Fatties on a Plane

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AiA in Atlanta
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Fatties on a Plane

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:23 am

Was on a business flight the other day and in the row in front of me there was an altercation that resulted in the flight attendant being called over to sort things out. It seems one man lowered his arm rest to keep another man's fat from spilling into his space. The thin man complained, "I didn't pay for a half a seat." The fat man was angry and shouting, a real bully.

In the end, the thin man was shuffled into another crowded row of seats while the fat man took advantage of the now empty seat next to him like a whale on a beach.

Who was the winner here? It seems to me that this is an example of The Tyranny of the Fatties. We will be seeing that more and more as the obese crowd out those with normal body weight.

Should the obese have to pay more for airline tickets? Did you know that worldwide obesity is equal to an extra half billion humans on this planet? Shouldn't they have to pay for taking up all that extra space?

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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by mantra » Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:14 am

They've been talking about charging obese people for two seats for ages - but it hasn't eventuated. I think most of us get annoyed on trains and buses too when someone huge sits beside you and their body overlaps onto yours. You can usually change seats on public transport, but you often can't on a plane.

Maybe we need a scare campaign similar to that used for smokers.

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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by Plough » Fri Jun 29, 2012 11:39 am

Fat people should have to pay excess baggage. Why should I, being of normal weight have only X kg of luggage whils some fat fuck who weighs a third to half again of me gets the same. It should be on total weight including the passenger. Also, like all carry on bags have a size limit so should passengers or they should have to buy an extra seat.

And for larger people who fucking whine, I am fattist and very proud of it.

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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by Neferti » Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:48 pm

Plough wrote:Fat people should have to pay excess baggage. Why should I, being of normal weight have only X kg of luggage whils some fat fuck who weighs a third to half again of me gets the same. It should be on total weight including the passenger. Also, like all carry on bags have a size limit so should passengers or they should have to buy an extra seat.

And for larger people who fucking whine, I am fattist and very proud of it.
I think I must be a fattist too. :lol: Why are people getting so HUGE. I know females who state they are size 10 ...... BS .... the new 14 is a 10. LOL I also get called "skinny" by complete strangers. I am the weight I have been since a teenager. If I went up to a FAT person in the Supermarket and said "God, you are HUGE", I would end up in Court. Make the fatties pay extra for Airline travel. All they have to do is weigh the person with the luggage. Easy. Fat people tend to smell (and snore) too .......... sitting next to one on a trip to the UK would be unbearable!

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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by Super Nova » Fri Jun 29, 2012 6:26 pm

Plough wrote:Fat people should have to pay excess baggage. Why should I, being of normal weight have only X kg of luggage whils some fat fuck who weighs a third to half again of me gets the same. It should be on total weight including the passenger. Also, like all carry on bags have a size limit so should passengers or they should have to buy an extra seat.

And for larger people who fucking whine, I am fattist and very proud of it.
I with you on this.

I travel alot and there is nothing worse than sitting next to a fatty. They overflow into your seat space like jelly. I am over 6 foot and broad shoulders and I need my space. When a fatty overflows they spend the whole flight touching me.... that is not nice.

I think the fair solution is that like you have suggested there is a maximum weight entitlement for your weight, like bagage then you have to pay excess fatty costs. If you then exceed a threshold in size and overflow you either have to buy an extra seat next to you... overflow space or be force to upgrade to business where the seats are much larger.

The airlines have struggled with this for a while. I think the budget airlines will address it first then crack it for the industry. However the fat movement is gaining momentum and they are starting to assert their right to be fat and are calling anything discrimination.

Sitting next to a fat person for 12 hours is hell.

I agree they smell as well, sweat, snore and generally in a confined space know they are problem but don't care as they have this problem in all aspects of their life. They tend to be outspoken when their size is a problem and cause a fuss.
I would hate to be sitting next to this guy on the plane. They couldn't even get the trolly past him.... OMG.

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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by freediver » Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:21 pm

You can achieve the same thing by not showering for three days before your flight.

IQ popping

Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by IQ popping » Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:53 pm

That works for green voters, although you only have to announce that you voted for Julia Gillard and no one would want to sit next to you...but you run the risk of being tossed from the plane at 30000ft

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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by Super Nova » Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:55 pm

freediver wrote:You can achieve the same thing by not showering for three days before your flight.
Not true. Fatties have parts that have not reached to clean for years :rofl :rofl :rofl

Or at least since someone bathed them and sponged them down.

I don't smell as bad as they do after a week particularly since I start the week after a shower using some deodorant and have learned to wipe my arse properly.

A quick search and I found this... it's worth a laugh if you have a few moments. Some people really hate fat people.

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IQ popping

Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by IQ popping » Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:08 pm

I should have got into mobility scooters years ago

It's a growth industry and the only way fatties can get themselves to Maccas


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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by Super Nova » Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:30 pm

Sad, very sad.

There is no reason to be so fat. It is emotional eating.

Must be hard to address as you cannot just abstain from eating... you need food to live.
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