Phantom Ray

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Outlaw Yogi

Re: Phantom Ray

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:00 pm

True, and I doubt the US would actually desire a world war, but they may think they're being provoked or won't have a choice if they want to remain a super power militarily (despite economic dramas).
At the moment Pakistan is on the boil over US drone attacks along the Pakistani-Afgani border coupled with potentially the biggest humanitarian disaster from recent massive floods, and the US wants to broaden the area in which drone attack take place. The Pakistani govt is resisting the pressure to allow the attack zone to be widened, so the US is talking about letting the CIA just go and do it without Pakistani govt sanction/permission.
Last night I was wondering if N Korea would use the dramas in Pakistan as a distraction so their sub could put a shot across the bow so to speak with the submarine missile launch near California.
Y'see Pakistan and N Korea already have military ties. Pakistan swapped nuclear technology with missile technology from N Korea.
Anyway .. I just spotted this ..
Korea tensions soar as deadly attack launched ... 185mx.html
NORTH Korea's young dictator-in-waiting has burnished his leadership credentials by launching a deadly artillery raid on South Korean territory, causing Seoul to scramble F16 jet fighters and return fire.

Two South Korean marines were killed and at least 15 people were wounded as shells rained down on Yeonpyeong island, off the north-west coast of South Korea.

Hundreds of terrified residents huddled in bunkers or fled by boat as buildings and trees went up in flames and smoke billowed above the island.

The attack occurred half way between Seoul and the Yellow Sea location where 46 South Korean sailors were sunk in a torpedo attack in March.

Seoul returned fire with 80 shells and scrambled fighter jets over the island. It also put its military on the highest alert level as President Lee Myung-bak ordered officials to ''respond sternly'' but to avoid aggravating the situation.

Pyongyang last night claimed Seoul had fired first. ''The South Korean enemy, despite our repeated warnings, committed reckless military provocations of firing artillery shells into our maritime territory,'' the North's military command said.

It said the North would ''continue to make merciless military attacks with no hesitation if the South Korean enemy dares to invade our sea territory by 0.001 mm. It is our military's traditional response to quell provocative actions with a merciless thunderbolt''.

The attack added to fears set off last week when the North revealed a previously unknown uranium enrichment facility.
Yesterday's exchange comes days after North Korea revealed the existence of a uranium enrichment facility to an American scientist. Siegfried Hecker told The New York Times he was ''stunned'' by the plant's sophistication, which North Korea said was operating 2000 centrifuges.
If verified, this would take Pyongyang towards building far more powerful warheads than the eight to 12 plutonium-based warheads it is estimated to have built over the past five years.
North Korea is believed to lack technology to shrink warheads and deliver them accurately, but it still has one of the world's largest concentrations of conventional weapons lined along the 38th parallel.

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Phantom Ray

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:10 pm

Short low quality video of shelling @ ... 60584.html

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Phantom Ray

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:44 pm

Missed the part of your post boxman regarding passenger jet contrail - Answer .. don't know, haven't heard or seen any such suggestions yet.

Anyway .. seems the waters are getting muddier ..

Negotiator for Taliban was an impostor, Afghan officials say ... 00075.html
"He was a very clever man," one of the officials said.

The man claimed to be Akthar Mohammad Mansour, the second-ranking Taliban commander after Mohammad Omar, and he met with Karzai and Afghan officials at least twice in recent months to discuss possible peace negotiations, according to the Afghan officials.

He was flown to Kabul on British military aircraft for the meetings and persuasively portrayed himself as an insurgent who spoke for the movement, the officials said. But after showing photographs of the man to those who know the insurgent leader, the Afghan officials have concluded that he was an impostor.
Some speculate that Pakistan's intelligence service might have sent the man to test the waters, to see what the Afghan government was offering. They also suggested this might have been a business opportunity, as senior insurgents potentially stand to make large sums of money if they defect.
And things are deffinately hotting up ...
U.S. deploying heavily armored battle tanks for first time in Afghan war ... d=obinsite
The deployment of a company of M1 Abrams tanks, which will be fielded by the Marines in the country's southwest, will allow ground forces to target insurgents from a greater distance - and with more of a lethal punch - than is possible from any other U.S. military vehicle. The 68-ton tanks are propelled by a jet engine and equipped with a 120mm main gun that can destroy a house more than a mile away.

