climate change and how the left has been misleading public

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Outlaw Yogi

Re: climate change and how the left has been misleading public

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:11 pm

Well its real simple, see ... AIA mentioned GW/CC had been turned into a Liberal hoax amounst the mindless mass of Americans .. and I addressed the comment by posting what Chomsky had to say regarding 'why it is so'.

Your 'Just saying' type BS as in "divert your attention" is no argument ... hey its not even relevant.

Your retort concerning convincing half brained so and so's on the reality or unreality of GW/CC sounds like you think GW/CC is a hoax.

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Re: climate change and how the left has been misleading public

Post by Super Nova » Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:13 pm

sounds like you think GW/CC is a hoax
Climate change is a reality. As i said beforethose who oppose it for what ever reason use bad science and the absence of absolute proof to poo poo it. Just like smoking, drink driving, dope, aspestos (sp) and more (I just can not think of them all). In fact anything that those in power have an interest in preserving. The masses will accept this bullshit until it effects them personally then it will be too late.

It is time to appoint me as benevolent dictator of the world... then and only then will it be a better place. (it would be for me :-))
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Re: climate change and how the left has been misleading public

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Feb 16, 2011 9:07 pm

According to Chomsky 1/3rd of Americans believe GW/CC is a hoax, and he agrees with my prognostications that the situation is far worse and more advanced than any of the so called experts have been willing to admit.
So according to you and Noam, you believe 2/3rds of Americans are worth listening to? :lol:
Climate change is a reality.
Yes. Climate has always changed. For millennia.

How much the climate has changed in recent years that can be ascribed to humans is still up for debate.
Then if you accept on 'faith' that humans are responsible, then you have to prescribe a solution and creating a new economic paradigm and industry which WILL be fuelled by the same carbon burning industry it is purportedly designed to restrict is not a solution.

Like most other 'govt initiatives' all it will do is shift the burden. Possibly to something worse
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Re: climate change and how the left has been misleading public

Post by Super Nova » Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:41 am

Yes. Climate has always changed. For millennia.

How much the climate has changed in recent years that can be ascribed to humans is still up for debate.
That is the problem. How long will the debate take before the damage it too great to easily reverse.
Then if you accept on 'faith' that humans are responsible, then you have to prescribe a solution and creating a new economic paradigm and industry which WILL be fuelled by the same carbon burning industry it is purportedly designed to restrict is not a solution.
Actually I think I can buy into that logic. Are you saying "we don't have a solution really at the moment" even if we all agree we have a major problem because we have no real alterative to a high carbon releasing society. However this is to be done in steps.

1. So we need to get out of denial and accept there is a problem.
2. Design new alternatives to the way we generate energy today.
3. Plan the implementation of the new technology
4. Change laws and restructure the ecconomies to a new strategic sustainable direction.
5. Monitor, police
6. Design and put in place carbon extraction processes

We realy need to admit we have the problem before anything will be done about it. We can debate it until the end of humanity.
Like most other 'govt initiatives' all it will do is shift the burden. Possibly to something worse
Good point. A reasonable concern.
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Outlaw Yogi

Re: climate change and how the left has been misleading public

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:59 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:
According to Chomsky 1/3rd of Americans believe GW/CC is a hoax, and he agrees with my prognostications that the situation is far worse and more advanced than any of the so called experts have been willing to admit.
So according to you and Noam, you believe 2/3rds of Americans are worth listening to? :lol:
No, according to me 2/3rds of Americans are not quite as stupid as the doomsday christians who claim only their god has the capacity to destroy the world.

Y'see all GW/CC deniers/skeptics fall into 2 groups.
1st there's those in the very industries responsible for most of the problem who are well aware they are sending the planet into melt-down, but pretend otherwise because they hope to cash in their super before everything goes to $#!+. These are the companies manufacturing false science to discredit science itself.
The 2nd group falls in to 2 sub-catagories. There's the 'Let's blow up the world for Jesus' doomsday crowd who are actively destroying the planet to self fullfil a morbid fantasy known as the 2nd coming of Christ. And there's the doomsday sympathizers who prefer to hide their superstitions and/or psychosis under a veil of feined rationality, by clutching at any supposed scientific anomaly which almost always turn out to be hydrocarbon fuel industry manufactured myths.

