A kick in the guts for cattle country and indigenous workers

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A kick in the guts for cattle country and indigenous workers

Post by mellie » Mon Dec 19, 2011 8:44 pm

More bull from Gillard Govenrment on cattle catastrophe as Indonesia decides to slash live cattle imports
Piers Akerman The Sunday Telegraph December 18, 2011 12:00AM

Indonesia's decision to slash live cattle imports from Australia encapsulates a number of the problems with the Rudd-Gillard government which mark it as the worst government in half a century.

The major effect is the undermining of the cattle industry which is not only a big contributor to the economy of the nation, in particular northern Australia, where it is also the largest employer of Aboriginal labour.

To say that the north has been kicked in the guts, again, is to overlook the devastation that will be wrought on those least able to cope.

The Labor government has again delivered a savage blow to Australians grasping at the lowest rungs of the social ladder, effectively kicking them in the teeth.

The handling of the devastating reduction in the cattle quota serves to highlight another big flaw endemic in this administration's policy delivery.

It is unable to cope with the fact of its failure.

http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/o ... 6224684908

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Re: A kick in the guts for cattle country and indigenous wor

Post by boxy » Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:31 pm

Ummm, they've been talking about reducing that quota for ages... but don't let that stop you, or Piers.
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Re: A kick in the guts for cattle country and indigenous wor

Post by boxy » Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:42 pm

2010 - 04 paper
Home grown: cattle and beef self-sufficiency in Indonesia

Following the global spike in food prices in 2008, there has been a renewed interest in food security. A modest increase in prices over long-term trend in 2009, and some forecasts of higher commodity prices in the longer term, have reinforced concerns. In addition to the concerns with relatively high prices, export bans imposed by some countries in 2008 after prices spiked lent support to the view that the international market can no longer be relied upon to deliver adequate supplies at reasonable prices. Supposedly in response, many countries are attempting to reduce reliance on imports and achieve self-sufficiency where possible. However, in Indonesia, policies are being implemented to increase domestic production of not only staples such as rice, but of non-staple products such as sugar and soybeans. Furthermore, policies have been introduced to reduce the country's dependence on beef imports, with the objective to move to becoming 90 per cent self sufficient by 2014. Achieving self-sufficiency across a range of commodities including beef may be technically feasible, but the cost of such policies is considerable. In addition, while moderating the price effects of external shocks, such as those experienced in 2008, a self-sufficiency policy with minimal reliance on trade leaves the domestic market exposed to internal shocks such as those caused by floods, droughts or disease. A computable general equilibrium model, GTAP, is used to analyse the impacts of moving towards self-sufficiency in live cattle and beef. A lower estimated Armington elasticity of substitution between domestic and imported cattle for Indonesia is used in the scenarios rather than those provided. Annual welfare would be reduced by an estimated US$458 million if cattle and beef imports were reduced by 90 per cent. A $40 million annual subsidy Indonesia has introduced to cattle producers is a transfer that creates fewer distortions and welfare losses. Under current industry performance, a subsidy of up to $5 billion over 5 years might be needed to achieve 90 per cent selfsufficiency. A policy of funding research and development would provide greater gains, although these could take some additional time to show benefits. Greater integration between northern Australia's live cattle trade and Indonesia's cattle feeding and processing industries through investment and technology transfer, offers the potential of not only better meeting Indonesia's food security desires in relation to beef but also strong processed meat export opportunities in rich neighbouring ASEAN members to the benefit of both countries.
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Re: A kick in the guts for cattle country and indigenous wor

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Dec 19, 2011 10:02 pm

Nothing like an incompetent labor govt to be the catalyst for rapid change
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Re: A kick in the guts for cattle country and indigenous wor

Post by mellie » Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:53 pm

Check Katter out trying to play it down, without denoting too much emphasis on the responsible parties...Labor and the Greens.



If anyone votes for this crypto-ALP prick,(Especially those living in cattle country Queensland) you have noone but yourselves to blame.

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Re: A kick in the guts for cattle country and indigenous wor

Post by mantra » Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:04 am

The less live animals we export the better. It is a cruel and inhumane trade and we don't need to participate in it. If there was a referendum on this - it would probably be stopped altogether.

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Re: A kick in the guts for cattle country and indigenous wor

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:22 am

So would a referendum on banning and shooting greens voters
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Re: A kick in the guts for cattle country and indigenous wor

Post by mellie » Tue Dec 20, 2011 3:27 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:So would a referendum on banning and shooting greens voters

IQS, not all Greens, and their supporters are watermelons, the few remaining grass-roots Green members are very different to the "new" red UN internationalist puppet Greens.

Mantras a traditional grass-roots Green, OK.

And Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon is another still trying to uphold her parties core-party values and ethics within her own electorate and abroad, (Re- the BDS aka Israel boycott) sadly, the red-greens are doing everything in their power to stigmatise, harass and ostracise their own grass-roots members like Lee Rhiannon who make the "new red" globalist opportunist warmongering Greens look like the treacherous, hypocritical BS artists they are, hence the gooduns are dwindling...this or caving under peer-pressure, are currently being oppressed.

All parties have their reds, ... Labor, Liberal and the Greens, lest we forget Katters crypto-communist RED party, it's just some are better at hiding it than others.


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