, because employers don't want the superannuation responsibility.
You Tony are better resourced than I to find out how many jobs abolition of compulsory super would generate, but if you meant:
... then abolition of Compulsory Super is a vote winner.My vision is for a people who are freer, prouder and more prosperous
You encouraged Australians to take out private health insurance with a rebate. You could do precisely the same thing with superannuation.