Tim Flannery's dire predictions

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Tim Flannery's dire predictions

Post by mantra » Mon May 14, 2012 10:44 am

The most unsettling aspect of Flannery's spruiking is the impact it has on homes near the sea. It wasn't until recently that I fully understood why the prices of homes in my area have been so slow to move. It's because the local council is convinced the area's sea level is rising to such an extent that within 20 years we'll be under water. This has had a domino effect of fear to prospective purchasers. Insurance has skyrocketed to accommodate the pronouncements of these weather clairvoyants. In actual fact - the sea level has dropped by a couple of centimetres.

Now Flannery has predicted that Western Sydney will be the next area to sizzle like burnt bacon while the residents go mad and die because it's a concrete jungle and the ground temperature is increasing rapidly. Of course ground temperature rises in densely populated urban areas hence the reason why we have to plant more trees, but these ground readings should be used in conjunction with atmospheric readings also as this is where weather patterns are created.

Flannery has no idea of the damage he causes by his unsubstantiated predictions - especially making a statement that heat waves are increasing in NSW, when in reality every year is becoming a little cooler.

Climate change obviously exists and always has and natural disasters may very well become a lot worse, but it is impossible to see how scaremongering and taxing us to the extreme is going to control our temperature and weather by 2070. Lucky for Flannery and his ilk - he won't be around if/when it's disproven.
THE nation's leading climate change expert has again warned of dire weather events - but this time his predictions centre on western Sydney.

In a report to be released today, climate commissioner Professor Tim Flannery said the region's temperatures would rise sharply in coming years, leading to violence and more cases of mental illness.

The commission said western suburbs were suffering from "an urban island heat effect" with concrete, buildings and asphalt raising temperatures by 1C to 2C.

The commission's Professor Lesley Hughes said last night deaths should also be expected if the forecasts of more severe heatwaves were realised.

The horror predictions in the report come after a cool summer with the longest run of days under 30C in 15 years.

"We know mortality goes up in heatwaves. If we get heat waves in western Sydney, yes, we would expect to see that (deaths)," Prof Hughes said.

Asked about mental health and other impacts raised in the report, she said heatwaves led to surges in violence.

"The police actually know, this was brought out in our previous report, when you get several days of extreme hot weather, they have more problems, there's more violence, people are cranky and prone to violent outbursts," she said.

http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/c ... 6354331959" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: Tim Flannery's dire predictions

Post by mellie » Tue May 15, 2012 1:52 pm

Tim Flannery is a mammalogist, palaeontologist, environmentalist and global warming activist. Not a meteorologist, or even a climate scientist (not that the majority of these have proven themselves credible in recent years) therefore should shut his pie-hole until he has a few more qualifications under his belt, as should so many climate-change scaremongers / philosophers.


This said, one has to ask how it was Tim Flannery became our nations Chief Climate Commissioner to begin with, did he nominate himself?

Did they draw his name out of a biodegradable hat?

Here he is fearmongering in the Illawarra Mercury late last year.

http://www.illawarramercury.com.au/news ... 38284.aspx

Just because you are an activist, this or feel passionate about something you believe in doesn't make you an expert in the field, as has been demonstrated.

The Climate Commission is an independent advisory body set up by the Gillard government.

Who forms this commission?



Climate experts?

:rofl.... Not a single meteorologist among them, all have been chosen on the basis of their passion and ability to sell the product global-warming.

Ie, Personally, If I needed to market then sell a lie/lousy product, this is the team of would consult also.

It gets better, this commission have an "expert" scientific advisory panel to which they allegedly consult... though on closer scrutiny re- their panel advisors credentials and academic process, this is rather subjective to say the least.
The Climate Commissions "expert" Science Advisory Panel

To support its role in providing information and expert advice on the science of climate change and the impacts on Australia, the Commission is supported by a science advisory panel. The members of the Panel are:

-Professor Matt England, University of New South Wales, expertise in global-scale ocean circulation and its influence on regional climate.

-Professor David Karoly, University of Melbourne, expertise in climate variability and climate change, including interannual climate variations due to El Niño-Southern Oscillation and weather extremes.

-Professor Andy Pitman, University of New South Wales, climate modeller with a major focus on land surface processes.

