Wot's in store for U$A?

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Re: Wot's in store for U$A?

Post by Sappho » Sun Jan 23, 2011 2:06 pm

NYT wrote:They said Chinese customs officials imposed the broader restrictions on Monday morning, hours after a top Chinese official summoned international news media Sunday night to denounce United States trade actions.
China mines 95 percent of the world’s rare earth elements, which have broad commercial and military applications, and are vital to the manufacture of products as diverse as cellphones, large wind turbines and guided missiles. Any curtailment of Chinese supplies of rare earths is likely to be greeted with alarm in Western capitals, particularly because Western companies are believed to keep much smaller stockpiles of rare earths than Japanese companies.
China experts said on Tuesday that Beijing’s assertive stance on rare earths might also signal the ascendance of economic nationalists, noting that the Central Committee of the Communist Party convened over the weekend.
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/20/busin ... ml?_r=2&hp
It started in october 2010.

China pretty much own the market and have been working to that end since the 1980s as part of their move to become tech leaders.

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Re: Wot's in store for U$A?

Post by boxy » Sun Jan 23, 2011 4:07 pm

They own the market on rare earth elements, only because they undercut the price. If they restrict supply, or up the price, other sources will be opened up as it becomes profitable.
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Re: Wot's in store for U$A?

Post by Sappho » Mon Jan 24, 2011 1:30 am

boxy wrote:They own the market on rare earth elements, only because they undercut the price. If they restrict supply, or up the price, other sources will be opened up as it becomes profitable.
Yes they own the market, so can afford to undercut the Californian mine when they begin producing.
From the Australian, The Wall Street Journal wrote: China's strategy, said Yoichi Sato, head of the rare earth division of Mitsui, suggested a complex game being played between Beijing and the world's rare earth consumers. The perceived idea behind China restricting its rare earth exports is twofold. First, it gives its own high-tech industries a chance to flourish and gain a huge competitive edge over rivals in Asia, Europe and the US - a politically useful gambit by a Government whose legitimacy lies in the provision of jobs and economic growth. Second, it may force foreign companies to move their high-tech factories and research centres to China to circumvent quotas, a move that Japanese companies will resist for fear of losing industrial secrets.

Mr Sato also believes that China will seek to use its existing monopoly status to crush any competition that emerges. Although about 42 per cent of worldwide reserves of rare earth ores lie outside China, very few places have significant refinery capacity.

Mr Sato said: "Of course many people are looking at establishing alternative refineries and sources outside China, but the investment is not necessarily a sound one because of the threat of price revenge by China. If new projects emerge, as they have recently in Malaysia and Australia, China could just drop its prices and force rivals out of business."
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/busines ... 1119076188

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Wot's in store for U$A?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:00 pm

Rare Earth mines tend to be unpopular. When I lived in Balina (NSW) a rare Earth mine was proposed (1987-88) and NIMBYs knocked it on the head over potential radioactive contamination issues.
California's Mountain Pass neodymium mine contaminated Ivanpah Dry Lake, then China flooded the market, so strategic stockpiling was abandoned. But the Pentagon sees PRChina as its next big foe, so ..

Neodymium’s Strategic Importance Gets Traction With US Congress
Tue, Jun 1, 2010
http://rareearthinvestingnews.com/934/n ... -congress/
On Friday, The House of Representatives approved the National Defense Authorization Act, which outlines the US Department of Defense’s (DoD) budget and expenditures. Included in the Act was an amendment to formulate a plan to establish a domestic source of rare earth element neodymium.
Search: strategic importance neodymium
http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&c ... um&spell=1

Clean Energy's Dirty Little Secret
http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/arc ... cret/7377/

Search: californian neodymium mine
http://www.google.com.au/search?q=calif ... =firefox-a

If the Pentagon's fears are correct, then I predict PRC will be looking for lots of this stuff, but they can't have my rocks without a fight.
http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&c ... 0&aql=&oq=

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Wot's in store for U$A?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:00 am

I love Doomsday christian fearmongers 'coz they come up with the funniest conspiracy stories, especially if they're Amerikan.
Wouldn't normally bother posting, but they've roped OZ into this one.

FEMA Advising Australia Amid Takeover Of America?
http://theintelhub.com/2011/01/25/fema- ... f-america/

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Re: Wot's in store for U$A?

Post by boxy » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:56 am

The FEMA head came to Australia last year to give instructions (see P1) how to build the detention camps suitable to take Australians who reject the UN global government take over of the country when this region becomes the ASIAN UNION.. – Something that has been kept secret. – The IMF banking cartel will take over government as it has in Argentina, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain Ireland etc. Already 850 similar camps are built in America to hold over 40 million when the expected civil unrest begins, which will hold detainees for forced vaccinations and dissidents..

The Australian people have been completely duped and deceived concerning the NWO-UN-CFR, planned take-over, and the corrupt media, also under the control of the IMF banking cartel. demonise any whistle blower who raises the warnings as ‘conspirators’.

