Pastafarian wrote:mellie wrote:Quite a few years ago, we lived next door to a bratty pair of kids who used to jump our fence, steal toys and even easter eggs (for the easter-egg hunt) I had laid out the night before for my two to collect on easter Sunday. My two were 2 and 4, they were about 12 and 14, they even stole my sons toddler scooter and threw it up a tree in a nearby park, they were way out of control this pair...and the more I chastised them, the more obnoxious they became, so I smiled at them, then invited them to our family easter egg hunt. Rudely, they declined, (used a few choice colorful words) so I said OK boys, suit yourselves, then politely asked them not to steal the eggs I planned to lay out that night for the hunt then I toddled off.
Anyway... having already prepared the hoard, I intentionally laid out some easter-eggs which I had laced with nil-bite (the non-toxic polish you paint on children's nails to stop them biting their nails)... I was so excited, even turned out the lights and waited at the window to watch them and their mates jump the fence and steal the eggs.
Well, the next morning, whoa....if looks could kill....
Could this be a little bit like this election?
Again, I secretly hope so.
Naughty children must be punished after all.

Had you decided at any stage to actually talk to the people charged with their discipline?
Of course I did... the mother was a poker-machine pub-mole... was hardly home ... she'd leave them to their own devises.
When I confronted her about the scooter, she placed her hands on her hips and shrieked "Wherezyu f-ing proof" "Dont go callin my kids thieves Aye" "My kids dont go fieving or nuffin, ay"
Even after I advised I had seen them rolling down the street on it... lol,..
So reluctant to engage in hostile debate with a , well, "one of those mums"... I smiled and said, "my apologies, perhaps I mistook them for someone else afterall."
Look, they jumped our fence and stole the eggs OK....threw paint on our cat also...(poor thing) I didn't give them to them, and or force them to eat them.
When I invited them to the actual easter-egg hunt, I was actually trying to appeal to their inner-child, thought perhaps they might like to hunt for easter-eggs, this and stop throwing glass bottles at out house if I treated them to what most kids like...(I was a little naive back then)... Well apparently not.
We lasted at that address 12 months on the soon as the lease was up, we were out the door.
~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~