UN installed rebels juice over Gaddafis rotting corpse

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Re: UN installed rebels juice over Gaddafis rotting corpse

Post by mellie » Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:58 pm

Not by your definition he wasn't boxy....perhaps by leftard-western GALP definition during their two minute hate sessions, but then again, they referred to him as a tyrant, a terrorist and mass murderer also... as we shook his hand, and showered him with praise, referring to him as your Excellency before going in for the kill.

Again, Subjective I guess.


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Re: UN installed rebels juice over Gaddafis rotting corpse

Post by mellie » Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:02 pm

This is the trouble with GALPS confused flock...they quite literally don't know whether they're Arthur or Martha.

Ie, Americans Liberals (Left) are considered right-wing (right) here in Australia.

They do it on purpose, and did the same with religion, just something else to confuse the ignorant masses who don't know their left foot from their right, as has been demonstrated.


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Re: UN installed rebels juice over Gaddafis rotting corpse

Post by boxy » Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:14 pm

There is nothing subjective about describing someone who believes in nationalising medium and large businesses as a socialist... but do carry on :rofl
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Re: UN installed rebels juice over Gaddafis rotting corpse

Post by mellie » Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:16 pm

You have no idea what you are talking about, honestly Boxy, how old are you?

Let me guess... mid 20's , male, gay?

Is this why you bat for Bob Brown?

By this logic, all men should vote Liberal, and all woman Gillard.

Grow a brain!


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Re: UN installed rebels juice over Gaddafis rotting corpse

Post by mellie » Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:24 pm

Not everything is as cut and dry as you would have others believe...this or black and white.. ....and in time, you will come to realise this fact.

You cant gauge Arab politics in accordance with western ideology, philosophy.

You keep saying everyone is an individual, this and should be treated as such, though your application of politics when it comes to extending this courtesy to various nations (Other than the west) suggests otherwise.

Boxy, you speak from two sides of your mouth, now, you are either deceitful, or genuinely confused.

Which is it to be?

You cant define Arab politics in accordance with Western ideology, one size doesn't fit all... a socialist utopia Libya was not, to the contrary actually.

It's strong sense of nationalism was what set it apart from the rest.
This was until Gaddafis son (who was sucked in by a Rothschild Ashkenazi Jew) thought he knew better than dear old dad and made a terrible mistake.

Sometimes, father knows best.

By the time he realised he was being screwed over, it was too late.

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Re: UN installed rebels juice over Gaddafis rotting corpse

Post by boxy » Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:03 pm

If you weren't so hung up on black and white views of complex political and economic situations, you wouldn't have a problem admitting that Gaddafi's Libya was indeed, a largely socialist system... moreso than most comparable societies. If he was the leader of any Western government, you would be dead against every single major decision he made... so please, stop with the mock indignation, that he wasn't saved from himself, when the people actually started rising against him.
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Re: UN installed rebels juice over Gaddafis rotting corpse

Post by mellie » Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:36 pm

Daft tard.

You have no idea what you are talking about, and it's not my responsibility to bring you up to speed.

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Re: UN installed rebels juice over Gaddafis rotting corpse

Post by mellie » Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:55 pm

1973 socialism snap-shot ....


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... itish.html

Prejudice: Gaddafi (far left) is pictured here with a group of British students in the Libyan capital Tripoli in 1973

They tried to swindle and embarrass Gaddafi as far back as then.... now 38 years later, they have actually made a rod for their own backs as the world stares down the business end of what might be the beginning of another cold war, and in horror, watching lefty rebels drag his bludgeoned battered corpse through the streets of before turning him into a museum exhibit for the morbidly depraved.

These socialist lefty street rebels have a taste for 'revolution' now.

Libya may never be the same, or will take time to recover, and may have lost the battle for now...but one things for certain, Gaddafis people remain loyal to him, even in death, NATO, The UN, EU, USA, Israel, UK, and globalist benefactors have blood on their hands. Again, their times nearly up...the world is waking up, is seeing them for what they are, (A pack of regressive crack-pot hippies and cashed up megalomaniacs with pseudo environmental policies) and don't like what they see in the house.

So ends another era of socialist solidarity, goodbye Gillard, goodbye Obama..goodbye to the red-royals and their disgraced Queen, meanwhile, a sour-uprising has emerged, one that is profoundly visible at the present moment in occupied cities across the world.

Queen Elizabeth II must be getting sick of the sight of tents?


Coincidence that Gaddafi turns up dead two days after Clinton rolled into Tripoli?

Can anyone put names to any of the faces (except for Gaddafis) in the 1973 photo above?

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Re: UN installed rebels juice over Gaddafis rotting corpse

Post by mellie » Thu Oct 27, 2011 7:07 pm

In November 14, 1969: Libya took over 51% of the capital of foreign banks.

If they did it once, they can do it again.

:) This isn't over yet.

In 2009 Libya had the highest HDI in Africa and the fourth highest GDP (PPP) per capita in Africa, behind Seychelles, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. Libya has the 10th-largest proven oil reserves of any country in the world and the 17th-highest petroleum production.

Will the UN be laying a Stone of Possession in Libya, like that laid in Seychelles in 1756 by Captain Nicholas Morphey, when the islands were named after Jean Moreau de Séchelles, Louis XV’s Minister of Finance?


Can you think of any other stones of historical significance?

Like ....The Stone of Jacob perhaps?


These legends also feature prominently in British Israelism, a set of beliefs that consider the British monarchy as the legitimate heir to the ancient Israelites. From 1308 to 1996, the Stone of Scone - identified with the Stone of Jacob - rested in the Royal throne of England at Westminster.

:) No rest for the wicked, eh Queen Israelibeth II.

Queen of rough Diamonds: Rachel?

Or BHP Coal?

Masonic tradition speaks of a stone called "Jacob's Pillar"... perhaps they should have loaned it to Queen E for her return flight back to the UK as a travel pillow.


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Re: UN installed rebels juice over Gaddafis rotting corpse

Post by mellie » Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:37 pm

Christianity, a stone around their necks?


Jesus as a metaphor for spiritual light and enlightenment.

Stone Masons, as King makers?

Jesus never existed, in human form anyway.



Mystery solved, Jesus was a pet rock.

Acts 4:11 Peter says Jesus was the stone refused..'The stone the builders rejected'...

..Holy blood, holy grail... when like they say, you cant get blood out of a stone.


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