-Professor Neville Smith, Bureau of Meteorology, expertise in ocean and climate prediction.

-Professor Tony McMichael, Australian National University, expertise in impacts of climate change on environmental conditions and human health.

-Dr Helen Cleugh, CSIRO, expertise in the dynamics of carbon, water and energy cycles in Australian ecosystems and the effects on climate variability and change – especially the vulnerability of land-based carbon sinks.

-Dr Lisa Alexander, University of New South Wales, expertise in changes in the frequency and/or severity of extreme climate events.

-Professor Brendan Mackey, Australian National University, expertise in forests and climate.

-Professor Neville Nicholls, Monash University, expertise in climate change and weather impacts on agriculture, human health and ecosystems.
Talk about biased subjectivity.

It would be like forming a "culture" commission with panellists advisors from the same church.

Is this fair?

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Re: Tim Flannery's dire predictions

Post by Neferti » Fri May 18, 2012 5:39 pm

No. It is not fair. SO?

What do you propose doing about "it"? Settle down and get your mind into gear and THEN start telling people what to do,

You FAIL on many areas, Mel. ALL edick, no egutz.

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Re: Tim Flannery's dire predictions

Post by freediver » Fri May 18, 2012 6:19 pm

If you are so sure of yourself, buy some seaside property on low lying land at a discount price and don't bother insuring it. The insurance companies mustn't have bothered checking the facts.

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Re: Tim Flannery's dire predictions

Post by mantra » Sat May 19, 2012 8:56 am

I don't think you can insure land - only houses, but there are certainly people who are buying up parcels of low lying coastal land - perhaps those who are predicting rising sea levels. Flannery just purchased property on the Hawkesbury which is very strange considering he believes this land will become swallowed by the sea in a couple of decades.

This is where the doubt creeps in for those who aren't sure who to believe. We know why we should be wary of the denialists who are usually paid to spruik positive conditions for an industry's agenda - but the alarmists are also fudging the figures.

Tim Flannery is selective. He took the temperature readings going back only to the 1970's instead of the 1890's which is when the records began. The highest temperatures recorded in NSW over the past century were in 1926, yet these readings have been totally disregarded.

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Re: Tim Flannery's dire predictions

Post by freediver » Sat May 19, 2012 9:02 am

You can insure anything you want.

Is Flannery's land 'low lying'? Proximity to a river or coast is not necessarily the same as flood risk, as many people found out last year.

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Re: Tim Flannery's dire predictions

Post by mantra » Sat May 19, 2012 9:42 am

In the last couple of years we have experienced inland tsunami's, so it's obvious that weather changes can't be predicted.

Flannery has been proved inaccurate, yet he has the power to influence the government detrimentally.
Perhaps it's time to visit one of the dire predictions of Tim Flannery, Climate Commissioner (salary $180,000 for 3 days work), from 2007:
Flannery wrote:“Even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and river systems. In Adelaide, Sydney and Brisbane, water supplies are so low they need desalinated water urgently, possibly in as little as 18 months.”
http://www.australianclimatemadness.com ... -to-spill/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
It contradicts the reality.
Flooding is expected on Sydney's western outskirts as Warragamba Dam spills for the second time in six weeks. The latest spillage is expected to cause the Hawkesbury River to peak at five metres this afternoon.

The flood gates have opened at Warragamba Dam after water started trickling over for the second time in two months.

The Sydney Catchment Authority says the floodgates opened about 7.30 this morning.

A minor flood warning is in place for the Hawkesbury River at North Richmond and it's expected to break its banks this afternoon, peaking at about five metres at the North Richmond Bridge Gauge.

http://www.2ue.com.au/blogs/2ue-blog/wa ... 1xas1.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: Tim Flannery's dire predictions

Post by Mattus » Sat May 19, 2012 12:50 pm

If only there were some actual data to tell if sea levels were really rising...

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Re: Tim Flannery's dire predictions

Post by freediver » Sat May 19, 2012 1:14 pm

Mattus the very last two dots on the graph do down. Does that mean the trend has reversed?

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Re: Tim Flannery's dire predictions

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat May 19, 2012 2:06 pm

Rising sea levels have increased at a directly proportional rate to the decline in circus midgets therefore we need to increase the population of circus midgets if we are to stave off this monumental environmental crisis
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