Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by Neferti » Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:51 pm

Anyone who comes here for a DEBATE will be surely disappointed. :D

Personal attacks are what's its all about. Most posters on "political" forums such as this, don't even have the Aussie sense of humour any more. Geeze!

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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by Pastafarian » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:01 am

Pastafarian wrote:Higherbeam anyone who actually believes any of the stuff you posted is on crack.
I dont get into personal attacks anymore and will only debate people that want to debate and not launch personal attacks.
When you come back do you want to pick a topic for us to take opposing sides on?

I didn't say you because I didn't know whether you believe in it. If you do, you're on crack.
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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by J.W. Frogen » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:11 pm

Being anally probed by Aliens is on my bucket list.

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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by Neferti » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:12 pm

Frogen, you are a very naughty boy! Unfortunately, the Monk no longer bothers us with his drivel but if you wish, you could pop over to his Blog and bend over ........ I am sure he would offer the bucket of which you speak. :shock:

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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by HIGHERBEAM » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:39 pm

Erich von Daniken writes in his book Chariots of the Gods, that in the Old Testament of the Bible, Book of Ezekiel, there is a possible discription of a spaceship landing and aliens stepping out.

Flying machines are also often mentioned in Hindu scripts.

Here, however, I would like to look at a couple of less famous clues to the question. Firstly I would like to mention the Dogon people of Mali, Africa, south of Nigeria. These people believe that in their past, their ancestors were paid a visit by an alien being. This alien was half man and half fish and liked to stay not too far from water. He explained to them, that he came from a watery planet in the Sirius System. He also is supposed to of told them that his planet had three suns. These stories have been shunned by sceptics, who say they could of heard such things from an earlier visit by europeans.
Book of Ezekiel
He notices the red-hot radiator -glowing coals- (Chapter 1, verse 13)

13. "As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, and like the appearance of lamps: it went up and down among the living creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth lightning."

covering part of the lower central body; the prophet is fascinated by the wheels which, in their basic form, are the only element he recognizes and thus describes in great detail.

Chapter 1 verse 7
"Their legs were straight. and the soles of their feet were round; and they sparkled like burnished bronze
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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:17 pm

Flying machines are also often mentioned in Hindu scripts.
Not often, but yes they're mentioned here and there.

In Ramayana, Rama and his wife Sita made a triumphant return from exile in the jungle to his homeland kingdom Ayodhya in a flying machine called a Vimana.
In Mahabharatta an invading foreign force arrived in Bharata/India via a flying boat called a Vailixi.

Mention of a giant arrow which kills with a blinding flash (and setting the jungle ablaze injuring many animals) in Mahabharatta has been speculated to have been a nuclear missile.
In sanskrit anu means atom, but its not mentioned in relation to the giant arrow, and I don't know of an/the sanskrit equivalent for nuclear.

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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by Pastafarian » Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:30 pm

I used to believe von Daniken, but upon serious contemplation you can see several flaws in his work.

Firstly, confirmation bias. He rushes too quickly to reach the alien visitation theory without excluding more sensible ones.
Second, racism. Notice how almost all of his work is about South Americans, Africans, Asians? Becaiuse he believes they are so inferior they couldn't possibly build pyramids etc with out outside help.
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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by HIGHERBEAM » Sun Feb 20, 2011 8:10 pm

The burning bush story in the Old Testament. Everyone knows it. Moses leads his people out of Egypt after his God sent plagues and death to all the first born males without the mark of God on their doors……
Well, taking into consideration that this was written thousands of years ago, one would have a tough time explaining things that you never saw before.
With that intro, I noticed several UFO connections. Lets begin with Moses going to the summit of Mount Sinai to speak to the Lord and receive his laws and Commandments.

Let’s set the scene here. Moses and his people are wandering in the desert after escaping the Egyptians and their years of slavery. Moses, through the power of God sent plague after plague onto the Pharoah of Egypt trying to convince him to let his people go. The Pharoah finally relented and Moses and his people marched out of Egypt. But soon the Pharoah had a change of heart and ordered his soldiers to mount their chariots and bring the slaves back to Egypt.

God sent a giant pillar of fire to slow the Egyptian army from advancing on Moses who was pinned at the mouth of the Red Sea. Then God parted the Red Sea and Moses and his followers crossed the sea while the Egyptian soldiers drowned when the wall of water collapsed around them. After years of wandering in the desert to cleanse the sin of Gods people, the Lord called Moses to the Mountain to receive his Commandments. The Lord spoke to Moses through a burning bush and instructed Moses to take the tablets of the 10 Commandments written by the Hand of God and give his people the new law of the land and Lord.

