GST Changes?

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GST Changes?

Post by Neferti » Mon Oct 27, 2014 6:47 pm

Tony Abbott's proposed changes to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) are a necessary evil, the nation's public policy think tank says.

The Prime Minister said at the weekend the Government was ready to work with the states on changes to the tax, by either lifting the rate of the GST or broadening its base.

His comments sparked renewed debate about whether the GST should be changed.

The chief executive of the Grattan Institute, John Daley, backed Mr Abbott.

He said while changing the tax might be unpopular, it could generate as much as $14 billion a year.

"Given where we are, the alternatives are much worse," he said.

"We've seen what happens in Europe if governments let their budgets get out of control and stay out of control for a long time.

"It certainly looks as though governments across Australia are starting to realise that they have a problem, and increasing GST by broadening it or by lifting the rate is probably the least of all evils; given that they do need to fund an increasing number of services that the public is asking for."
More here. ... il/5845218

Australia has to pay the Credit Card bills that Krudd and Gizzard left us with. Sell the farm or raise the taxes?

Raising the GST will ensure that ALL Australians, who were given hand-outs by Kev and Jules (including themselves and Tony Abbott, etc) will now pay for the generosity of the GALP.

NOTHING IS FREE. When will the citizens realise this?

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Super Nova
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Re: GST Changes?

Post by Super Nova » Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:20 pm

Neferti~ wrote:NOTHING IS FREE. When will the citizens realise this?
Those that get handouts will vote for anyone that offers more handouts.

The problem is too many get handouts and over time become a major voting block. This is what is wrong in nearly every western country. What started out as a security blanket for the most unfortunate and deprived of our communities has become a lifestyle choice.

Hard working citizens realise this. The bludgers capitalise on this.

I have met people who never save for the future because they know the welfare state will look after them......

I met a really fat guy in Melbourne who was on a disability pension. He confessed he deliberately got fat and stays fat to keep the pension.

In the UK the Department and Work and Pensions is the largest single element of the economy. The largest government spending area. I bet Australia is the same. Handouts for all... why not.

Due to this the governments are looking at ways to attack our capital and savings next. maybe the bludger has it right and I am the fool. Working all my life so they can have a comfortable existence.
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Re: GST Changes?

Post by Neferti » Mon Oct 27, 2014 8:19 pm

Super Nova wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:NOTHING IS FREE. When will the citizens realise this?
Those that get handouts will vote for anyone that offers more handouts.

The problem is too many get handouts and over time become a major voting block. This is what is wrong in nearly every western country. What started out as a security blanket for the most unfortunate and deprived of our communities has become a lifestyle choice.
Lazy people produce lazy people. Welfare was for those who were in dire need, way back. Now people think it is their right to get handouts from those who pay the taxes.
Hard working citizens realise this. The bludgers capitalise on this.
and mostly they vote ALP or Greens. :D
I have met people who never save for the future because they know the welfare state will look after them......
IF you go back 50 years or so, the husband worked and the wife stayed home, looked after the children, house and garden. They bought a 3 bedroom house on a 25 year Mortgage and could manage to live relatively well on one income, with a vege garden, chooks and so forth, in suburbia. I doubt they even thought about "retirement" ... they would work until they could no longer work, I guess. Nobody had superannuation. Plus I think that via their taxes they paid a percentage on their income for a Pension when they got to 65.

This worked well for many, many years in Australia.

Females NEVER had Superannuation until Keating bought it in back in the 90s. Not all male occupations had it either. Everyone who is under about 40 now should have been saving for their retirement via Superannuation ALL their working lives.
I met a really fat guy in Melbourne who was on a disability pension. He confessed he deliberately got fat and stays fat to keep the pension.
So many people have become dependent on Government hand outs and, because it has been so easy, they now EXPECT to be paid for doing nothing. Why work when you can survive on a Government hand out? Easy to get a few dollars extra (cash in hand). Some people make a career of avoiding work!
In the UK the Department and Work and Pensions is the largest single element of the economy. The largest government spending area. I bet Australia is the same. Handouts for all... why not.

Due to this the governments are looking at ways to attack our capital and savings next. maybe the bludger has it right and I am the fool. Working all my life so they can have a comfortable existence.
GST here (VAT over there) is the only way to make EVERYONE pay extra ..... including those on welfare. Even raising the GST from 10% to 12% will make a huge difference and most people wouldn't even notice it. ;)


Re: GST Changes?

Post by Jasonofabitch » Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:45 pm

I still think the GST is something that aids the USA Economy. It was more obvious back when it was introduced as most nations whose economies were affiliated with the USA introduced the GST ...lets face it, the USA is a 'Economic Terrorist' and the main perpetrator behind all the Depressions, Recessions, etc. They still are one of the few remaining nations to practice maths in the archaic Imperial system and their method of business is to 'destroy' the opposition, rather than compete fairly.

GST, like Superannuation and Unemployment Agencies are also some of the 'middle-man' business/industry that have sprung up to create jobs unto themselves.

I think its a 'luxury' in the modern world to have Families afford to have their Mothers stay at home and look after the kids with more love, discipline, etc than anything else that can be provided. I believe that having Mother's at home provide a more settled and stronger family upbringing that only benefits the children in the long run.
Of course, not every daughter is born to be a Mother, let alone a very family-orientated mother. I totally support women who go on to become great achievers and thinkers, etc. Just like every Man doesn't have to aim for every promotion at the cost of being away from his kids often. Some men are achievers, others are happy to just have a job and be a 'Homer' kind of Dad. Money isn't everything.

I think when couples who try to have children while both parents are aiming to have uber-careers - usually end in divorce, just as much as infidelity does (too much love).
I guess this shows where 'Over-Achievers' are just as bad as 'Under-Achievers'.

It is a fine line to draw between a Family Man 'Battler' and a Redneck 'Bludger'.
(...just as it is between a Celibate and a Homosexual :hush )
But hey, this is what Civil Wars are for ;)

I reckon Australia will one day ditch the GST once it gets its own 'self-sufficient' Economy that isn't reliant upon USA/UK and the rest of the World - as it is now and always has been.

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