IQS.RLOW wrote:The reason Gough was put out is because he was actually working with the public, doing want the wanted, the ministers and Kerr did not like that because it was against the norm of politics.
He was an incompetent buffoon who tried to ruin the country. That's why he lost the 1975 election in a landslide.
Actually you're both wrong.
Whitlam was sacked by Kerr upon request by US govt.
The 99 year lease on Pine Gap (at which time only US personel could access) was to lapse the following day, and as the ALP rank and file had alot of anti-US military sentiment, the US were worried Whitlam's govt might not renew the lease. So a caretaker govt led by Malcom Frazer was installed to ensure lease renewal.
Whitlam lost the soon to follow election because the Liberal controlled senate kept blocking supply bills, meaning Whitlam's govt had no funds to pay public servants. So Whitlam clandestinely borrowed money from Arabs to keep the public service functioning. When the Liberal party disclosed such details to the public, they infered OZ was going bankrupt and Whitlam concealed it. Truth is, OZ did have the money, but the Lib senate wouldn't allow it to be used as it was supposed to.
My personal grievance with Whitlam is that he was a traitor.
During WW2 the East Timorese fought with OZ against Imperial Japan, and Javan Indonesians fought against us for Imperial Japan.
When Indonesia invaded East Timor, Whitlam did as Gerald Ford and Henry Kissinger had told him to do (during a visit the previous day) and double crossed the East Timorese. He closed Fretilin's bank account and radio station in Darwin and sanctioned Indonesian invasion.
And so despite growing up in a staunch ALP family, I've never voted Labor.