Malcolm Turnbull

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Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by Hebe » Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:49 am

Auzgurl wrote:I dont have a either or mentality..

I like both Frogen and more recently Cyniks writings ..and I use the word writing because their posts to me are more blog like .

Cyniks intolerance for those with even an ordinary IQ , have caused him to fall from favour ( with me) at one time..but it doesnt matter..I suspect he would not care about anyones approval. Its an anonymous world we all inhabit here after all..

I do not agree with everything both Frogen and Cynik say.. I just care for the beauty of prose and the written word.

A well written peice is a beautiful thing.
Agreed. I can't count the number of insults I have taken from Cynik, but I always enjoy what he writes, and Frogen's too.
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JW Frogen
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Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by JW Frogen » Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:37 pm

TomB wrote:On second thoughts, if it made Frogen laugh it was probably wrong and uncalled for and I apologise unreservedly. :|
I will sell you back your soul Tom for a six pack of Coopers Sparkling Red Lable.

Shop around, you can't beat that price.

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Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by JW Frogen » Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:08 pm

Hebe wrote:
Hebe, I didn't answer your question the first time because I had a vague memory that talking to you was a waste of time. I was right, but I do not regret giving the benefit of the doubt. You repeatedly asked me for an explanation about something, and then when TomB decided to put the boot in, for reasons that are known only to him, you also decided to mock me. That makes you a treacherous, grade A fuckhead.
Oh for God's sake, I wasn't deriding you. :roll: It was a good explanation and I was merely expressing the effort I put into reading and understanding it. You should be flattered, not petulant.
Yikes, and I thought I drove cynik off again!

Now it would seem everyone can.

If my tear ducts were not saturated with booze I would weep by the canals of Babylon I would.

I really would.


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Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by Hebe » Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:39 am

ow it would seem everyone can.
Yeah, sorry about that JW. When you don't have a sense of humour any amateur can scare you away. No qualification required.
The better I get to know people, the more I find myself loving dogs.

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Jan 05, 2009 9:10 am

I've had a critical eye on Malcolm Turnbull since his hijacking of the OZ republic referendum. Not because his proposed 'Politicians' Republic' displacing the more commonly prefered 'Directly Elected President' model sabotaged the referendum, but because Malcolm's agenda is Water Privatisation.
The main stumbling block to Malcolm's agenda is:
Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act
Chapter IV. Finance And Trade.
100. The Commonwealth shall not, by any law or regulation of trade or commerce, abridge the right of a State or of the residents therein to the reasonable use of the waters of rivers for conservation or irrigation. ... apter4.htm

Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act
Chapter I. The Parliament.
Part V - Powers of the Parliament ... r5cha1.htm

Malcolm messed up his first perceived opportunity for implementation of corporate catchment ownership regimes/schemes via a new constitution for the Republic, so I took it for granted he would seek to eventually become PM and commission a Constituional Reveiw Panel/Committee in order to allow WTO inspired TNC natural resource/asset theft.

Malcolm wants to sell you out.

White Indigene

Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by White Indigene » Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:38 am

Perhaps Turnbull has caught on to the Lord of the Ring'oles,

and is thus ambivalent toward MANGO's.


Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by mantra. » Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:59 pm

Of course Turnbull would sell us out - don't all politicians eventually? People think his money means that he isn't interested in making more and would be working for the people, but the opposite is true. The more money you have - the more you want - it's an addiction.

Jovial Monk

Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:08 pm

Feminists' favorite fruit: man go

I say I say, how do you start a pudding race?

I don't know, how DO you start a pudding race?

Scroll down

keep scrolling!

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Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:41 pm

freediver wrote:I'm starting to like Turnbull more and more. ... 94,00.html" onclick=";return false;

TURNBULL DISMISSES ANY SENSE OF inevitability in politics but there was no doubting his absolute certainty that he should and would be leader. Now that he is, the reign of John Howard truly does seem an age and generation away. It’s not only a matter of a lost election; Turnbull is no conservative cultural warrior, no fierce Liberal tribalist. Even while Howard’s environment minister he fought to modernise the party on the more obvious social issues such as the apology for the Stolen Generations, signing the Kyoto protocol and rights for same-sex couples. As leader, he has retreated on opposing changes to Work Choices in the Senate. But he’s deliberately vague on specifics.

“I think the really big difference between our side of politics and Labor is that we have a much more optimistic view of human nature,” he says. “We celebrate the ability of people to make the best choices for themselves and see the role of the state above all as enabling people to do their best.”

It’s all part of the Turnbull mantra. Flexibility in all things. He hates labels, he says. He has always read widely on political philosophy – his favourite is Edmund Burke – but insists that the key to understanding the Liberal party is to see it as a very practical party. “I certainly live in the here and now,” he says. And that means, more than ever, the main game is the economy. He is not about to be diverted by the lure of his once so passionately pushed republican ideals. Instead, he is content to play mainstream gesture politics every bit as hard as Labor did in Opposition. ... 9806/11#11" onclick=";return false;

8-) And the love just keeps coming....


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Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by Rorschach » Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:40 pm

To the idiot mel...
Turnbull is the ALPs favourite he is still not the Libs favourite. Hockey might be chosen instead. You seem to have a very short memory and forget Turnbull had a go and failed.
How many times does one have to make the point that Turnbull is a Wet and does not represent the majority of people in the liberal party?
How many times does one have to point out that as leader turnbull did a woeful job?
How many times does one have to state that turnbull would make a good leader of the Labor party?
No preference?
Why either of them? Both are WETS. Turnbull has already proven to be a poor choice of leader. I'm not sure Joe would prove to be any different. Hockey would most likely prove to be the Liberal's Kim Beazley. A nice bloke but not a Leader.
So you'd vote for Turnbull because hes a poor leader and a wet
you have a short memory or are clueless... Turnbull is like Rudd he is overly ambitious, he doesn't consult and plows ahead regardless. Parties are not one man shows. Did you forget the incredibly bad judgement he showed re Utegate and Grech? He also did not differentiate between the ALP and the Libs re policy and direction. Like I said he should be Labor leader. Which btw would exclude him from being liberal leader.
All the tweenies and twits were on it. Labor party supporters are always on about it. It was a LW Progressive Wets wet-dream Rudd and Turnbull on Q&A.
Hard to understand why a conservative Liberal party would want Turnbull as a leader. Easy to see why Labor would. (Such a shallow talent pool). (Such a bad current leader).
Some think he'd make a great Labor leader, and pull the moderates from the Liberal party. Why doesn't he jump ships? Who knows.
But Mr Turnbull said he wants to see debate on laws for gay civil unions if same sex marriage bills fail to pass parliament.
And Malcolm wonders why he lost the leadership of a nominally conservative party.
All my comments on Turnbull, biatch... care to point out which ones make me a fanboy or a supporter of Turnbull? :roll:
No? :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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