Does the world need to regulate whaling

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Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:11 am

freediver wrote:
I think we should allow the traditional whaling nations of this world to use traditional means to trap and kill whales but they must not use mechanised means at all but only the same means of their ancestors used and only for the consumption of the people doing the catching
Would you be happy if the Japanese insisted you only eat food you have raised and dressed yourself?
If your a muzzie, then everyone will bend over backwards to to tell you how to do it 'correctly' and make sure the meat that you are eating is halal.

I wonder where the Seashepards are with their protesting on halal whale cakes?

Fucking hypocrites and sponges. Target the leftwhinging affluent for donations to a non-cause to try and make the rest of the world adhere to conformity as defined by leftwhingers to garner donations to keep his fat arse afloat.

Watson should be harpooned himself
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Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by Super Nova » Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:47 am

boxy wrote:Are you fucking kidding?

If you've gotta kill, do it as quick and painlessly as possible.
I guess I was thinking, just becasue we kill somehting humanly does not been it is Ok to kill it. After all it is dead at the end, can not reproduce, it is gone forever. The kill can not be undone. If it takes a second or an hour is not really that important unless you apply human values.

Cats play with their prey... a nice slow death if they are not too hungary. They don't care that the mouse is suffering. Crocs drown you if they can't start ripping you apart. Pythons crush and smother you. Spiders paralise you and then digest you from the inside before suching your inards out. So there is no natural nice way to to be killed. The way you kill should not justify the fact you killed an animal. the decision to kill is the one I question.
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AiA in Atlanta

Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:00 am

Has anyone seen the film The Cove? If you have you may agree that regulation is needed.

AiA in Atlanta

Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:02 am

HIGHERBEAM wrote: a sci-fi movie Soilant Green where we grind down our old folk into edible biscuits because of lack of space and waste not want not
"You tell everybody. Listen to me, Hatcher. You've gotta tell them! Soylent Green is people! We've gotta stop them somehow!"

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Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by HIGHERBEAM » Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:07 am

freediver wrote:
I think we should allow the traditional whaling nations of this world to use traditional means to trap and kill whales but they must not use mechanised means at all but only the same means of their ancestors used and only for the consumption of the people doing the catching
Would you be happy if the Japanese insisted you only eat food you have raised and dressed yourself?
I see you still have not learnt to debate rationally F/D,get some credible information in the negetive or leave it to people that know how to debate as I have taken the positive side and S/N the negetive and that does not mean that we accept accept the views of the side we are debating on
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Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:22 am

Pointing out the hypocrisy of the anti whaling brigade is a debate technique. It is designed to make you think about your position.

I suspect any form of logical and rational thinking is just not for you
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:28 am

Well I kill living creatures on a semi-regular basis, and not always for food.
Not so long ago I hunted dingos and feral dogs for the bounty, and lately a feral pig population explosion around my property has made it unsafe to walk unarmed through the bush.
Whatever the reason/excuse I justify it with is sort of accademic and could be debated into infinity.
I just accept the fact that the most intelligent creatures on this planet are carnivorous and require the zinc and iron in the flesh so they can keep outsmarting their dinner. Its not good or bad, it just is. Nature is cruel and like it or not humans are part of that nature.
Psuedo-religious judgemental do-gooders can offer any wanky rationale they like, like 'sanctity of life' ect, and I can rebutt their condemnations with their own wanky psuedo-religion.
For example Siddhartha Guatama (Buddha) proclaimed that 'all that lives suffers' ... so killing something ends its suffering. Others ... psuedo-hindus .. reckon their theology declares hunting and eating flesh is evil (or Adharmic as in opposed to Dharma) so I point out that one of their major diety heros [Rama] hunted dear for his Nepalese princess [Sita] in Ramayana. When they switch to "I believe and practice Ahimsa" I have to check if they actually know the word's true meaning, because nearly all westerners will tell you Ahimsa means 'Non-violence', and that's simply not the case. The literal sanskrit translation of Ahimsa is 'injure nothing' .... mot a mention about killing or not killing.
Then I finish them of with a quote from the ultimate save/protect the animals squad's favourite diety Krishna ....
"The spark that is eternal in all things is eternal in them all, so thou need not grieve o Ajuna for that which cannot die"

So humans being omnivorous predators is just part of nature whether soy munchers accept it or not.
Now if humanity wants to save a creature from extermination, by all means protect it.
But there's no point declaring a creature a protected species unless those making the declaration are willing to physically protect it, which in the case of whales means sinking offending vessels and penalising everyone involved.

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Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by Neferti » Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:42 pm

People who post copious amounts of "stuff" about "whaling" obviously haven't a Real Life. Once you guys grow up, have kids, get a mortgage, what Bob Brown thinks will no longer matter. Unless, you are an "empty nester" with cat problems and an overgrown back yard ............. :mrgreen:

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Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by freediver » Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:46 pm

the decision to kill is the one I question
Yes it is OK to kill them.
I see you still have not learnt to debate rationally F/D,get some credible information in the negetive or leave it to people that know how to debate as I have taken the positive side and S/N the negetive and that does not mean that we accept accept the views of the side we are debating o
So you support whaling?

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Re: Does the world need to regulate whaling

Post by HIGHERBEAM » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:15 am

Neferti~ wrote:People who post copious amounts of "stuff" about "whaling" obviously haven't a Real Life. Once you guys grow up, have kids, get a mortgage, what Bob Brown thinks will no longer matter. Unless, you are an "empty nester" with cat problems and an overgrown back yard ............. :mrgreen:
I dont normally respond to bullshit but I have six children and 17 grand children and if you cant just do a bit of homework before dabating you are wasting your time and should spend your time playing video games like oneliner F/D.He has other web sites and can only put oneliners there too.
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