Big Industry polluters happy with Carbon-tax deal

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Big Industry polluters happy with Carbon-tax deal

Post by mellie » Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:11 pm

BHP Billiton step closer to Olympic Dam expansion

Updated October 12, 2011 19:00:00 ... section=sa


No word from the Greens - Smirk

I told you so FD, I posted this over on Ozpolitic over a year ago before the 2010 election to which you scoffed would never happen before deleting my posts on the subject.

I think you knew I was right on the mark then, it's just GALP supporters weren't supposed to learn of this home-truth until after the election, preferably not at all.

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Re: Big Industry polluters happy with Carbon-tax deal

Post by mellie » Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:24 pm

When to think, Bob Green from the Browns has the temerity to call this a Green tax?

BHP have an arrangement with a GALP government, re- a carbon-tax "off-set" and It goes like this....

"We wont oppose the carbon-tax, this and might even promote it if you allow us to expand our uranium and copper mining down at Olympic Dam."- BHP CEO pre-election 2010

Who's laughing now?

Hint: Not grass-roots greens genuinely concerned for our environment which is about to become a developing nations quarry and toxic dump.

Indigenous Australians have been screwed-over again, by those 'instant-coffees' /'coconuts' who claim to defend their own peoples rights-- Too late now!

When you are buying bottled bore or recycled water from global blue-gold (water) investors to wash your cars , don't complain.

You may delete this too, but it wont go away--Smirk.

And on Israels recent back-flip... only 10% renewables by 2020? ... s-by-2020/

Perhaps, with the recent discovery of oil (and therefor, gas) off its coast, Israel’s government is just not worried enough about energy security to make tough policy. It will soon have all the fossil fuels any nation could want. Can Israeli Oil Shale Outsize Saudi Arabia?

The presence of fossil fuels do tend to warp a nation’s renewable energy policies.

Pity we are locked-in to a go-it-alone tax the world will never let us live down.

Still, it doesn't mind cashing-in on our renewable sector naivety.

Silly silly us.

And just to add....

Conservation and Aboriginal groups upset about BHP mine expansion

By Kendall Jackson

Tuesday, 11/10/2011

A spokesman for the Arabunna people says the environmental approval is a sad day for Aboriginal people in the region.

Aboriginal elder Kevin Buzzacott says the site holds historical significance and the Aboriginal community has been left out of the consultation process.

"We don't want that big great gaping hole in the desert, we just don't want it," he said.

"We never wanted Olympic Dam in the first place because it's a sacred site and we're trying to protect our areas." ... 336911.htm


Well you got what you voted for, yes?

I tried to warn them, though was called white trash for my trouble.


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Re: Big Industry polluters happy with Carbon-tax deal

Post by mellie » Thu Oct 13, 2011 12:41 am

Say hello to the the worlds biggest ever uranium mine smack-bang in the middle of a sacred site.

This is why this government has been pushing the "reconciliation" factor , which was nothing short of a sweetener.

And thats not the only sacred-site being pillaged as we speak.

Gosh, you'd think they would learn, or was it their own instant-coffees greed that saw to their demise this time round?

Meanwhile, the very investors who chair their reconciliation panels are having a good old laugh.....

..Introducing Gillards Expert Panel on Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians. ... panel.aspx

It seems, the Jewry has spoken.

Established by Reconciliation Australia in partnership with BHP Billiton?

Ha ha ha


It really is atrocious!

I wish they'd listened sooner when they stood a chance at defending their rites and sacred sites.

Just kick back and blast Andrew Bolt for stating the obvious--- meanwhile the true enemy within scampers off with your sovereignty.

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Re: Big Industry polluters happy with Carbon-tax deal

Post by mellie » Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:16 am

It's now up to fairdinkum indigenous Australians to fight for their land-rites like never before, and this means a complete revolt of both a carbon-tax 4 sacred land grab which has been promised by GALP to big industry to allow for this transaction to occur.

Because without the 'gifts' (sacred-land promised to big industry eg Olympic Dam to BHP etc) in exchange for their back-handed support of a carbon tax, big industry and global investors wouldn't be supporting this tax or investing in it's proceeds in a pink fit, had our government not made it worth their while.

Indigenous Australians, it's now up to you to save the day.

