Housing subsidy pushes prices up

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Re: Housing subsidy pushes prices up

Post by Hebe » Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:56 pm

Israel accepted the UN offer in 1949; the entire Arab world rejected it and chose a war of extermination.

And they lost.
Transjordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the Arab Liberation Army all invaded as soon as the State of Israel came into being. The Palestinians rejected the Peel Commission, they rejected the UN proposal, they rejected the offer from Jordan of citizenship.

They had their chances.
The better I get to know people, the more I find myself loving dogs.


Re: Housing subsidy pushes prices up

Post by cynik » Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:46 am

Their chances to what?

Accept the ultimatums given by the Americans? Surrender their land to invaders?

Hebe, you should consider the tone of your posts. You are so war. You are the voice of power.

And if the US abandon Israel, you will be just as silent as a mouse, until you find a chance to put the boot into the jews for all their "crimes". Pathetic.


Re: Housing subsidy pushes prices up

Post by mantra. » Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:20 am

Which is why if they do not prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons I predict President Obama will offer Israel the protection of the US nuclear umbrella, he will state any nuclear attack on Israel will be considered an attack on the US and so the US will retaliate with overwhelming nuclear force.
Israel certainly isn't predicting that. They have their fears that Obama will not offer them the same protection as Bush and his neocon mates.
Obama was monitoring the situation "along with other global events", a spokesman said. Monitoring? It sounded like a line from the Bush school of loose linguistics, where "immediate" and "ceasefire" are coupled to be heard by one audience as an instinctive, human appeal to halt a brutal war, while the meaning conveyed to others is approval to press their attack.

If Israel was to act against Hamas, it needed to move in these last days of the Bush presidency because, despite his words in Sderot, Israel worries that the incoming American president might be less supportive than his predecessor. But does Jerusalem have the nerve to keep it up through Obama's inauguration and the first critical days of an American campaign to reposition itself in the world? On this, the signals are mixed.

Israeli diplomats speculate that their international window for action in Gaza will begin to close as early as Monday when Western officialdom starts to return from the holiday break. A push by Paris for a 48-hour ceasefire offered the hope of some respite for Gaza's 1.5 million people and its chances of implementation are better with the passing of the Bush-Blair trans-Atlantic axis.

Rhetoric aside, it has taken a week of merciless air attacks and the death of about 400 Gazans before Israel could name a single Hamas victim of standing. At that rate, do the Israeli generals believe international opinion can tolerate the death of thousands of Palestinians so that they might account for a dozen or so senior Hamas operatives?

http://www.smh.com.au/news/opinion/isra ... tml?page=2

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