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Re: Phantom Ray

Post by boxy » Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:28 pm

But a Federal Aviation Administration official told NBC News that there were "no reports of unusual sightings" and that a review of radar replays "did not reveal a fast-moving object in that area."

That's in line with the observations of scientists interviewed by NBC News and, who said that for all the sensation the video created on the Internet, the contrail was consistent what you'd see behind a normal jetliner or other large aircraft if you happened to spot it at sunset from the unusual aerial angle of the TV helicopter — in other words, it was probably an optical illusion.

The Boeing Co. occasionally launches aircraft from San Nicolas Island, off the California coast, as part of its anti-missile laser testing programs, but two company officials told that it launched nothing Monday.

Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at Harvard University who tracks suborbital launches, said the last known such test was Oct. 21. He endorsed the conclusion of other scientists and satellite observers who said the contrail appeared to be moving too slowly to be the result of any sort of missile launch.
"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Phantom Ray

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:30 pm

Pretty steep take off for a jet liner ... funny how we don't see these sorts of contrails at large airports
A mysterious missile launch off the southern California coast was caught by CBS affiliate KCBS’s cameras Monday night, and officials are staying tight-lipped over the nature of the projectile.
The trajectory of the object in the video of news reports further down the page certainlt doesn't look like that of a jetliner.

Maybe N Korea got wind of this (below) and consider it provocation.
US and S Korea to hold war games ... 82865.html

Mysterious California 'Missile Launch' -- Really an Airliner Contrail? ... aunch.html

Mystery Missile Launch Off California Has Pentagon Perplexed ... tml?cat=15
The CBS News helicopter filmed the vapor trail of the missile about 35 miles offshore of the coast of California.
Mystery 'missile' launch near L.A. no threat to national security, government officials say ... urity.html
Video posted online by the television station showed a luminous point hurtling through the sky followed by a long contrail.

Officials with the Defense Department, the Navy and the Air Force said they did not have any details on the object or its launch site. Pentagon officials said that initial indications were that the military was not involved.

"We are aware of the unexplained contrail reported off the coast of Southern California yesterday evening," according to a statement Tuesday from the North American Aerospace Defense Command and the U.S. Northern Command, which operates the U.S. and Canadian missile warning system. "At this time, we are unable to provide specific details but we are working to determine the exact nature of this event.
CBS video link

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Phantom Ray

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:48 pm

Ruski says sub launched missile in vid @ ... _submarine#

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Re: Phantom Ray

Post by boxy » Thu Nov 25, 2010 8:30 pm

It's a plane, coming directly at the camera, over the horizon. Of course it's going to look like it's going straight up.

"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Phantom Ray

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:17 pm

Going to so much trouble to explain away something so obvious pretty much confirms it was a missile launch.

I've watched plenty of planes laying contrails, be they oil in the exhaust, or barium sprayed from wingtip nosles to encourage rain, and watched jetliners take off from airports while travelling around, and except for jetfighter afterburners am yet to see one with a distink burning glow at the front of the smoke trail.

A far simpler bull$#!+ story would have been far more convincing.

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Phantom Ray

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:35 pm

On the Brink of War? Tensions Heighten in Korea
North Korea Warns of War Ahead of U.S.-South Korea Joint Military Exercises ... 441&page=1

Ned Kelly

Re: Phantom Ray

Post by Ned Kelly » Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:25 pm

Going to so much trouble to explain away something so obvious pretty much confirms it was a missile launch.
Didn't seem to be too much trouble to me, and made sense to me.

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