mantra wrote:The government is keeping quiet about the ongoing ramifications of the explosion to avoid panic.
Typical. Even if all 6 reactors at that site were actually in melt-down, they'd say its just a minor hiccup.
The World Nuclear Association is reassuring the world that there are no radiation leaks,
Pro-nuke lobbies compulsively lie as a matter of course. If they didn't there would be no nuke power industry.
I hope this is a warning to the pro nuclear lobbyists that reactors are not infallible.
Unlikely. These sort of characters would refer to a decapitation as only a scratch.
They will have difficulty selling NP to Australia after this disaster.
They do anyway, because we have too many far more viable and much cheaper options.
Y'see pro-nukers imagine they can get something for nothing, so are always chasing an imaginary free lunch.
Disasters are unpredictable and any sensible government would ensure that the nation's infrastructure can withstand an accident or natural disaster with the least possible destruction to human life. It's easy to say Australia is at minimal risk of experiencing a major earthquake -
Lucas Heights reactor site is on 2 fault lines.
Don't know the details on the (new) OPAL reactor, but the (old) HIFAR reactor released 19,000 (rads, rems, or curies - forget which, nuke industry changes the measurement scales every so often) of radionuclides per annum into the air as part of normal operation, and untill prevented by Sutherland Shire Council, dumped their Strontium 90 contaminated coolant water into Woronora river.
This is the reason that despite soothing claims from Labour ministers, the nuclear industry will remain inherently unsafe. Privatisation of the nuclear industry as planned by New Labour will only make matters worse. One of the candidates in the sell-off, British Nuclear Fuels, were recently exposed as having falsified documents about safety checks on reprocessed nuclear waste bound for Japan.
The Brit govt recognised their nuke industry was incredibly dodgey, so to avoid liability, sold their nuke facilities to a French nuke company, which is known to routinely dump high level nuke waste in the Pacific Ocean.
Meanwhile ....
Another quake-hit Japan reactor in trouble ... n-trouble/
"All the functions to keep cooling water levels in No 3 reactor have failed at the Fukushima No. 1 plant," a spokesman of Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) said on Sunday.
... and ...
Tsunami victims suffer as Japan struggles with nuclear accident ... -accident/
- Cooling system of two reactors at Fukushima No. 1 atomic plant fail on Saturday and a third reactor malfunctions on Sunday morning.