Auzgurl wrote:The Bobtails can rest easy Frogen, we,ve had a lot of rain over here are sounding happier than you did a week ago and thats got to be good ... ?
Thanks Super Nova and everyone else for your excellent suggestions. Looks like my tomatoes shall make a comeback. I might just put my dog through the mincer just to make sure nothing will happen to the plants.
Anybody transplanted strawberry plants and runners before? Any tips? Planted a row, seems to be only runners, good roots attached, planted them nice and deep, watered in well with pond water (rich in fish shit etc) anything else?
AiA in Atlanta wrote:
Have some ugly, ugly neighbors I want to block out and hope these 3 trees along the fence will do it.
If that doesn't work then could always try a murraya hedge (murraya paniculata).
They have an excellant fragrence and are extremely dense so that any traffic noise or noisy neighbours should be minimised.
Oh and it does grow tall so no ugly ugy looking neighbours can peek through or over.
Shown at around the 25 minute mark (Fri Dec16 episode) ... ns/tv/#fop
Good idea to revive this thread AiA (just noticed the date).
AiA wrote:Have some ugly, ugly neighbors I want to block out and hope these 3 trees along the fence will do it.
You've got a very high fence anyway AiA by the look of it, unless the trees are very small. You could always train the bougainvillea up higher on some lattice. That purple tree is very pretty.
I've got well established large flowering trees and vines all along my fences - I can't see the neighbours and they can't see me which is very nice.
mantra wrote:Good idea to revive this thread AiA (just noticed the date).
AiA wrote:Have some ugly, ugly neighbors I want to block out and hope these 3 trees along the fence will do it.
You've got a very high fence anyway AiA by the look of it, unless the trees are very small. You could always train the bougainvillea up higher on some lattice. That purple tree is very pretty.
I've got well established large flowering trees and vines all along my fences - I can't see the neighbours and they can't see me which is very nice.
that is not my photo - i have a white picket fence that affords no privacy. and bougainvillea only grows here in the summer and has to be replanted in the spring.