Iraq Holds the elections this forum opposed...again.

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Re: Iraq Holds the elections this forum opposed...again.

Post by Aussie » Tue Feb 17, 2009 5:51 pm

Rainbow Moonlight wrote:FKOE?
More likely, Obviousman, aka Evil Roy Burton (or similar) of then, SFFF infamy.

If you recall, when I was taking the piss with him about some idle boast he had made, he totally lost it.....and posted a picture of HIMSELF, yes HIMSELF, with a written message....just like the one Porkie wrote and included in his photo............informing me that I should fuck off or similar.

Obviousman was always Porkie's wingman.

The 'Roger" posts do have an ERB ring to them as well.

Anyway, great to see him back. I can take the piss out of him again!


Let's start here:
Aussie even says he never said too much about his service, yet scorpion posts good evidence that he has served.
Wrong buddy! Porkie NEVER, ever posted anything claiming he had been a Member of any military. He posted innuendo, just like you do ERB...err, sorry, Roger, of service, but that post above of Porkies was the very first on any of the PA Forums where he claimed to have actually been a Member.

You still flying a desk, Roger?

Roger Mellie

Re: Iraq Holds the elections this forum opposed...again.

Post by Roger Mellie » Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:27 am

LOL, so lets see, Frogen in his second post ridicules Scorpion as pretending to be a warrior, in response Scorpion posts evidence of service.
JW Frogen wrote:He was the toy warrior any real warrior prays they never have to fight with.

I really hope he is selling furniture and not still pretending to be a warrior.
Frogen posts nothing other than abusing Scorpion for what? Not being in any war? He has medals presumably, commendations, unit plaques, a wife with a digital camera and he wants to prove his bullshit is real with some text email?

In the mean time, you rubbish Scorpion as well, plus have a shot at Roger for merely flying a desk. This on top of your ink well stuff about Scorpion.
Aussie wrote: Wrong buddy! Porkie NEVER, ever posted anything claiming he had been a Member of any military. He posted innuendo, just like you do ERB...err, sorry, Roger, of service, but that post above of Porkies was the very first on any of the PA Forums where he claimed to have actually been a Member.

You still flying a desk, Roger?
What pray tell have you done Aussie? Apart from claim to be a solicitor and drive a taxi.

Seems to me Scorpion and Roy have both served in the military, Scorpion at least has posted some good proof. And yet you insist on sucking Frogens dick who has posted nothing, who refused to go to vet sites to prove his bona fides, whose English house was revealed to be a sham. Whose timeline on hearing about Diana’s death (whilst supposedly in England) was all wrong. He reckons he was published and left the football forum to much ridicule when he would not substantiate publishing so much as a letter to New Idea.

Wake up and smell the roses Aussie. Your gulf war hero whose dick you have been sucking is nothing but a bullshit artist.


Re: Iraq Holds the elections this forum opposed...again.

Post by Aussie » Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:47 am

What pray tell have you done Aussie? Apart from claim to be a solicitor and drive a taxi.
Much more Obviousman, and none of it ought concern you. Facts are facts, and yes I do drive my own taxi......said asset worth in excess of a fair bit of dough.

How 'bout you, Roger, still flying a desk?

Give me the url of one of these 'vet' sites, and you just watch me act as a bona fide hero Medal Man.

With my connections, and using them, I will sound like Churchill.

This is the www.

No denial, Roger, that you are Obviousman/Evil Roy Burton, I note!


Roger Mellie

Re: Iraq Holds the elections this forum opposed...again.

Post by Roger Mellie » Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:00 am

Aussie wrote: Give me the url of one of these 'vet' sites, and you just watch me act as a bona fide hero Medal Man.

With my connections, and using them, I will sound like Churchill.
You sound confident you can fake a military career, in between stroking Frogens cock you have been taking lessons from him on how to play pretends on the internet have you? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Re: Iraq Holds the elections this forum opposed...again.

Post by JW Frogen » Thu Feb 19, 2009 6:25 pm

I don’t know what is more pathetic, Roger, an internet stalker with a life so void of meaning that he can not post one idea, stalks people around the internet, and then can not even remember what he read (he is not intelligent enough to be a liar) and so thinks he is Colombo, or Scorpy who has spent 15 years in the military and never had the courage to go active.

The world is a tale of tears when the fat, weak, insecure men take the stage.

Aussie, Roger is not Roy; Roy is active duty military and hence admits he believes I was. As I know he is, without proof.

