Wassup, jealous?
I read your link... and?
I know what Labor are doing and why... they disgust me.
I knew before he did it, what Abbott should do... he did. No surprises.
So far you have made no claims you've managed to back up, with any sort of proof.
Your grasp of issues and what actually transpired is dubious at best.
As pointed out previously, the Minister acts on advice (from experts) and/or reports...
TONY ABBOTT: That's not my reading of the report from the Chief Medical Officer. My reading of that report is that there are significant additional health risks associated with medical terminations, and that the safest way to have a termination is a surgical termination.
Tony Abbott may have personal reasons for not wanting RU486 available, he being a catholic may not believe in abortion, but he acted on a report. Mind you there were others in parliament at the time that stood against the use of the drug. We all know how Labor has had to toe the line with the Greens and Independents in this Minority Government. In 1996 Brian Harradine, who held the balance of power in the Senate, agreed to let another bill pass if a veto over RU486’s supply was given to the health minister, making it the sole “restricted’ good on the TGA’s list of pharmaceuticals. Individual Ministers do not make these sorts of deals... governments do.TONY ABBOTT: I don't hold myself out as being an expert when it comes to particular medical procedures. I have sought the best advice I can - the disinterested advice of the Chief Medical Officer, who has sought advice as well, from people like Dr Andrew Childs, former President of the College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and this is the result.
Amendments were moved in 2005, 90% of women senators voted for the bill, and only 46% of the men. After several attempts to scuttle it, the bill was passed in the house – on the voices, because Howard saw how the vote was going and didn’t want it put to a division.
What do I believe as a Conservative Left Winger? I am pro-choice, I believe women should have freedom to choose in regards to their own body, including pregnancy.