Do Women Who Have Killed, Claim Life Does Not Begin At

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Re: Do Women Who Have Killed, Claim Life Does Not Begin At

Post by Pastafarian » Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:36 am

JW Frogen wrote: My point is not condemnation of those who kill with abortion (though there are some women who do treat it casually, as birth control, that I would condemn) but rather an insistence that the gravity of the decision not be made less by pretending it is not killing.
Killing should never be done with an easy conscience.

You make the incorrect assumption that women (and men, ebcause we're involved in this too a lot of the time) take this choice with no gravity. I still stand by and say that the collective decision myself and my ex made at the time was the hardest one I've ever had to make. I'm convinced it was the right one based on the circumstances, but I'm definitely not going to have a right-wigh pscyho fundie like yourself sit in judgement on me.
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Re: Do Women Who Have Killed, Claim Life Does Not Begin At

Post by Rainbow Moonlight » Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:58 pm

Some women do take the decision lightly, and some young women are pushed to abort by some social agencies and some school teachers. On the other hand for some women it is an agonising and difficult decision. For some women it is repeated numerous times. For others it is once and they believe it necessary.

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Re: Do Women Who Have Killed, Claim Life Does Not Begin At

Post by JW Frogen » Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:32 pm

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Re: Do Women Who Have Killed, Claim Life Does Not Begin At

Post by JW Frogen » Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:34 pm

Jovial Monk wrote:No one ever knows. . .so is that killing?
If the life existed and you never knew you killed it you still killed it.

You are implying a moral judgment that does not apply to a fact that can not be altered.

You killed, of course you would feel no guilt because you did not know, but that does not change the fact YOU killed.

Still, the hypothetical is a diversion from the thread which is about people who change the very definition of life to a time convenient for them to kill so they can claim they are not killing with abortion.

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Re: Do Women Who Have Killed, Claim Life Does Not Begin At

Post by JW Frogen » Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:52 pm

Pastafarian wrote:
You make the incorrect assumption that women (and men, ebcause we're involved in this too a lot of the time) take this choice with no gravity. I still stand by and say that the collective decision myself and my ex made at the time was the hardest one I've ever had to make. .

If you admitted you were killing for your own good and acknowledged you were taking a life, then yes you approached the subject with 'some' gravity.

If you told yourself it was not really a life simply to make it easy to kill than you have not only killed but you have diminished your own humanity. Your own life.

Short version: Pastafarian IS A KILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Re: Do Women Who Have Killed, Claim Life Does Not Begin At

Post by Auzgurl » Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:43 am

devils advocate here..if you take a gun and blow someones brains out, your not a killer frogen..premeditated murder no less...

I dont want to diminish what exactly it was that your were doing out there playing God,but to take the high moral ground here is very hypocrtical of you..a killer of human life is a killer what ever the stage of life, born or unborn..

So if you were as you say , a soldier ,who killed pple in who's ever are A KILLER. How do you justify that?


Re: Do Women Who Have Killed, Claim Life Does Not Begin At

Post by mantra. » Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:54 am

Short version: Pastafarian IS A KILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No - Pastafarian is honest, which is more than you're being at present Frogen. You are deflecting any questions that you're being asked and tagging people with thoughtless and nasty judgements. How many people did you kill while you "fought" for your country? Don't you believe all humans have the same right to life that a 6 week old foetus has? You chose to go out and attack - because you weren't defending anyone, with the deliberate intention of killing the so called "enemy". That enemy could have been an innocent civilian or a child. Did you blow up any villages, cars or schools Frogen in your quest to bring democracy to the country where you slaughtered those who got in your way?

You justify your actions, yet condemn others for doing what they have to do.

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Re: Do Women Who Have Killed, Claim Life Does Not Begin At

Post by JW Frogen » Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:28 am

No, actually Pastafisnhfetus has not been honest, Pasta talked about his feelings, HIS decision. So far it is all about him and his partner, we have no clue what he thought about the life they were ending.

Pasta did not say whether he defined away the very nature of life to make it easy to kill for HIM or whether he was honest enough to say I have to kill for my own welfare.

That, there is a grand canyon of difference between the two approaches to killing, indeed to one’s value of life.

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Re: Do Women Who Have Killed, Claim Life Does Not Begin At

Post by JW Frogen » Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:39 am

Auzgurl wrote: So if you were as you say , a soldier ,who killed pple in who's ever are A KILLER. How do you justify that?
I have already stated, indeed you quoted me as stating, some killing may be just for the greater good.

Not all soldiers kill, indeed most will go through their time in the military not killing, rather spending their time training, providing humanitarian relief (see the tsunami, the Victoria bush fires ect), but yes, warriors may be asked to kill.

Most take on the gravity of that decision that they may have to kill for the greater good.

Killing an unborn life may be for the good of the parents, therefore may be considered a greater good, but if the parents pretend they are not killing (or the abortion clinic defines away the very definition of life to make it easy for them to kill), then they have killed more than that life, they have killed part of their humanity. Indeed have killed humanities’ respect for life.

Similar with a soldier, if they kill and never consider what they had to do, if they always see those they killed as the enemy and never as a life, even though they had to kill, then they too have killed part of their humanity.

Jovial Monk

Re: Do Women Who Have Killed, Claim Life Does Not Begin At

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:04 am

Which is why soldiers dehumanise their opponents: krauts, gooks, slopes.

And a woman pressured by her partner into having an abortion may try to rationalise away the deed.

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