Outlaw Yogi

Re: climate change and how the left has been misleading public

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:42 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote: Yes. Climate has always changed. For millennia.

How much the climate has changed in recent years that can be ascribed to humans is still up for debate.
Not for long ...
Link Confirmed Between Warming and Heavy Storms
"Warmer air contains more moisture and leads to more extreme precipitation," said Francis Zwiers of the University of Victoria.

Extreme precipitation and flooding over the entire northern hemisphere increased by seven percent between 1951 and 1999 as a result of anthropogenic global warming. That represents a "substantial change", Zwiers told IPS, and more than twice the increase projected by climate modeling.

Zwiers and Xuebin Zhang of Environment Canada used observations from over 6,000 weather stations to measure the impact of climate warming on the intensity of extreme precipitation for the first time. The study was published Wednesday in the journal Nature.

The planet is currently 0.8 degrees C hotter from the burning of fossil fuels. However, global temperatures had not yet started to increase in 1951, the first year of rainfall data Zwiers and Xuebin examined. By 1999, global temperatures had climbed by about 0.6 degrees C. The average temperature increase over that 50-year period is relatively small compared to the present but major impacts have been documented in terms of storm and flood damage even with this small increase in temperatures
IQS.RLOW wrote:Then if you accept on 'faith' that humans are responsible, then you have to prescribe a solution and creating a new economic paradigm and industry which WILL be fuelled by the same carbon burning industry it is purportedly designed to restrict is not a solution.
Fortunately or unfortunately depending perspective, we don't have to accept anthropogenic GW/CC on faith because we have mountains of tangible evidence.
Excuses claiming we are not able to switch to low or non GHG emiting power sources is defeatist falacy.
Fact is we have had the technology to implement such a change for over 20 years, but the hydrocarbon fuel industry CEOs are reluctant to invest in such a scenario because they were too slow to take up such options and so cannot monopolise the market for themselves.

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Re: climate change and how the left has been misleading public

Post by Neferti » Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:37 pm

Just so you all know. I have no desire to "discuss" CC with people on a Forum. I add a diversive comment from time to time ...... so? :mrgreen:

Life is too short to get so serious about something so stupid.

Outlaw Yogi

Re: climate change and how the left has been misleading public

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:33 pm

Then buy a waterfront property. :twisted:

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Re: climate change and how the left has been misleading public

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:52 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:Then buy a waterfront property. :twisted:
I'll wait to the hysteria really kicks in and buy 3, then rent them to the mining company execs who won't give a damn

You fail to see how carbon taxes/ETS will be passed on to those that can least afford it. The poor and struggling.
Any govt compensation will be quickly eaten by market forces who can smell a scam a mile off...and this is a scam that no .gov can possibly think they have any control over.

It is high time that govts realised this. Any interference with market forces is doomed to failure
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

Outlaw Yogi

Re: climate change and how the left has been misleading public

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:17 am

If someone could be bothered to check the thread they'd probably see a repeating theme from me about massive global flooding via GW induced oceanic inundation in the past, mostly concerning the 3 global floods within the last 18,000 years or if you prefer since the last glacial maximum (LGM = 21K to 18K yrs ago)
... and occasionally accusations that fundamentalist Christianity (who I dub 'doomseekers') are actively destroying the planet in as many ways as they can conceive so Jesus will come back to save them, while simultaneously proclaiming GW/CC to be a 'One World Government' conspiracy plot for whatever tripped out psychotic fairytale irrationales they imagine.

The lengths these jesus freaks will go to to obscure the physical reality of this planet and its history is truely phuking bizare, check this $#!+ out >>>

The Mars-Earth Wars ... thWars.htm

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