Because only you can.

Theres only one way to stop the "Carbon -Tax" and it's fringe benefits aka sacred-stolen-land offering.

We have already stolen your land, and generations of your people also, this and had the audacity to whimper "sorry", get with the program, we are about to do it all over again.

Generations of your people will be subjected to even more toxic industry, and pillage, which comes with the guarantee that you will no longer have a say when it comes to the mere constitutional civil and land protections/rites of your people...well, whats left of them anyway.

It's corporate driven genocide and if you think indigenous communities will benefit from this toxic process in the long-run, it's time you did your homework this and consulted a genuine elder, this opposed to an instant coffee installed by our federal raping government to win your communities trust.

New Zealand's Maoris wouldn't cop this crap, so why should you?

It's now or never, either you make a stand and defend whats yours now, or forever know you did nothing meaningful to thwart the unconstitutional exchange of sacred-land for what will become the worlds biggest uranium mine down-under at Olympic Dam.

It's your call, and may even be your calling, your opportunity to stand your ground and show the world over what you're made of.

It's your land, water and human rights being desecrated here.
If you are the traditional land-owners, then for your own sake, and ours (the decent among us anyway) DO SOMETHING!!

What do you have to lose?

At least if you do lose the battle, it wont have been in vain, or through lack of integrity for giving it your best shot.
Let this be known.

Remember, you have 70% of Australians (All Australians) on your side... if only out of their own conceited fear of what a carbon-tax might do to their precious economy, the sacred-land robbery aside--Most are oblivious.
70% is a good start.

And our federal government knows this which is why they installed their own legals to co-ordinate and co-chair your cherry-picked panels to do their dirty work for them so when history records this atrocity, it was your own peoples crueling/greed/laziness that saw to the demise of future generations of your own peoples heritage, land-entitlements and rites.

Oakeshotts a snake, he's invested in a lucrative water industry, and god knows what else.
His wife is a coconut (black on the outside, white on the inside) a traitor.

If she was a good person, she would level with her indigenous community, this and not stand-by and allow her grubby wiesel white-trash husband facilitate this transaction by informing a select few who themselves have invested also...leaving a majority of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians in the dark.

Now thats what you call black&white trash.

Trash doesn't discriminate, it comes in all colours.

Tip-over the garbage bin and see for yourself. ... panel.aspx

(Tip: Type their full names and the word BHP etc next to it into google, you will find a number of them are or were affiliated with those with a vested corporate interest in the sacred land-grabbery in some form or another, be they former BHP board members/executives, or mining companies CEO's also note the cherry-picked legal line-up ill-advising and pacifying our indigenous community elders -via- this panels 'said' trusted representatives )

Listen to this... ... section=sa
(Note how some has been edited-out, no guessing what and why)

Then read this... ... 336911.htm

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Re: Big Industry polluters happy with Carbon-tax deal

Post by mellie » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:27 am

Now I will leave you with this question to ponder...

What are our Iconic indigenous Australians views on this blatant desecration of their indigenous peoples heritage and rites? ... html#indig

Or are they too busy reconciling and living the white fella dream to bat an eye these days?

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Re: Big Industry polluters happy with Carbon-tax deal

Post by mantra » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:30 am

mellie wrote:BHP Billiton step closer to Olympic Dam expansion

Updated October 12, 2011 19:00:00 ... section=sa


No word from the Greens - Smirk

I told you so FD, I posted this over on Ozpolitic over a year ago before the 2010 election to which you scoffed would never happen before deleting my posts on the subject.

I think you knew I was right on the mark then, it's just GALP supporters weren't supposed to learn of this home-truth until after the election, preferably not at all.
It's sickening, but the expansion started under the Coalition. I haven't kept the old details unfortunately but both parties are complicit in this. The Greens haven't spoken out this time around which is disappointing. They need to get their act together soon and start protesting. Two thirds of Australia is now signed over to mining and exploration. Our food bowls are compromised due to coal seam & gas exploration and mining and our natural water supplies are being contaminated.

Australia is just a quarry now and those who run the country would like us to import all our food. Food export is obviously not as profitable as mineral exports for this country. Our leaders don't have the foresight to think of how their/our children are going to manage - nor do they care.

