The prosperous state vs the Green state= Tas is fucked

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The prosperous state vs the Green state= Tas is fucked

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:01 am ... wa-barnett
Mining executives have applauded West Australian Premier Colin Barnett for a strong attack on the federal government over its threat to penalise WA if the state lifts mineral royalty rates.

Mr Barnett told a WA Mining Club briefing the federal threat was "a deplorable assault on the state".

In this year's state budget, Mr Barnett is considering lifting the royalty rate for iron ore fines to bring it more into balance with the higher rate for lump iron ore.

Treasurer Wayne Swan on Friday warned states against increasing their royalties once the mineral resources rent tax (MRRT) was adopted, saying the commonwealth had a range of mechanisms to stop them, including cutting GST payments.

Mr Swan's comments came a day after he announced all current and future state coal and iron ore royalties would be credited back to mining companies under the $7.4 billion MRRT.

"I hope the legislation is defeated because it doesn't deserve to be passed," Mr Barnett told the Mining Club gathering.

Mr Barnett had earlier told reporters he was dismayed by the stance of Mr Swan and Federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson.

"For Wayne Swan and Martin Ferguson to come out and start throwing threats around Australia and basically threaten the people of WA, that they will get a worse deal than other states, it's outrageous," he said.

"It's an offence to me, it's an offence to WA and frankly it's an offence to this country that political leaders would behave in such a childish way and in such a bullying manner.

"I think it reflects very badly on them as individuals and when I see them, I'm going to tell them so."

He also told the Mining Club the MRRT was "the worst example of public policy" he'd seen in 20 years of public life, adding anyone who believed it wouldn't be extended to cover other minerals was naive.

"As if the Greens are going to sit by and allow uranium to be exempt," he said.

Mr Barnett said WA provided 45 per cent of the nation's exports, a figure expected to rise to between 50 and 60 per cent by 2020, but it seemed the Labor government wanted to penalise success and prosperity.

"It would be a lot better if they looked at their own backyard, at some of their ridiculous restrictions and regulations on industry, and look at some of the poorer performing state economies," he said.

"Do your job properly and get rid of all your interference and concentrate on the states of the Australian economy that need help."

Mr Barnett appeared to have an unlikely friend in Greens leader Bob Brown, who said he was concerned about the commonwealth capping the states' ability to raise royalties from mining corporations.

However, Mr Barnett said Senator Brown, who wants the originally proposed, heavier resources super profits tax to be revived, was "no friend of WA".

"You only have to look at the influence that he and the Greens had on Tasmania to know what his agenda is," Mr Barnett said.

"Tasmania is absolutely struggling to attract any investment, it's losing population and it has high rates of unemployment."
So basically, Tasmania is a basket case because of the Greens and these fucktards want to roll out their backwards policies across the nation.

Here's a message Bob, not all of us are as inbred as you Tasmanians and you can keep your grubby little economy fucking hands out of WA. The damage that you have done to an inbred backwater hick state is shocking but not unheard of considering how stupid Tasmanians actually are. Don't think that a segregated population that you have managed to hood wink is any representation of the majority, you leftwing commie fuckwit fruitbat
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Re: The prosperous state vs the Green state= Tas is fucked

Post by mellie » Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:12 am

Classic socialist ideology... tall poppies are prohibited, we must conform, obey, and not strive to out-do the Joneses, or Greens in this case.

And should any given state outperform another, they will be penalised and scaled according to small 'c' communism ruling.

The Swan has spoken.

Honestly, this government should be tossed ....with the Queen making a visit shortly, lets hope she does so with her eyes open this time and sacks this treacherous government of ours whilst she's here.

Not doing so would be to my way of thinking, borderline negligent.

Is not their treatment of refugees, particularly orphaned children being detained for months on end in cramped adult accommodation on Christmas Island not a breach of human rights?

How about our peppering them with pellets and tear-gas.... when to think, the UN saw fit to overlook this, and Palm Island.

Perhaps the Queen would like to take a trip to Alice Springs, Christmas Island, and Palm Island.

New tourism slogan.... "Caaaaaarn Lizzy, see the real Austrayaaa"

Gillard is in breech of The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child , that was ratified by Australia in 1990 thus should be treated as any other nation in breech of UN convention, yes?

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, ratified by Australia on December 17, 1990, requires Australia to provide protection and humanitarian assistance to all children seeking refugee status, with the best interests of the child as a primary consideration. Detention should be used "only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time."

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee's (UNHCR) policy, as stated in its Refugee Children: Guidelines on Protection and Care and its Revised Guidelines on Applicable Criteria and Standards Relating to the Detention of Asylum Seekers, is that children who are asylum seekers "should not be detained." The Guidelines on Protection and Care also specify that "the refugee status determination or decision-making on the child's best interests must be made quickly, and with the appropriate special attention and procedures."

UNHCR's Guidelines on Policies and Procedures in dealing with Unaccompanied Children Seeking Asylum emphasize that unaccompanied children in particular "should not be kept in detention."

In contravention of all these guidelines and policies, unaccompanied children and children within families are being kept in detention for considerable periods of time under entirely unsuitable conditions. There is now overwhelming evidence of the harm being done to children in detention. The UNHCR has publicly reminded Australia of its obligations and expressed concern that children are being detained.
Surely Queen Elizabeth II would be interested in fulfilling her regal duties reporting matters of such urgency (particularly where the abuse of children's rights are involved) to the UN?

If she's still the head of our state, then perhaps she should start acting as such?

What's the point in being a royal if you aren't prepared to put it to good use?

See, Princess Diana was a humanitarian and a philanthropist... made the rest of them appear lazy and self indulgent.
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Re: The prosperous state vs the Green state= Tas is fucked

Post by mantra » Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:43 am

Mining executives have applauded West Australian Premier Colin Barnett for a strong attack on the federal government over its threat to penalise WA if the state lifts mineral royalty rates.

Mr Barnett told a WA Mining Club briefing the federal threat was "a deplorable assault on the state".
Of course he would say that - he's a Liberal isn't he? If the Liberals had their way there would be no royalties at all, only private kickbacks to them personally from the mining giants. Let WA become a quarry - never mind that much of the outback population is being poisoned. Outrageous profits before human life is the libs motto.

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Re: The prosperous state vs the Green state= Tas is fucked

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:50 am

Wrong. Libs think that royalties are the right and constitutional way.

Royalties are collect by and belong to the state. Rudd/Brown mining tax is trying to federalize a state tax. That money doesn't belong to the Feds. The minerals don't belong to 'all Australian'. They belong to West Australians. Just because Sydneysiders are unproductive basketcases doesn't mean you can try and rob from the productive states.

You lazy fucks
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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