Just 'coz you said so, does not make true, and typically you have not presented a scrap of evidence to support your claim.
You adamantly claim this program is beneficial or successful, but without confirming details means nothing.
So a simple googling of
school chaplaincy results http://www.google.com.au/search?q=schoo ... =firefox-a comes up with ...
1st link ..
National School Chaplaincy Program states ..
A two stage consultation process was conducted in 2010 and 2011, the results of which will be made publicly available in the near future.
http://www.deewr.gov.au/schooling/natio ... /home.aspx
.. so am I to believe you are in possesion of as yet unpublished (2011) results? ... because the 2010 report has been found by all independent analysis to be nothing more than unsubstantiated claims and hollow motherhood statements.
2nd link ...
John Kaye - NSW Greens MP
http://www.johnkaye.org.au/campaigns/ed ... -justified
The Greens challenge the validity of both the report and its use to justify the continuation of the program, on the grounds of:
¨ unsound research method (absence of control group) leading to unjustified conclusions: the report fails to compare results with schools that do not have chaplains but have similar access to welfare and community liaison workers. While claiming a number of benefits for school communities derived from the presence of the chaplains, the report fails to account for the positive impacts of an additional welfare-focussed staff member other than by virtue of their chaplaincy, and
¨ lack of independence: the report failed to disclose the affiliation of one of the authors to the Christian Research Association[2], established and run by a number of Christian churches that provide many of the chaplains.
Report author - PHILIP HUGHES .. a clear conflict of interest ..
Philip Hughes is the senior research officer of the Christian Research Association. He has worked for the CRA since it was established in 1985. ... Philip Hughes works four days per week for the CRA. He is also employed by Edith Cowan University on projects on church and community and insecurity and well-being.
3rd & 4th links are all a Lib party jesus freak's campaigning for the programe not to be scrapped.
5th link is the Fed govt's program guidlines ..
http://www.dest.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/6EE ... 0Jan07.pdf
http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cac ... dhT2kTxeaw
6th link ..
Legal challenge to school chaplains
http://www.smh.com.au/national/educatio ... 14v5q.html
Australia's school chaplaincy program faces a constitutional challenge in the High Court as opposition grows to having government funding paying for God's representatives in state schools.
Labor and the Coalition have said they will make $220 million available over four years to fund 1000 more chaplains, but the Australian Psychological Society has said the program is dangerous to children's mental health.
7th link is Access Ministries in Vic banging on about how wonderful they are.
8th link ..
School chaplains not representative
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/nationa ... 6004703831
Schools "criticised the program for requiring school communities to agree on a chosen chaplaincy service, which is usually only one person and therefore one faith, rather than a service which represents the range of faiths one may find within a school community," it says.
"Some stakeholders expressed that their key criticism of the program is the religious nature of the chaplaincy position . . . and the program is inconsistent with a principle of 'religious neutrality' under which the Australian government has largely operated," the paper says.
9th link ..
Scrap school chaplaincy program - Carr
http://www.optuszoo.com.au/news/top/new ... arr/355075
“It is indefensible that all taxpayers are required to support a program that is gradually becoming church evangelism,” Bob Carr told The Punch.
“There is enough feedback now to show that quite understandably chaplains cannot confine their activism. Evangelical work is their lifeblood and it’s naïve to expect them not to pursue it around young people. They can’t because of their training. They can’t approach these matters from any other perspective.
“As a result we have got breaches of what should be a very thick wall between church and state.”
10th link ..
Skepticator.com has a quite a list of material concerning this dodgy scheme ..
Care to elaborate by what measure and via what source your advocacy for cultist's access to children is based?