Labor has a plan C - Bill Shorten

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Labor has a plan C - Bill Shorten

Post by mellie » Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:31 pm

Insiders expect a leadership challenge by March next year. ... public_rss

This comes as... ... -news.html


This was always the plan.... Bill Shorten has already chosen the carpet for the Lodges makeover.


Keep an eye on this ... ... rd&rd=true

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Re: Labor has a plan C - Bill Shorten

Post by mellie » Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:28 pm

Former Labor leader Mark Latham believes a mid-term return to Kevin Rudd as prime minister is an unlikely scenario.But a leadership change close to the next election, likely late in 2013-
The Australian

No prizes for guessing who is slithering into poll position.

This was why he ousted Rudd, because he knew he stood a better chance at rivalling Gillard for the leadership than he would a genuinely people 'elected' PM Rudd.

Half time, change sides. Billy wants his turn.


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Re: Labor has a plan C - Bill Shorten

Post by mellie » Mon Dec 19, 2011 4:52 pm

Oh, and he wants to be called Mr President, the 1st.

Does a corrupt and bungled government that's failed to deliver on two thirds of it's pre-electoral promises deserve to be crowned Australia's first president?
Especially considering Shorten and Arbib were the faceless men/puppeteers behind this Gill-Rudd governments demise, along with that of our nations.

If they cant get it right under an existing well-oiled constitution, and cant even deliver on existing policy, then what makes them think they are capable of over-hauling our entire constitution and converting us into an Australian republic (Americas 51st state) , one we will be forced to endure the burden for having impulsively agreed to, long after they have left the house and the republican novelty has worn off.

If they cant even get a policy right, what makes them think they can re-write our entire constitution?

Egotists rarely know their limitations, Bill Shorten is of no exception.


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Re: Labor has a plan C - Bill Shorten

Post by mantra » Mon Dec 19, 2011 5:20 pm


Not Bill Shorten. He's the worst candidate yet. They may as well stick to Gillard. I can see the whole party disintegrating altogether if Shorten becomes PM.

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Re: Labor has a plan C - Bill Shorten

Post by mellie » Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:50 pm

mantra wrote:Nooooooooooooooooooo!!

Not Bill Shorten. He's the worst candidate yet. They may as well stick to Gillard. I can see the whole party disintegrating altogether if Shorten becomes PM.

He's the man behind the disintegration, the objective was to run the party into the ground so he could rise from the ashes of his own destruction and play Mr Alternative and offer solutions. Mr fix it.

I think Gillard would have known this at the time he encouraged her to topple Rudd for his and her own self-serving purposes. Gillard got to be Australia's first female PM,and gets to retire with a grand parliamentary pension, and Shorten thinks he'll get a stab at being Australia's first president.

Not sure if Rudd knew however.


And if Rudd knew, I'm sure he'll be happy with a seat on the UN council, so long as the carbon-tax prevails this is. This said, I cant see Bill Shorten pushing his expired ETS scheme that's left a bad taste in our nations mouths once he begins presidentially campaigning for himself, in full US regalia.

Perhaps Rudd thought that he'd at least end up with a seat on the UN.. personally, I cant see this happening unless the UN get their 10% rent tax. That was the deal!

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Re: Labor has a plan C - Bill Shorten

Post by mellie » Mon Dec 19, 2011 7:15 pm

I think Rudd may have suddenly realised the UN never really had any intentions of giving him a seat to begin with, hence his UN stand-off re- Palestinian child torture.


Rudds ran out of options, the best he can hope for is the ALP leadership, (well, so he thinks) but this wont happen, because Shorten has made damn sure he hasn't got the numbers to get back in.

Perhaps Rudd should consider running as a crypto- independent in a favourable electorate, if for nothing else but to grab some votes off sly-rat Katter (who's planning on handing his preferences to the ALP)...that way Rudd can disperse them evenly.

Or will smugtitude and greed cloud his judgement once again?

Stay tuned for our next episode of "Bold and the vengeful".


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Re: Labor has a plan C - Bill Shorten

Post by mellie » Tue Dec 20, 2011 8:10 pm

Do we want a Labor union controlled industry and workforce long after they have lost the 2013 election?

This is why Bill Shorten is out playing Jesus and working miracles as we speak so close to Christmas, brown tonguing big industry playing Mr Fix-it.

He's campaigning, as he plans to be our next PM, preferably our first Australian President if he can swing it.
Because everyone likes the smell of a new car, don't they re- Gillard 2010?

I warned you guys about Bill Shorten well before the 2010 election over on Ozpolitic, and most of you (especially you skip lol) thought I had rocks in my head when I said Gillard was only keeping Bill Shortens seat warm.

Gillard was destined to fail this and disappoint us, because this was the only way Australians would consider a comparably lesser known show bag shorten.

8-) Now while Gillards on extended summer-vacation, watch Bill come in for the kill.

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