by JW Frogen » Tue Feb 03, 2009 5:18 pm
It has become a well worn pattern, almost a rite of nature, that those who opposed this war and even worse are indifferent to Iraqi democracy (if not hostile to the idea that the sand people can enjoy the very same rights we do) can only hold one idea in their mind at one time.
So the war is all about oil, or WMD lies, or Halliburton, but never more than one thing, let alone about the convergence of strategic threat, reality, economic necessity and idealism (idealism left the lexicon of the pacifist Left long ago, the ideal being subsumed into the ego) all at the same time.
Yes, we obtained strategic benefit by moving Al Qaeda from killing civilians on Western air liners to confronting a well equipped army that they have not been able to really fight at all, and yes there is strategic and ideological benefit in watching the Sunni turn on Al Qaeda because Al Qeada killed far more fellow Muslim civilians than they ever attempted to kill US solders, the latter being able to kill back.
And yes oil is important for reasons any adult would not need an explanation for.
And yes, democracy was the end game of the war, articulated by Bush before the war and every step of the way implemented at the first possible time. Democracy being the long term solution to an Isamo Fascist terror that it antithetical to the notion and claims that our support for Islamic, pro Western dictators is a motive for their slaughter.
Their claim has less force when confronted by an Iraqi democracy that chucked them out of the country.
But I think the most obscene thing I find about the PA crowd in relation to Iraq is not only your inability to listen to Iraqis risking their lives to have democracy, or type on word of support for their democracy, or believe they can even have democracy, no what is more obscene is the fact Iraqis never enter your equation at all, it is all about Bush and your personal opposition to Bush.
Or vauge and childish notions of what peace is born from watching too much Elmo or the Wiggles and never having to have lifted one finger for the peace your life has known.
It is all about your egos and the need to say the word peace without even attempting to understand the pre-conditions of peace.
This is how you can believe life under Saddam was peaceful.
It is all about you.
Iraqis need not apply.