Garrett dummy spit

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Garrett dummy spit

Post by Bart » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:13 pm

Peter Garrett gives Gillard an ultimatum.
If Gillard dumps Garrett from cabinet then Garrett resigns and forces a by-election.

So despite all of Garretts constant stuff ups, Environment minister, Education Minister and don't forget the deaths that Garrett caused with Rudd's pink batts fiasco, then why wasn't Garrett dumped. Why wasn't Rudd dumped too.
Garrett came to support Rudd over his own stuff up on the pink batts, conveniently claiming that it was Rudd's fault (it was). But it was Garrett implementing Rudd's policy!
Or couldn't Garrett understand that he just is a total waste of space.
Garrett is driven by his ego, hey have a look at why he's bald....fat head syndrome! :tease

Don't think frauline Gillard will allow Garrett to be making any media comments on any policy very soon.

Guess Garrett is yet another GALP hypocrite who believes "you takes what you get and get what he please(s)" :WTF

But hang on, didn't Garrett sing about "better to die on your feet than live on your knees".
Guess Garrett doesn't practice what he preaches, as afterall it wouldn't look too good on his resume being booted out of an incompentent GALP government now would it! :roll: :roll:
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Re: Garrett dummy spit

Post by mellie » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:34 pm

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