Liebor incompetence wreck the MDBA

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Liebor incompetence wreck the MDBA

Post by IQSRLOW » Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:51 pm ... s-turnbull
Former water minister Malcolm Turnbull says he is baffled by a senior public servant's differences with the government over the Water Act.

The chairman of the Murray Darling Basin Authority, Michael Taylor, resigned on Tuesday, saying the Water Act puts priority on the environment alone, and not equally with social and economic concerns, as Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Water Minister Tony Burke argue.

Mr Turnbull, who oversaw the introduction of the legislation as water minister in 2007, said he found Mr Taylor's interpretation of the act baffling.

"I find his proposition, his argument about the act, is contradicted by the act itself," Mr Turnbull told ABC television on Tuesday night.

"I don't know what Mr Taylor's real issue is.

"He says he's sighted legal advice. It's never been produced."

The reform package announced by the Howard government in 2007 has been allocated $10 billion.

Of that, $3 billion has been earmarked for buying water and $6 billion for water-saving infrastructure.

"Now, that was a critical part in building community support for the reform, a critical way to have a win-win," Mr Turnbull said.

Labor had spent just $500 million on infrastructure in nearly four years, Mr Turnbull said.

"It's depressing enough to watch the government bungle their own policies but when they start wrecking ours and mine, in particular, it's particularly dispiriting," he said.

"Their incompetency here is extraordinary."
It looks like Dullard and Co installed a closet envirotard to oversee one of the most important macro-econo-enviro reforms.

Of course they were going to fuck it up :roll:

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Re: Liebor incompetence wreck the MDBA

Post by mantra » Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:29 pm

He resigned - possibly because he was asked to. Obviously his interests conflicted with those of the farmers and he had a strong belief that the Murray needed the original recommended allocation. If he had stayed - he'd be damned - now he's going and he's damned.

The Gillard government is obviously bending to the will of the people which is what they're supposed to do. The Coalition had exactly the same plans and no doubt Michael Taylor would have resigned under them also.

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Re: Liebor incompetence wreck the MDBA

Post by IQSRLOW » Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:37 pm

He was obviously signed up to appease the Greens. As soon as he had to take into account society and humans, he couldn't continue.

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