This thread has two disgusting posts by the so-called Admin here.
The first, on page one featuring a photo of the holocaust and a racist comment by AiA constitute racial vilification, vilification that FD is publishing. That is against the racial vilification law I would say, besides being disgusting and amoral.
On p3 the sick troll posted a picture from the Viet Nam war days that he made "funny" by inserting the picture of the pepper spraying cop. the photo is a famous one, showing some children fleeing from their village which had just been napalmed. The little girl in the photo has napalm burns on her back. I heard an interview with that girl years after the event. She described the events back then as horrifying.
What sort of person, what moral degenerate thinks that picture is suitable for making a "funny"? The mind boggles.
The holocaust is no event to try and make funny either. In 1979 I visited the site of the Dachau concentration camp. On entering through the gate and looking around the space, its bleakness, the concrete fenceposts carrying barbed wire on insulators—that wire was electrified when it was used as concentration camp. When I went into the former offices, now a museum, and saw and read what happened there back then was horrific. Inmates were forced to go into tanks of icy water so the Germans could see how long it took them to die, allowing the wretches to come out the tank every so often to measure core temperatures.
Yeah, just suitable for funnies!
Anyone who feels uncomfortable or sickened by the morally sick crap AiA has posted should contact FD and say so and why and request that FD remove AiA from the Admin position he is clearly not suited for. I have contacted FD along those lines and posted in Ozpol to the same effect, previous PMs just going unanswered and also posted here: ... 100#p43884