Flood tax, carbon tax

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Ned Kelly

Re: Flood tax, carbon tax

Post by Ned Kelly » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:41 pm

Ethnic wrote:Then if Gillard won't hand it over she'll do other things with the money. She can't resist. It's the Rudd/Gillard way. FFS Bring back Hawke - at least he had some good ideas.

Efficiency and not corrupt my aching arse - BER and Batts insulation anyone?
There goes that BER thing again. I just don't understand the problem. Every day, I drive around the Sunshine Coast, I see work in progress building a facility at a local School. At Rudd's Nambour High School, there is a huge and obviously very useful thaing going up, giving the School a valuable asset and local builders, work.

What is the problem?

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Re: Flood tax, carbon tax

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:53 pm

It's a stimulus program that is no longer required.

Money that could be put to better use without the waste and drain on the labour pool
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Re: Flood tax, carbon tax

Post by Leftwinger » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:45 pm

Lefty, mining may only employ 2% of the working population but both the federal and state governments collect billions in taxes and royalties. Queensland alone gets about $3 billion per year from coal. This money is then used for health, education, infrastructure, community sport, poodles - who the fuck knows. In other words without mining we would be down billions.
Whoever said anything about being without mining? Only that it's input to the overall economy is routinely exaggerated. And that compelling foreigners making an absolute killing from exploiting Australian resources to pay a bit more will not cause mining to pack up and leave - unless you ask a mining boss.
Everything else you said seems to indicate some level of jealousy of successful and rich people. McMansions? You mean large homes that people are free to build? Sheesh enough of these stupid class wars. If you have the money, then you're free to spend it however the hell you want.
What motivated that comment? Didn't I already say my household will be paying the levy? "Successful and rich" people will have to pay more but so what? They earn more. The financial impact on household budgets is so small that if the levy was never publicly announced, many people wouldn't even realise that they were paying each week. What's the big deal?

I can't placate your fears that the feds will run off with the money and spend it all on wing-wongs for goose's bridles but especially given the very public nature of rebuilding, I'm just not nearly as cycnical as you are.

I'm just dismayed at the increasing Americanisation of Australian attitudes - a paranoid distrust of government to the extent that their ability to advance the public purpose is hampered. Small wonder the US has some of the highest rates of inequality in the modern world.

There goes that BER thing again. I just don't understand the problem. Every day, I drive around the Sunshine Coast, I see work in progress building a facility at a local School. At Rudd's Nambour High School, there is a huge and obviously very useful thaing going up, giving the School a valuable asset and local builders, work.

What is the problem?
Exactly Ned! I'm in a position to have personally inspected a number of these projects - the level of problems have been MASSIVELY exaggerated.

IQ - get your hands out from under that spot in your robe.

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Re: Flood tax, carbon tax

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:49 pm

IQ - get your hands out from under that spot in your robe.
Can't refute my points eh? :lol:
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Re: Flood tax, carbon tax

Post by Leftwinger » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:22 pm

Oh don't be silly, I just thought I'd decend to your level for a moment to see what it's like. It's mindless, dull and boring. Don't know how you live with your own caveman-like stupidity but I suppose you're too thick to realise that you're thick.

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Re: Flood tax, carbon tax

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:27 pm

Nope- still no refutation.

You should stick to your bullshit economic theories. At least that way you can only look like a fucking idiot on one subject
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia


Re: Flood tax, carbon tax

Post by Ethnic » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:09 pm

So that's it everybody. Case closed. Do not not discuss the BER ever again. You are not allowed to because the BER is 100% perfect and wonderful and fucking fantastic. How do we know? Well lefty looked at a couple of BER projects and says that he likes what he saw. That's all the evidence needed. Fuck you Senate and your fucking inquiries into the use of taxpayers money. Just ask lefty, he knows everything :roll:

Think I'm going to fucking throw up.

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Re: Flood tax, carbon tax

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:29 pm

Lefty and Monk would excuse this govt if they committed child abuse
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Flood tax, carbon tax

Post by Leftwinger » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:31 am

Ethnic wrote:So that's it everybody. Case closed. Do not not discuss the BER ever again. You are not allowed to because the BER is 100% perfect and wonderful and fucking fantastic. How do we know? Well lefty looked at a couple of BER projects and says that he likes what he saw. That's all the evidence needed. Fuck you Senate and your fucking inquiries into the use of taxpayers money. Just ask lefty, he knows everything :roll:

Think I'm going to fucking throw up.
Celly, get your head out of your fucking arse long enough so that your eyes aren't covered in shit. Your carry-on has seriously fucked me off. You so desperately WANT government initiatives like this to be a failure so that you can feel proven correct.

Stop fucking wanking on and SHOW me the huge numbers of massive failures - show me how the whole BER thing is a complete disaster. Oh wait, that's right you can't...........because it ISN'T.

How the fuck is it that half the builders in the country suddenly become incompetent shonks just because they were engaged in a large government project? Anyone with two brain cells to rub together (that puts you out IQ) can see that that's a wank. So the MSM cherry-picks a small handful of problems and blows them out of all proportion in the most incredible beat up, portrays the few as being representative of the whole thing and the lame brains fall for it. Fuckin' Jeezus, give me a break!!!!!!!!!!
Lefty and Monk would excuse this govt if they committed child abuse
Don't worry IQ, I'm sure the MSM is working on a story about that right now, no doubt based on an anonymous tip-off from an unverified source.

Jovial Monk

Re: Flood tax, carbon tax

Post by Jovial Monk » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:14 am

Lefty and Monk have actually criticised the Labor govt, Rudd & Gillard, whereas you never dare criticise the Libs IQ, because you are just a lib fanboi, not someone with an independent brain!

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