mantra wrote:The money has always been found for retirement for the PS, but if there comes a day when the rest of Australia is struggling to stay afloat - why is it that the PS are guaranteed this income?
Because it is part of our employment contract mantra. There would be a massive class action against the fed govt from current and retired employees for breech of contract if they tried to deny us our legal entitlements. In fact many public servants joined the public service because of the profoundly generous benefits that were offered as part of that employment.
We also get 13 weeks paid maternity leave.
20 days carers leave per annum
20 days sick leave per annum which accrues.
4 weeks rec leave with the option of half pay which extends the leave to 8 weeks and the option of 4 weeks purchased leave (where an amount is withheld up to the value of 4weeks pay to be used for additional rec leave)
2 days special leave
bereavement leave
adoption leave
leave without pay of up to 12mths
leave with pay of up to 12 mths
flex time
rostered days off (up to 2 per mth)
we average a standard wage rise of approx 3.5 per cent per annum... sometimes more. I notice that labor are less generous.
all that cost the tax payer also. now whilst you cannot change our conditions... you can certainly demand your money's worth and kick up a stink when you don't get your money's worth... I encourage it. Our conditions are too good and our public servants too slack.
We have to watch our superannuation often dwindle regardless of the market occasionally having a little buoyancy. It gets eaten up by fees and if the market crashes - we can often end up with nothing. The PS are guaranteed their super - no matter what stresses occur to the rest of us through market forces.
The liberal govt has changed the rules so that public servants who joined from about 2005 onwards (I would have to check that, but it was around then) have the same scheme as other australians. Eventually those of us on the old schemes will die out but it the mean time our legal entitlements will be paid... it's just a matter of how... the future fund or additional taxes and funding cuts.
You should also be please to note that the public service superannuation fund was one of the better performing super funds during the worst of the first wave GFC (within the top 5) because of conservative investments made and a good spread of cash/gold, shares and bonds... unlike commercial super funds who were battered because the fund managers sort high returns within the share market whilst holding limited cash/gold reserves and bonds. This means that the future fund will not suffer the added burden of funding excessive losses from the GFC.
On the up side... most employees can choose their own super fund and so should research or seek advise on the most consistant and diversified fund managers available.... by finding the best managed fund, you reduce your chances of feeling the full brunt of a down turn.