Unwilling top speak out because there are only a handful at best ie the minorityWhat it told me was that those fishermen who support marine parks are unwilling to speak out because of all the BS that goes on (yes they told me this personally),
It is the vocal minority like yourself that is divisive. Pushing your green agenda as a huge benefit to fishers. That nearly all see through your spin and bullshit is what irks youIt is the behaviour of people like you that is dvisive.
Evidence they are all inhabited by the same bunch? It's not that you should be silenced, its that your view should be shitcanned like all extremist views. If you think that you are gaining any headway into making fishers believe that MPAs are a fantastic idea and should be welcomed with open arms you are seriously deluded (but that's a given considering your views on this subject and the carbon tax)Do you really think that 3 or 4 online forums inhabited by the same bunch of people who openly insist that opinions like mine are dangerous and should therefor be silenced consitute some kind of majority?
Like the carbon tax, yours is a minority viewpoint.
Learn to live with it and go sob in the corner when you are told to shut the fuck up.
Your views do not represent the majority or reality