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Re: Big Industry polluters happy with Carbon-tax deal

Post by mellie » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:33 am

Yes it is sickening, and both sides of politics, all sides in fact are a disgrace.

This does not mean it's ok to give up and accept defeat laying down.

A culture of entrenched apathy has not served our nation well.

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Re: Big Industry polluters happy with Carbon-tax deal

Post by mellie » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:43 am

Who would have thought that the worlds biggest uranium mine, the worlds 3rd largest copper mine and 4th largest Gold mine built on the one sacred site (Olympic Dam SA) would be delivered to us by no other than a Labor government with the Greens wielding the balance of power in our senate?

Had someone told you this was their intention before the 2010 election, would you have still voted for them?

Furthermore, would you have believed them if they had have written it on the wall?

Mantra, I was shot down on Ozpolitic for raising this matter pre-2010-election, more or less snubbed-off as a raving lunatic.

It's so frustrating!

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Re: Big Industry polluters happy with Carbon-tax deal

Post by mantra » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:50 am

mellie wrote:Yes it is sickening, and both sides of politics, all sides in fact are a disgrace.

This does not mean it's ok to give up and accept defeat laying down.

A culture of entrenched apathy has not served our nation well.
The farmers and people in these towns are starting to fight back now. I think they would have earlier, but no-one knows about these deals until after the fact.

Alan Jones, John Singleton, Dick Smith etc. are all taking time off to fight alongside the farmers at the moment. The problem is the miners are buying up huge tracts of land as soon as it comes on the market. The government if they cared would prohibit these multinationals from purchasing our food basins. Once a mine moves in on a property - the pollution affects neighbouring properties ie. produce and livestock - then the value of that farm/cattle station decreases so the mining corps end up buying that as well.

The only way it can be stopped is government intervention - but that won't happen especially as this government won't listen to the people.

The way Labor carried on with absolute joy about the carbon tax being passed in the lower house yesterday was disgusting especially as 80% of the population were against it. I heard one of the Ministers say that we'll be happy when the details are announced. If that was going to be the case, why didn't they announce the details earlier.
Who would have thought that the worlds biggest uranium mine, the worlds 3rd largest copper mine and 4th largest Gold mine built on the one sacred site (Olympic Dam SA) would be delivered to us by no other than a Labor government with the Greens wielding the balance of power in our senate?
Even being a lefty - I can't defend that. I remember the days when Labor had a 3 mine only policy - but that went out the window years ago. Martin Ferguson (creep) is all for uranium and nuclear power and a great influence on the party's policies. Yes - the Greens haven't said "boo" which is complete contrast to their policies which they've spruiked for years.

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Re: Big Industry polluters happy with Carbon-tax deal

Post by mellie » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:53 am

Something has to be done!

And quickly.

From Canberra, Alexandra Kirk reports...........................

ALEXANDRA KIRK: Success has many fathers ... and mothers.

JULIA GILLARD: Today this House of Representatives moved from words to deeds. This Parliament today has seized the future. This Parliament today has grabbed the future with both hands.

BOB BROWN: Well everybody it's a great big green day for Australia.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: For the Greens, it marks the end of six years' work.

BOB BROWN: This is a proud to be Australian day.

CHRISTINE MILNE: This is the day that Australia's psychology changes.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: But the Treasurer Wayne Swan insists the credit goes to the Government.

WAYNE SWAN: I think this is very much an historic Labor reform; Labor to the bootstraps.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: Despite Labor's continued poor polling, Mr Swan thinks the recognition will come one day.

WAYNE SWAN: The Prime Minister, myself and Mr Combet, we'll be able to look subsequent generations in the eye and say we did the right thing. The pages of history are not going to report very well on Tony Abbott.

BOB BROWN: Sometimes you get caught on the negative side of history; there goes Tony Abbott.

CHRISTINE MILNE: From this day it is Tony Abbott that is the dead weight on the Australian economy.

ALEXANDRA KIRK: In Question Tony Abbott again reminded the Prime Minister of her pre-election no carbon tax pledge.

TONY ABBOTT: Instead of blustering about being on the right side of history, will the Prime Minister now apologise for misleading the Australian people? Is she capable of that one simple word, sorry?

HARRY JENKINS: Order. Order. Order!

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