Here’s where the UFO connection comes into play. What if,… An alien race played god. The aliens use their technology to unleash plague after plague until they send an airborne bacteria that kills all the first born while protecting Moses and the other believers for they were all inoculated and were immune to the bacteria. Perhaps those bitter herbs and spices were actually a vaccine to protect them from the plague.

The pillar of fire? A mere thrust of the aliens spacecraft engines hovering above would provide plenty of fire so as not to pass. The parting of the Red Sea? A simple pontoon bridge where the people could walk across the sea to safety all the while retracting it so the Egyptians could not follow.

The burning bush? A little light show, some pyrotechnics, a sound system, welding and cutting torches and a few slabs of granite. To primitive man, all these things could only be explained as godlike.

What if Moses was being spoken to through telepathy? Of course Moses would assume it was God who was speaking to him, for God was inside his head, his very thoughts and mind.

The mountain was covered in clouds and dense smoke not letting the people from the ground view the peak of the mountain. Perhaps an alien spacecraft was hovering just above the peak, leaving in it’s exhaust thick smoke and the strange fire and lights the people spoke of.

Moses comes down from the mountain with the new laws of God, the 10 commandments and a new religion was born….
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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by Pastafarian » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:10 am

HIGHERBEAM wrote:The burning bush story in the Old Testament. Everyone knows it. Moses leads his people out of Egypt after his God sent plagues and death to all the first born males without the mark of God on their doors……
Well, taking into consideration that this was written thousands of years ago, one would have a tough time explaining things that you never saw before.
With that intro, I noticed several UFO connections. Lets begin with Moses going to the summit of Mount Sinai to speak to the Lord and receive his laws and Commandments.

Let’s set the scene here. Moses and his people are wandering in the desert after escaping the Egyptians and their years of slavery. Moses, through the power of God sent plague after plague onto the Pharoah of Egypt trying to convince him to let his people go. The Pharoah finally relented and Moses and his people marched out of Egypt. But soon the Pharoah had a change of heart and ordered his soldiers to mount their chariots and bring the slaves back to Egypt.

God sent a giant pillar of fire to slow the Egyptian army from advancing on Moses who was pinned at the mouth of the Red Sea. Then God parted the Red Sea and Moses and his followers crossed the sea while the Egyptian soldiers drowned when the wall of water collapsed around them. After years of wandering in the desert to cleanse the sin of Gods people, the Lord called Moses to the Mountain to receive his Commandments. The Lord spoke to Moses through a burning bush and instructed Moses to take the tablets of the 10 Commandments written by the Hand of God and give his people the new law of the land and Lord.

Here’s where the UFO connection comes into play. What if,… An alien race played god. The aliens use their technology to unleash plague after plague until they send an airborne bacteria that kills all the first born while protecting Moses and the other believers for they were all inoculated and were immune to the bacteria. Perhaps those bitter herbs and spices were actually a vaccine to protect them from the plague.

The pillar of fire? A mere thrust of the aliens spacecraft engines hovering above would provide plenty of fire so as not to pass. The parting of the Red Sea? A simple pontoon bridge where the people could walk across the sea to safety all the while retracting it so the Egyptians could not follow.

The burning bush? A little light show, some pyrotechnics, a sound system, welding and cutting torches and a few slabs of granite. To primitive man, all these things could only be explained as godlike.

What if Moses was being spoken to through telepathy? Of course Moses would assume it was God who was speaking to him, for God was inside his head, his very thoughts and mind.

The mountain was covered in clouds and dense smoke not letting the people from the ground view the peak of the mountain. Perhaps an alien spacecraft was hovering just above the peak, leaving in it’s exhaust thick smoke and the strange fire and lights the people spoke of.

Moses comes down from the mountain with the new laws of God, the 10 commandments and a new religion was born….

Again this is reaching for an answer. First of all you have to prove that the events in the Old Testament actually occurred, then exclude more earthbound causes then I might buy aliens.
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Re: Have we been visited by Aliens I say yes

Post by boxy » Mon Feb 21, 2011 10:28 pm

lol, the bible as evidence :D

do the koran next, plz!
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