Malcolm Turnbull

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JW Frogen
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Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by JW Frogen » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:54 pm

TomB wrote:Don't be intimidated by Cynik's verbosity. He's doing the same thing to you that the ATO did to him, smothering you to death with red tape haha.
I do believe this is the first time in over five years that Tom has made me laugh.

Well, there was that pic he posted when he was voted the Queen of Darwin's Mardi Gras.


Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by cynik » Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:35 am

I was trying to explain something. I was asked to explain something that someone didn't understand, and I took the time, that i will not get back, to explain it. And you mock me for it.

So maybe, in as few words as possible, y'all can explain to me why you are not complete fucking losers? And why I would ever bother speaking to any of you as though you are reasonable, decent people?

Hebe, I didn't answer your question the first time because I had a vague memory that talking to you was a waste of time. I was right, but I do not regret giving the benefit of the doubt. You repeatedly asked me for an explanation about something, and then when TomB decided to put the boot in, for reasons that are known only to him, you also decided to mock me. That makes you a treacherous, grade A fuckhead.

Tom, you generally don't say very much. I suggest you consider that policy. You're very superior, and ever so decent, but don't kid yourself. I submit, in light of your recent comments, that you are possessed of a despicably envy that lurks inside quiet frustration. For all your treasured virtues, can you call yourself generous? You are mean with your words, and perhaps flatter yourself that silence becometh a man. Beware that silence is not returned to you, in such times as you would hear the confirmation of your own worth. For if you congealed all the wise snippets of prose that you have littered upon the common, would the sum be generous towards your fellows, or mean?

Anyway, I am almost over this flu, and I have shitloads of work to do. Y'all have fun quoting shakespeare to each other, and pretending to understand the drivel on your tv screens.

Jovial Monk

Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by Jovial Monk » Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:40 am

Don't be so precious!


Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by mantra. » Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:27 am

Why shouldn't he be precious Monk? There is nothing worse than going to a whole lot of trouble to explain something to someone who requests it and then have it derided. It seems to me that some of the people on this forum are very jealous of Cynik - as many are with those who are honest and a little more informed.

Why would you want to drive Cynik away for? Do you want this forum to go back to everyone just muttering an inconsequential line here or there?

Whether you agree or disagree with him - he has a thinking, working brain and he has given more to this forum than anyone else since I've been writing here.

You know - regardless of how angry people get with DT - he is a giver as well. This is why his persistence will help his forum thrive.

To Cynik - if you're reading this - I'm sorry that the ignorance of others has upset you. Your posts inspired me to be a little more honest myself. Thank you for your thoughtful contributions.

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Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by TomB » Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:15 am

Oh the fucking irony. Grow up Cynik you precious little daisy. You are more than willing to deride others and the content of their posts but lo' when somebody calls you on yours it's a travesty.

You're a very intelligent person and a great contributor Cynik but the post I called BS really had nothing to do with the question asked and was just an excuse for you to have another personal rant at some perceived injustice from Australia's authorities.

Me, envy, perhaps there's some in me as in most people but I suspect you are hiding a far worse flaw behind your verbosity, the flaw of insecurity and now you're going to let it rule you again and run away. As for being spare with my words, it's true but that's not confined to here. I consider what I want to say, say it as succinctly as possible and have done with it and my offline friends would confirm that.

You have been a breath of fresh air in this forum and it will be sad to see you depart in such a manner but C'est la vie. I hope you conquer your demons.
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Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by Auzgurl » Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:39 am

Cynik..dont be sensitive..I enjoyed reading your stuff even if I didnt agree with everything you say...and lo ands behold I agree with mantra..

Jovial Monk

Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by Jovial Monk » Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:51 am

Seems it is back to work for Cynick, don't think he was driven away. Hope he does come back, he was funny, earnest and yes a bit precious :)

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Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by TomB » Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:08 am

On second thoughts, if it made Frogen laugh it was probably wrong and uncalled for and I apologise unreservedly. :|
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Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by Hebe » Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:44 am

Hebe, I didn't answer your question the first time because I had a vague memory that talking to you was a waste of time. I was right, but I do not regret giving the benefit of the doubt. You repeatedly asked me for an explanation about something, and then when TomB decided to put the boot in, for reasons that are known only to him, you also decided to mock me. That makes you a treacherous, grade A fuckhead.
Oh for God's sake, I wasn't deriding you. :roll: It was a good explanation and I was merely expressing the effort I put into reading and understanding it. You should be flattered, not petulant.
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Re: Malcolm Turnbull

Post by Auzgurl » Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:45 am

I dont have a either or mentality..

I like both Frogen and more recently Cyniks writings ..and I use the word writing because their posts to me are more blog like .

Cyniks intolerance for those with even an ordinary IQ , have caused him to fall from favour ( with me) at one time..but it doesnt matter..I suspect he would not care about anyones approval. Its an anonymous world we all inhabit here after all..

I do not agree with everything both Frogen and Cynik say.. I just care for the beauty of prose and the written word.

A well written peice is a beautiful thing.

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