Roger is such a coward he can not even keep the same nick on the Internet least he feel a sense of shame, this is a man who would probably faint having to go to a job interview at Target.

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Re: Iraq Holds the elections this forum opposed...again.

Post by JW Frogen » Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:04 pm

15 years and only one good conduct medal for Scorpy!

Fuck, that is so sad I may rush out and rent 'Old Yeller'.

Roger Mellie

Re: Iraq Holds the elections this forum opposed...again.

Post by Roger Mellie » Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:09 pm

JW Frogen wrote:15 years and only one good conduct medal for Scorpy!

Fuck, that is so sad I may rush out and rent 'Old Yeller'.
Any photos from your cupboard full of medals yet? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Any photos of commendations? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D Any unit insignia? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Thats sad.

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Re: Iraq Holds the elections this forum opposed...again.

Post by TomB » Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:56 pm

The journalist had told the court that he had become outraged and been unable to control his emotions when Mr Bush, who ordered the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, started speaking.

"I saw only Bush and it was like something black in my eyes,"
"If he is released it will show that the justice system is independent and he will be a hero. But if he is condemned, it will bring shame on the system."
Analysis: Iraq still faces hurdles after election
A low turnout of 51 percent nationwide also signaled a high level of apathy and frustration among Iraqis that politicians had failed them.
You vote, you lose!

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Re: Iraq Holds the elections this forum opposed...again.

Post by JW Frogen » Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:34 pm

Hell, the US often does not mark up over the lower 50% and they do not have death squads (applauded by the Left as “freedom fighters” threatening to kill them if they vote), most consensual democracies do not.

Australia would not if the state did not demand one vote.

Still, Tom of the Left demeans the majority who risk their lives to vote simply to approve his own ego-opposition to the war, he does not care the majority of Iraqis, the little brown people want what he has never earned, freedom, why would he care about that when he does not care about his own?

As for the shoe man, it was an assault, it would be so in the US or Australia. (Why do all the forum pacifists love violence so?).

And Iraqi law sees it as something more. But Tom knows what Iraqis should pass in their law, he is white and progressive, he can tell them what their law should be.

Unlike Bush, who simply said no big deal, you deal with it under your own law.


Re: Iraq Holds the elections this forum opposed...again.

Post by Postul8 » Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:34 pm

Iraq was, and remains in history as an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation by a belligerent cabal of nations vowed and declared on regime change for the purposes of installing a puppet government friendly in the main to the US. There are multiple precedents for such duplicitous actions by the US, the most relevant coming to mind being the CIA-backed overthrow of Mohammed Mossadeq in 1953. Regime change to secure a vital source of middle-eastern oil from being nationalised under Mossadeq, and placed out of the influence of multi-national conglomerates.

Additional considerations were at stake in the case of Iraq, but essentially a hard-rightwing coup de tete was conducted by ideologically cyclopian demagogues using the lives of military force members and civilians as sacrificial pawns in a game of 'capture the flag', designed specifically to secure American industrial and political interests in the middle east. The House of Saud had expressed disinterest in hosting America and America needed that presence in the region, so Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Kristol, Bolton, Brooks, Frum, Gingrich, Kagan, Perle, Woolsey and Zeollick to name but a few of the antagonists both before and after the Bush administration's installation who pushed and pushed hard for their own selfish agenda to be realised. A read of the first of the 'Letters to the President' from the PNAC camarilla is dated 26 January 1998 and even then, regime change and the bogus WMD claims were being created & aired. I'll give the PNAC dogs their due. They were at least honest enough to bark 'regime change' before they barked 'WMD' but only just. Nowhere in that letter, or indeed any of the subsequent letters is there mention of, or coherent linkage to any benefit of regime change to the average 'man_in_the_street' Iraqi citizen. Hundreds of thousands have died for the blind vanity of ideologues who have never experienced what Iraqis have been forced to endure since March 2003. And for what?

The duplicity is gross. Correspondences from PNAC and AEI to mention two easily accessible right-wing thinktanks dare to mention UNSCR1441 as somehow validating their call for regime change by forceful military aggression against a sovereign nation. The arrogance and sanctimonious misanthropy with which such claims are made is affronting and insulting to any fair-minded observer. But of course, as we now know, fair-mindedness and the voice of the people never entered into the considerations of the ideologues.

May those responsible be damned for all time. May those responsible be held to account by a future Iraqi government or international criminal charge. The hands of the right are covered in the blood of young military personnel and Iraqi citizens which will never wash off.

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