Japan:--Radiation at plant 10 million times above normal
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Don't poop in these threads. This isn't Europe, okay? There are rules here!
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- Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:52 pm
Japan:--Radiation at plant 10 million times above normal
SENDAI – The radioactivity in water in one unit of a hobbled nuclear power plant in northeastern Japan has tested 10 million times higher than normal, the plant’s operator said Sunday.
Leaked water in Unit 2 of the Fukushima Daiichi plant measured 10 million times higher than usual radioactivity levels when the reactor is operating normally, Tokyo Electric Power Co. spokesman Takashi Kurita told reporters in Tokyo.
Radioactivity in the air in Unit 2 measured at 1,000 millisieverts per hour – four times higher than the occupational limit of 250 millisieverts set by the government, he said.
The readings came as workers grappled with how to remove and store the highly radioactive water pooling in four troubled units at the plant. – AP
http://www.philstar.com/Article.aspx?ar ... egoryId=63
Leaked water in Unit 2 of the Fukushima Daiichi plant measured 10 million times higher than usual radioactivity levels when the reactor is operating normally, Tokyo Electric Power Co. spokesman Takashi Kurita told reporters in Tokyo.
Radioactivity in the air in Unit 2 measured at 1,000 millisieverts per hour – four times higher than the occupational limit of 250 millisieverts set by the government, he said.
The readings came as workers grappled with how to remove and store the highly radioactive water pooling in four troubled units at the plant. – AP
http://www.philstar.com/Article.aspx?ar ... egoryId=63
~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~https://g.co/kgs/6F5wtU
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Re: Japan:--Radiation at plant 10 million times above normal
Criminal Nuclear Waste Dumping By NATO, Japan, France, China, Ukraine, Canada, US, UK, Australia, etc makes meat fish dairy poison
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/17/2011 - 11:47
Where is NATO, Japanese, French, Chinese, Ukrainian, Canadian, US, UK, Australian, Indian, Russian nuclear waste been stored?
A criminal muzzling of reporting on illegal dumping of nuclear waste in the world's seas has been
ongoing. Radiation builds up in fishes' flesh at rates of 1000 to 1 million times its presence in the
http://twincities.indymedia.org/2011/ma ... alia-etc-m
But no dumping apparently, according to Gillards badge she wore back in the 90's.
I have a better idea for a badge.....

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 03/17/2011 - 11:47
Where is NATO, Japanese, French, Chinese, Ukrainian, Canadian, US, UK, Australian, Indian, Russian nuclear waste been stored?
A criminal muzzling of reporting on illegal dumping of nuclear waste in the world's seas has been
ongoing. Radiation builds up in fishes' flesh at rates of 1000 to 1 million times its presence in the
http://twincities.indymedia.org/2011/ma ... alia-etc-m
But no dumping apparently, according to Gillards badge she wore back in the 90's.
I have a better idea for a badge.....

~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~https://g.co/kgs/6F5wtU
- Posts: 10859
- Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:52 pm
Re: Japan:--Radiation at plant 10 million times above normal
But never mind that, lets just focus on carbon... 

