More here.Tony Abbott's proposed changes to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) are a necessary evil, the nation's public policy think tank says.
The Prime Minister said at the weekend the Government was ready to work with the states on changes to the tax, by either lifting the rate of the GST or broadening its base.
His comments sparked renewed debate about whether the GST should be changed.
The chief executive of the Grattan Institute, John Daley, backed Mr Abbott.
He said while changing the tax might be unpopular, it could generate as much as $14 billion a year.
"Given where we are, the alternatives are much worse," he said.
"We've seen what happens in Europe if governments let their budgets get out of control and stay out of control for a long time.
"It certainly looks as though governments across Australia are starting to realise that they have a problem, and increasing GST by broadening it or by lifting the rate is probably the least of all evils; given that they do need to fund an increasing number of services that the public is asking for." ... il/5845218
Australia has to pay the Credit Card bills that Krudd and Gizzard left us with. Sell the farm or raise the taxes?
Raising the GST will ensure that ALL Australians, who were given hand-outs by Kev and Jules (including themselves and Tony Abbott, etc) will now pay for the generosity of the GALP.
NOTHING IS FREE. When will the citizens realise this?