If you're keen....
Dr Dianne Johnson
Dr Dianne Johnson, author and Anthropologist, has worked in close collaboration with the Aboriginal Gully people of Katoomba to research and record their personal histories and collective histories. She has also researched the vision and interpretation of Indigenous astronomies.
Her Recent Publications include:
Night Skies of Aboriginal Australia: a Noctuary, Oceanic Publications, University of Sydney, 1998.
Mandatory Injusice Compulsory Imprisonment in the Northern Territory, (co-authored with George Zdenkowski) University of Technology, Sydney, 2000.
Lighting the Way: Reconciliation Stories, The Federation Press, Annandale, 2002.
Report on the Cultural Significance of Upper Kedumba Valley for Declaration as an Aboriginal Place, (with Dawn Colless), NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service, 2002.
Aunty Joan Cooper: Through the Front Door, A Darug and Gundungurra Story, Mountains Outreach Community Service Inc, Lawson, 2003. Report to the Gundungurra Tribal Council concerning Gundungurra Native Title Claim (Federal Court File No NG606/98), 2004
Sacred Waters: the story of the Blue Mountains Gully Traditional Owners, Halstead Press, Sydney, 2006 (Available for sale from the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism).
'The Gully Aboriginal Place', Chapter 8 in Blue Mountains Dreaming, The Aboriginal Heritage (Second Edition), Edited by Eugene Stockton and John Merriman, Blue Mountains Education and Research Trust, pp 201-222. (ISBN 978 0 646 50386 8).
'From Fairy to Witch: Imagery and Myth in the Azaria Case', in The Chamberlain Case: Nation, Law, Memory, edited by Deborah Staines, Michelle Arrow & Katherine Biber, Australian Scholarly Publishing Pty Ltd, North Melbourne, pp. 7-20. (ISBN 978 1921509-09-4).
Any enquiries for Dr Johnson, please contact ACIJ Manager on 9514 2295 or
http://humanities.curtin.edu.au/schools ... 20Case.htm