~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~https://g.co/kgs/6F5wtU
- Posts: 255
- Joined: Mon Mar 28, 2011 6:07 pm
Re: Japan:--Radiation at plant 10 million times above normal
mellie wrote:SENDAI – The radioactivity in water in one unit of a hobbled nuclear power plant in northeastern Japan has tested 10 million times higher than normal, the plant’s operator said Sunday.
Japan later apologised for the report advising that the reading was incorrect and wasn't 10m times higher at all, rther it was 100,000 times higher
http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-ne ... ove-normal
Re: Japan:--Radiation at plant 10 million times above normal
What's a few zeros?harvey wrote:mellie wrote:SENDAI – The radioactivity in water in one unit of a hobbled nuclear power plant in northeastern Japan has tested 10 million times higher than normal, the plant’s operator said Sunday.
Japan later apologised for the report advising that the reading was incorrect and wasn't 10m times higher at all, rther it was 100,000 times higher
http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-ne ... ove-normal
- mantra
- Posts: 9132
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Re: Japan:--Radiation at plant 10 million times above normal
That sounds like a cover up. The original figures were probably correct - but making it official would have too much of an impact on their economy - so they've done a backflip.
Gillard should have made this a pollution tax and it should be promoted internationally by the UN or similar to pay for regulation of the serious polluters.
There doesn't seem any sort of regulation as to what the multinationals dump in the sea. Fish are tested for metals, but probably not radiation. How much crap can this planet take before we're all poisoned - but if it involves huge profits - governments turn a blind eye.Criminal Nuclear Waste Dumping By NATO, Japan, France, China, Ukraine, Canada, US, UK, Australia, etc makes meat fish dairy poison
Gillard should have made this a pollution tax and it should be promoted internationally by the UN or similar to pay for regulation of the serious polluters.
- Posts: 10859
- Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:52 pm
Re: Japan:--Radiation at plant 10 million times above normal
[/quote]Japan later apologised for the report advising that the reading was incorrect and wasn't 10m times higher at all, rther it was 100,000 times higher
http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-ne ... ove-normal[/quote]
Sadly, we cant trust a thing that comes out of their mouths.
All six boiling water reactors at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant were designed by Zionist Jewish General Electric Co. (GE) and the company built the No. 1, 2 and 6 reactors, spokeswoman Emily Caruso said in an e-mail response to questions. The No. 1 reactor went into commercial operation in 1971.
Toshiba Corp. (6502) built 3 and 5. Hitachi Ltd. (6501), which folded its nuclear operations into a venture with GE known as Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy Ltd. in 2007, built No. 4.
All the reactors meet the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements for safe operation during and after an earthquake for the areas where they are licensed and sited, GE said on its website.
Jewish Zionists built the reactors cores, which are now believed to be faulty, and despite their allegedly coming under fire for being who built the cores, (ironically by their own media NBC pmsl... anyone would think they wanted us to panic, this and get all hysterical, and be even too scared to drink the water...
I agree Mantra, re- whats a few zeros, but I think they have an agenda, a green-energy agenda.
The whole thing sounds rather sushi to me.
Time we boycotted Jewish Zionist press, corps, co, etc.
Lets starve them to death the way they starved Germany to death during WW1 when they cut off their world trade and decided they were going to install themselves as their new government.
http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-ne ... ove-normal[/quote]
Sadly, we cant trust a thing that comes out of their mouths.
It's unusual for them to have made an error like this actually, more so at a time when they would be even more guarded to ensure nothing goes to press without being preened by their governments PC thought process review panel first. The Japanese are mechanical, orderly, considered and articulate, they are not known for their media 'sensationalism' or bloopers, and would not make a mistake like this. Japan runs like a "clockwork orange" (sic) This was not an accident, it was either negligence or something else, they were warned years ago, though INTENTIONALLY and DELIBERATELY chose to ignore the warnings.
All six boiling water reactors at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant were designed by Zionist Jewish General Electric Co. (GE) and the company built the No. 1, 2 and 6 reactors, spokeswoman Emily Caruso said in an e-mail response to questions. The No. 1 reactor went into commercial operation in 1971.
Toshiba Corp. (6502) built 3 and 5. Hitachi Ltd. (6501), which folded its nuclear operations into a venture with GE known as Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy Ltd. in 2007, built No. 4.
All the reactors meet the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements for safe operation during and after an earthquake for the areas where they are licensed and sited, GE said on its website.
Jewish Zionists built the reactors cores, which are now believed to be faulty, and despite their allegedly coming under fire for being who built the cores, (ironically by their own media NBC pmsl... anyone would think they wanted us to panic, this and get all hysterical, and be even too scared to drink the water...
I agree Mantra, re- whats a few zeros, but I think they have an agenda, a green-energy agenda.
The whole thing sounds rather sushi to me.
Time we boycotted Jewish Zionist press, corps, co, etc.
Lets starve them to death the way they starved Germany to death during WW1 when they cut off their world trade and decided they were going to install themselves as their new government.
~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~https://g.co/kgs/6F5wtU
- Posts: 564
- Joined: Thu Oct 09, 2008 11:55 am
Re: Japan:--Radiation at plant 10 million times above normal
ONce again somehow an event overseas which has really nothing to do with Australia, somehow gets turned into an anti-Gillard paranoid rant.
The Mayans predicted the end of the world in December 2012, but they didn't see the Spanish coming
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