Act 1, scene 2 "Fuck the future" By William Shortenspeare

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Act 1, scene 2 "Fuck the future" By William Shortenspeare

Post by mellie » Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:54 pm

Kevin Rudd flips the bird and drops the F-word?

10 journalists jaws hit the floor?

Well, they probably would have, had they not already read the script (were invited by ALP insiders) themselves, and oh looky, there's Malcolm turncoat, there to reinforce the notion that Rudd really does hate Gillard, and this was not at all staged.


Anyone else here tired of Gillard and Rudds staged fights?

Deliberate public displays of contempt for one another?

The truth is, Rudd and Gillard are getting along fine, though Labors faceless newly installed cabinet men (Bill Shorten and Mark Arbib) would rather we thought otherwise.

It reads like the beggining of a bar joke, because thats exacly what it is.


So a Minister walks into a bar where he stumbles across 10 journalists...

Get Real!


This little performance is deserving of an Oscar, unfortunately, the actor over-reached.

Rudd was a lousy acting Prime Minister, and an even lousier actor, he should have quit while he was ahead,(not that he ever was) ...It's just I think Rudds mssed his curtain call again.


Get the message, Labors machine (faceless men) want us to think both Gillard and Rudd are too fractured and incompetent to sucessfully lead the party to the next election, and why?

Because Side show Shorten has all intentions of stealing the show, and intends on positioning himself as the next leader of the Labor party, with Mark Arbib as his wardrobe assistant.

Both Gillard and Rudd have served their purpose, now watch as these faceless men airbrush both Gillard and Rudd out of the 2014 election picture all together, their gig is up.

Act 1 scene 3 should be interesting, sorry if this is a bit of a spoiler.



Re: Act 1, scene 2 "Fuck the future" By William Shortenspear

Post by Aussie » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:04 am

Yeah...I get the message. You gave us the link twice. I'm now convinced.

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Re: Act 1, scene 2 "Fuck the future" By William Shortenspear

Post by mellie » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:07 am

And why would Turnbull and Shorten be trying to reverberate the same message?

Because Both Turnbull and Shorten want a crack at becoming one of Australia's first Presidents, and for this to occur, both these weasels need to work together to convince their parties and party supporters to vote in favour of a republic.

8-) Because that's the only way either of them stand to win an election, neither of them being team-players, both despised and feared by their colleagues.. well, those they have managed to hood-wink anyway.

The clever ones know what they are up to, this and know exactly what to do with them.
Last edited by mellie on Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Act 1, scene 2 "Fuck the future" By William Shortenspear

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:08 am

Don't mess with Aussies preferred arse licking party

He'll sue you
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Act 1, scene 2 "Fuck the future" By William Shortenspear

Post by mellie » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:11 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:Don't mess with Aussies preferred arse licking party

He'll sue you

Arsly is a slime-ball like Shorten and Turnbull in nature...,minus the charisma and intellect.


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Re: Act 1, scene 2 "Fuck the future" By William Shortenspear

Post by mellie » Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:33 am

And Bob Brown has AIDS.

There now, I said it.

The pharmaceutical company keeping him alive are financed by those with a vested interest in our nations globalist political direction.

If Bob squeals, they'll let him go...
Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo.

Boy scout Bobs out.


Bob Brown as Tom Bryces' (Our Governor Generals son) & GKS marketing executive's pharmaceutical lab-rat.

What a fantastic play-write this has been.

Anyone want to write Act 2 Scene 1?

Because Bob Browns been doing a little bit of acting himself.

All part of the GALP show.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Re: Act 1, scene 2 "Fuck the future" By William Shortenspear

Post by mellie » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:34 am

Aussie wrote:Yeah...I get the message. You gave us the link twice. I'm now convinced.

Just in case you missed it--- ;)

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