Poetry Haven

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lisa jones
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Poetry Haven

Post by lisa jones » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:08 am

Come in, share your fav poems and enjoy :)
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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lisa jones
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Re: Poetry Haven

Post by lisa jones » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:12 am

Lost Generation

I am part of a lost generation
and I refuse to believe that
I can change the world
I realize this may be a shock but
“Happiness comes from within.”
is a lie, and
“Money will make me happy.”
So in 30 years I will tell my children
they are not the most important thing in my life
My employer will know that
I have my priorities straight because
is more important than
I tell you this
Once upon a time
Families stayed together
but this will not be true in my era
This is a quick fix society
Experts tell me
30 years from now, I will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of my divorce
I do not concede that
I will live in a country of my own making
In the future
Environmental destruction will be the norm
No longer can it be said that
My peers and I care about this earth
It will be evident that
My generation is apathetic and lethargic
It is foolish to presume that
There is hope.
And all of this will come true unless we choose to reverse it.

Now read the above poem in reverse
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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lisa jones
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Re: Poetry Haven

Post by lisa jones » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:21 am

The Dash - by Linda Ellis

I read of a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
From the beginning to the end

He noted that first came the date of her birth
And spoke the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years

For that dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on earth.
And now only those who loved her
Know what that little line is worth.

For it matters not how much we own;
The cars, the house, the cash,
What matters is how we live and love
And how we spend our dash.

So think about this long and hard.
Are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left,
That can still be rearranged.

If we could just slow down enough
To consider what’s true and real
And always try to understand
The way other people feel.

And be less quick to anger,
And show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives
Like we’ve never loved before.

If we treat each other with respect,
And more often wear a smile
Remembering that this special dash
Might only last a little while.

So, when your eulogy is being read
With your life’s actions to rehash
Would you be proud of the things they say
About how you spent your dash?
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

Monkey Magic

Re: Poetry Haven

Post by Monkey Magic » Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:33 am

I am the very model of our modern moral consequence
I will inflame and fluster all and one who seek for common sense.
Confuse the undecided that are perched upon their pretty fence.
Yet suffer all the fools who would but think that they are not so dense.
And should you find my modern morals raise your ire and make you tense.
Remember that I can and do without the fear of recompense.
To help me to persuade you I have mastered all the arts of spin
But like some others I am not fevered fan of deathly din.
I merely meekly wish to bring the world to its modernity
And keep it there with warts and all for ever… that’s eternity!
And whilst this will inflame and fluster all of you with common sense,
I am the very model of our modern moral consequence.

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Re: Poetry Haven

Post by mellie » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:14 am

Golly I wasn't going to log back in.. but great poem.

I was expecting to see a question at the end of it...


Who or what am I?

And if you had ....my response would have been "Global warming".

:D Brilliant.. I cant write poetry... I did once, and was great, but I was about 13...so, might have just seemed great to me at the time.

Well done.. I cant write it, but I appreciate it and admire those who can.
~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~https://g.co/kgs/6F5wtU

Monkey Magic

Re: Poetry Haven

Post by Monkey Magic » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:24 am

shucks... Iz all embarrassed now. lol

Thanks mellie

Hugz n Kisses

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Re: Poetry Haven

Post by mellie » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:26 am

Ok.. I will embarrass myself shitless and submit a poem, just have to now, now that I have said I couldn't.


I promise I will post it by the end of the week, it will probably be crap, and sound more like a ditty, I will need to wait for one of those poetic inspirational moments, you see... when all at once the words will come to me... christ who am I kidding... prepare to read the worst poem you have ever read in your life and by all means, laugh at it.. I probably will...will have to save face after I give it a stab.

:D... Not all of us posses a natural poetic flare you see... good on you.. I really liked it.

:roll: Just wish I could do it ... write poems like that myself.... when ever I start to... it goes something like this...

The boy stood on the burning deck his pockets full of crackers...

See, freaking hopeless, and it's not even my own.... :D

Got any tips?
~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~https://g.co/kgs/6F5wtU

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Re: Poetry Haven

Post by annielaurie » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:36 am

mellie wrote: Ok.. I will embarrass myself shitless and submit a poem
Seems that everything you write has a certain poetic flair to it, Mellie. Keep up the good work.

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Re: Poetry Haven

Post by mellie » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:50 am

annielaurie wrote:
mellie wrote: Ok.. I will embarrass myself shitless and submit a poem
Seems that everything you write has a certain poetic flair to it, Mellie. Keep up the good work.
Me, poetic flair?

hahah I am a dead poet, and I know it... don't get me wrong, I'd love to be able to, I can write songs, but they are easy, they don't have to flow and be as elegant as 'real' poetry given it's ok if they are clunky, like a punky.

How am I doing?

I even underlined the words that rhymed, so I could find some lemon rind.

See, I told you I am freaking woeful at writing poetry.. have you ever watched the movie ....Cat in the Hat? When the Cat tries to rhyme and the kids groan because it's really really bad?

Well thats me :mrgreen:

Could poetry rhyme with suppository?

Because I think I need one..... *GROAN*

~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~https://g.co/kgs/6F5wtU

Monkey Magic

Re: Poetry Haven

Post by Monkey Magic » Thu Apr 21, 2011 5:30 am

mellie wrote:Got any tips?
Got any tips? Got any tips? Geez Mellie, you're asking a poetic git. Maybe start small. Just a couple of lines. Focus on finding the rhythm and rhyme.

for example...

Flames flicker
Walls respond
Shapes that linger
With memories bond

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