Dumbing us down more - if that's possible

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Re: Dumbing us down more - if that's possible

Post by mantra » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:18 pm

What can we do about it? Censorship has now been applied and sensationalist political news stories are pretty much quelled. We are limited in the parties we can vote for - they're all the same, unless you go for a party like the Marijuana party - if it still exists, but I doubt they care about education and hospitals.

We have become a mob of passive sheep. We do what we're told and accept what's dished out to us. Actually we're very vulnerable becoming as placid as we are. Some extremist organisation will form a political party and we might just see Sharia Law installed in the future.

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Re: Dumbing us down more - if that's possible

Post by mellie » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:36 pm

All is not lost, at the end of the day Australian voters will hold this government accountable for it's shortcomings.


It wont be long!


See, we aren't so dumb afterall, just it takes a bit to get us laid-back Aussies going, then when we blow....

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Re: Dumbing us down more - if that's possible

Post by Bart » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:19 am

Having Borwn and Gillard in government is not going to address the dumbing down issue.
And with their policy of crying about the media for highlighting their idiotic policies (Carbon tax, NBN, BER, clunkers, pink batts etc) and for raising questions about the GALP's competency then that too will not help.
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AiA in Atlanta
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Re: Dumbing us down more - if that's possible

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:36 am

Came across a graphic (am looking for it now) that illustrates Time magazine covers around the world. In the latest issue for example, the Asian and European editions' cover story was Afganistan but the US edition was a story on anxiety. Another international edition featured the Taliban while the US edition featured a story on the Bible. Are Americans too dumb or too scared for cover stories read around the world but not in their own country?

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