In this planned attack on Australia, as in all previous take-overs, FIRST the UN coerce the Governments which are also CORPORATIONS to SELL OFF all public assets into private corporations, and it is found the BUYERS of such CORP’s are from the USA ADMIN such as Halliburton, Rockefeller, KBR etc. then squeeze the economy, close the banks, take possession of all properties, and enforce vaccinations.
They're really got a bug up their arse about these "enforced vaccinations", don't they. Sounds like the least of their worries :D
"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Wot's in store for U$A?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Tue Feb 22, 2011 9:42 pm

This might be more appropriate in a 'Food Security' thread considering the global food situation ATM, but this particular issue is mainly US centric,

Scientists Warn of Link Between Dangerous New Pathogen and Monsanto’s Roundup
http://theintelhub.com/2011/02/21/scien ... s-roundup/
Dear Secretary Vilsack:
A team of senior plant and animal scientists have recently brought to my attention the discovery of an electron microscopic pathogen that appears to significantly impact the health of plants, animals, and probably human beings. Based on a review of the data, it is widespread, very serious, and is in much higher concentrations in Roundup Ready (RR) soybeans and corn—suggesting a link with the RR gene or more likely the presence of Roundup. This organism appears NEW to science!

This is highly sensitive information that could result in a collapse of US soy and corn export markets and significant disruption of domestic food and feed supplies. On the other hand, this new organism may already be responsible for significant harm (see below). My colleagues and I are therefore moving our investigation forward with speed and discretion, and seek assistance from the USDA and other entities to identify the pathogen’s source, prevalence, implications, and remedies.

We are informing the USDA of our findings at this early stage, specifically due to your pending decision regarding approval of RR alfalfa. Naturally, if either the RR gene or Roundup itself is a promoter or co-factor of this pathogen, then such approval could be a calamity. Based on the current evidence, the only reasonable action at this time would be to delay deregulation at least until sufficient data has exonerated the RR system, if it does.

For the past 40 years, I have been a scientist in the professional and military agencies that evaluate and prepare for natural and manmade biological threats, including germ warfare and disease outbreaks. Based on this experience, I believe the threat we are facing from this pathogen is unique and of a high risk status. In layman’s terms, it should be treated as an emergency.

A diverse set of researchers working on this problem have contributed various pieces of the puzzle, which together presents the following disturbing scenario:

Unique Physical Properties
This previously unknown organism is only visible under an electron microscope (36,000X), with an approximate size range equal to a medium size virus. It is able to reproduce and appears to be a micro-fungal-like organism. If so, it would be the first such micro-fungus ever identified. There is strong evidence that this infectious agent promotes diseases of both plants and mammals, which is very rare.

Pathogen Location and Concentration
It is found in high concentrations in Roundup Ready soybean meal and corn, distillers meal, fermentation feed products, pig stomach contents, and pig and cattle placentas.

Linked with Outbreaks of Plant Disease
The organism is prolific in plants infected with two pervasive diseases that are driving down yields and farmer income—sudden death syndrome (SDS) in soy, and Goss’ wilt in corn. The pathogen is also found in the fungal causative agent of SDS (Fusarium solani fsp glycines).

Implicated in Animal Reproductive Failure
Laboratory tests have confirmed the presence of this organism in a wide variety of livestock that have experienced spontaneous abortions and infertility. Preliminary results from ongoing research have also been able to reproduce abortions in a clinical setting.

The pathogen may explain the escalating frequency of infertility and spontaneous abortions over the past few years in US cattle, dairy, swine, and horse operations. These include recent reports of infertility rates in dairy heifers of over 20%, and spontaneous abortions in cattle as high as 45%.
For example, 450 of 1,000 pregnant heifers fed wheatlage experienced spontaneous abortions. Over the same period, another 1,000 heifers from the same herd that were raised on hay had no abortions. High concentrations of the pathogen were confirmed on the wheatlage, which likely had been under weed management using glyphosate.

In summary, because of the high titer of this new animal pathogen in Round Ready crops,[sic] and its association with plant and animal diseases that are reaching epidemic proportions, we request USDA’s participation in a multi-agency investigation, and an immediate moratorium on the deregulation of RR crops until the causal/predisposing relationship with glyphosate and/or RR plants can be ruled out as a threat to crop and animal production and human health.

It is urgent to examine whether the side-effects of glyphosate use may have facilitated the growth of this pathogen, or allowed it to cause greater harm to weakened plant and animal hosts. It is well-documented that glyphosate promotes soil pathogens and is already implicated with the increase of more than 40 plant diseases; it dismantles plant defenses by chelating vital nutrients; and it reduces the bioavailability of nutrients in feed, which in turn can cause animal disorders. To properly evaluate these factors, we request access to the relevant USDA data.

I have studied plant pathogens for more than 50 years. We are now seeing an unprecedented trend of increasing plant and animal diseases and disorders. This pathogen may be instrumental to understanding and solving this problem. It deserves immediate attention with significant resources to avoid a general collapse of our critical agricultural infrastructure.

COL (Ret.) Don M. Huber
Emeritus Professor, Purdue University
APS Coordinator, USDA National Plant Disease Recovery System (NPDRS)

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Re: Wot's in store for U$A?

Post by J.W. Frogen » Sat Feb 26, 2011 2:14 pm

The USA is going to go broke and apply to be Australia's sixth state.

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Wot's in store for U$A?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:24 pm

:o US backing for world currency stuns markets
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/econ ... rkets.html
The dollar plunged instantly against the euro, yen, and sterling as the comments flashed across trading screens. David Bloom, currency chief at HSBC, said the apparent policy shift amounts to an earthquake in geo-finance.

"The mere fact that the US Treasury Secretary is even entertaining thoughts that the dollar may cease being the anchor of the global monetary system has caused consternation," he said.

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Re: Wot's in store for U$A?

Post by boxy » Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:44 pm

People have lost faith in the US dollar, due to it's constant overvaluation until lately. They started believeing their own propoganda, until the crisis point.

Eventually, relying on being the "man" isn't enough, in the end, you've got to back your talk. US is still, and always should be, a strong global economy. Just too much dead weight.

We can learn from that... or not.
"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

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